Iris Calif, an international writer, poet, translator and editor of universal poetry into Hebrew, her daughter the poet Noa , and 21 international poets from around the world whom translated and edited from English to Hebrew, Their beautiful poems into Hebrew - spiritual, literary and poetic, were chosen by curator and producer Shuki Cohen to present their poems at the international, social, humanistic and moral exhibition "Butterflies of Peace" during the month of June 2024 on the upper level of the Herzliya Air Force House. The writer and poet Iris Calif, her daughter the poet Noa Calif, and 21 international poets from around the world whose beautiful poems were translated and edited from English to Hebrew - spiritual, literary and poetic, were chosen by curator and producer Shuki Cohen to present their poems at the international, social, humanistic and moral exhibition "Butterflies of Peace" during the month of June 2024. In the exhibition, which will be displayed during June on the upper level of the Herzliya Air Force House, Calif will present twelve of her poems, most of them from her 4th book in the Bible, and Noa Calif will present 4 poems.
Calif is the winner of the 2023 International Poet Award from the ITRC (China) Centre for the Study of Culture and Poetry (China), a mixed edition of the International Poetry Translation Magazine of the World Poetry Union Council November 2023, holds a diploma from the Russian Professional Writers Union and the international magazine ArinaNN registered with the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her contribution to world culture "International Poetic Community" 2022. She is Head of the Israeli Liaison Department of Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine and a member of the World Union of Artists and Writers, SAPS, serves as a member of the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 and holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Calif's unique poetry has received much exposure, criticism and reviews from many literary critics in the print press and on the Internet. This is due to her writing, one of whose unique characteristics is the many linguistic innovations in her poetry that redefine the boundaries of grammar and syntax. In February last year, the international exhibition "Crowns of Winter" was presented, in which Iris Calif presented 19 of the poems and poems of 7 international poets from around the world with her daughter, the poet Noa Calif . On the occasion of Women's Month, she participated in two exhibitions at the Air Force House Gallery in Herzliya and presented 21 of her poems (producer and curator: Shuki Cohen, "ShukiArt").
She is a descendant of a Kabbalist dynasty and is blessed with prophecy of the heart and abilities for channeling and vision, which are expressed in her mystical and Kabbalistic poetry, which was endowed with spiritual touches of the sacred, upper and hidden worlds. For her soul it is an eternal blessing to shine in the spirit of the Jewish voice from the depth of love, life and faith in the Creator of the universe – our Father in heaven. To date, her three books have been published: "On a Magical Path Breathes Lolita", "Wild Moon" and "Daughter of God". She is currently working on her 4th book of the Bible. Her poems have been published and read on radio, television, national and international journals, anthologies in Israel and abroad, literary websites around the world, on the Internet, have been exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Israel, magazines and world newspapers, and have been translated by international poets into a variety of languages: Spanish, Bengali, Nepali Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Assame, Russian, Albanian and Italian.
The name of the exhibition was chosen by Iris Calif from her poem called "Butterflies of Peace", which she will read at the launch of the exhibition. Calif: "'Butterflies of Peace' is a social and universal exhibition that breathes and is carried in flight from the voice of the heart, the spirit of the soul's desire for peace and from the depth of hope, light, love, humanity, pain, fear and faith. According to her, this unique international exhibition with 21 international poets from around the world and from different countries such as: China, Morocco, Bangladesh, Nepal, Albania, Kazakhstan, Croatian, Turkey, Serbia, Italy, Nicaragua, Mexico, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Lebanon, Poland, India and Russia breaks through the art of its diverse worlds, purified and fierce, the bow of the heart of peace, and "as butterflies of peace" embrace in flight its wings, love, humanity, hope, nature, the voice of life, the world, and human freedom from the flowers of the light of life. We are all equal, children of God, creatures of creation, regardless of color, race, religion, nationality or gender."
I chose to present and illuminate their beautiful and unique poetry in this humanistic and social exhibition with the best artists from Israel: painters, painters, sculptors and photographers. I thank each of the 21 international poets participating in the exhibition for the privilege and blessing to bring their emotional and spiritual world in Hebrew as it breathes, imagines and feels it in the worlds of her soul, out of love, respect, light and humanity as a person to a person and as a soul to a soul, honor and a great light that embraces and illuminates my spirit. This is the second time Iris Calif has been chosen to exhibit at the Air Force House Gallery in Herzliya the poems and poems of international poets, whose poems she translated and edited into Hebrew. In the exhibition she will present a number of her poems in Italian, Chinese, Spanish and Arabic translated by international poets and published in many magazines and newspapers around the world. In February last year, the international exhibition "Winter Crowns" was presented, in which Iris Calif presented 19 of the poems and poems of seven international poets from around the world together with her daughter, the poet Noa. This exhibition has received numerous publications on social media, online magazines, radio stations and newspapers.
Visually, all the works combine photographs of me as a dancer with combinations of painting with symbols of Judaism. The works that combine songs alongside photographs combined with painting are printed on kappa size 50/70. On the visual aspect I played with the structures of the songs, the structure of the song reflects for me the living body with the words being the spirit of the soul. I emphasized in the songs certain sentences that create in the song itself another song and the core worlds of the song, I created a world within a world, I played with the sizes of the words and inserted colors with each shade having great meaning for my soul and the song of my world, green growth and renewal, warmth of life and creation, red, passion, passion, blood, pain, azure, heavenly and hidden, royal gold, holy purple, orange of fire, with the assemblage of colors together reflecting the colors of the emotions of the arc of supreme nature as I imagine it in my spiritual world. In all the poems, my image is presented visually and artistic photographs of me are presented, combined with the paintings of the artist my eldest sister Zehava, who created and combined fascinating art from the photographs and paintings. The exhibition will shine in the spirit of the Jewish voice out of humanity, life, love, hope, pain, fear, light and faith, and from the dream and hope for peace and for peace.
The international poets participating in the exhibition from different countries around the world are: Dr. Zhang Zhi, Dr. Jiang Yimao, Dr. Tang Shi-China, Aziz Mountassir- Morocco, Masudul Hoq -Bangladesh, Kamal Dhungana -Nepal, Angela Kosta -Albania, Eralieva Umutkan Polotovna-Kyrgyzstan, Jasna Gugić-Croatia, Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer- India, Arslan Bayır- Turkey, Anna Ferriero- Italy, Danielle Traykovic- Serbia, Carlos Jarquín- Nicaragua, Jorge Daniel Tejeda Palafox- Mexico, Алексей Калакутин- Russia, Mbizo Chirasha - Zimbabwe, Pedro Alfonso Morales - Nicaragua, Taghrid Bou Merhi – Lebanon- Brazil, Zbigniew Roth- Poland, Natalia Esquivel Benít - Costa Rica
Iris Calif: "The poetry of these legendary and unique poets from around the world captivates life and breathes in the magic of beauty, the spirit of the soul that shines love, pain, humanity, passion, hope, fracture, freedom, peace, survival and dreams of the heart from the inner depth of the soul, the yearning for life and love alongside the dream of peace, hope and humanity, And "As Butterflies of Peace Among the Flowers of the Light of Life", this exhibition embraces the flight of its wings, love, humanity, hope and human freedom in nature, The Voice of the Living World, and will be presented with Israel's best artists: sculptors, painters and photographers.
"Butterflies of peace among the flowers of the light of life embracing in the flight of their wings. Love, humanity, hope, and human freedom in nature, a living voice, an Iris world". - Iris Calif.
King of the angels of the world, the Holy One, blessed be He, father of the voice and all the worlds, I, the Iris, kneel my love to you in thanksgiving before you that all is good and blessed in your words
- Amen.
And my soul carries an eternal prayer, that the abductees and our beloved and dear soldiers will return home safely and quickly and the war will come to an end. We love you all and bless your arrival - Israel Lives.
I am the dreamer of butterflies of peace among the flowers of the light of life that embrace with the flight of their wings, love, Hope's humanity, human freedom in nature, the living voice of Iris World.
From my heart I thank my dear Shuki, the exhibition curator, masterful and universal exhibition "Butterflies of Peace" which was born from the depths of the dream for peace and from the light of life, love, hope, faith, and humanity, nature, a living voice, the freedom of the human world, because we are all equal, children of God, creatures of creation, without Color, race, religion, nationality and gender difference.
I thank you for the privilege and blessing to share the poetry of my world together with my beloved daughter poet Noa Khalif, 9 talented artists from around the country and 21 wonderful and legendary artists from around the world and from different countries who love Israel, my dear brothers and sisters to the spirit of the soul, when alone in the light of God we become the light of complete dreams in the heart The worlds of the soul from, respect, love, hope, life and humanity-IRIS CALIF
From my excited soul, I say a big thank you from the heart to the 21 legendary, talented unique poets from around the world, all of you my Dear brothers and sisters to the spirit of the soul, thank you for the privilege and the blessing of bringing your emotional world in the Hebrew language as my breathing soul imagines and dreams it in the worlds of my soul, great respect for my spirit and my spiritual world, I bless you. And that we are in the light of God as butterflies of peace among the flowers of the light of life. Embracing with the flight of their wings, love, humanity, hope and faith, the voice of freedom human. We are all equal, children of God, creatures of creation, regardless of color, race, religion, nationality and gender.