Sunday, November 17, 2024

Two Poems by Abeera Mirza


My heart seeks to speak unspoken,
And make it spoken. 

Unspoken words can leave the hearts broken,
Your unspoken love was my cherished token. 

Your unspoken change leaves me shaken,
Those unspoken secrets woke,

Your unspoken actions were an omen
My unspoken faith in you was broken.

My unspoken love has taken,
Unspoken words are spoken

When my heart was broken
When my conscience spoke.

You will be shaken and awoken,
Because my strength is unbroken.

My unspoken pain is now broken. 
My unspoken fear is now spoken. 

Because my trust is now broken.  
And now I'm freely spoken.


The weight of grief determines our fate, 
This is the heavy weight on our gates. 
We are carrying this load,
People assume, we walk smoothly on the road. 

The strain on our brain is a constant pain,
Emotional pain leads to gain. 
We are finding ways to bear the stress with care,
We are learning to share and begin to repair. 

We are trying to rise above the sorrow,
We are struggling to face tomorrow. 
We are going to manage the pressure,
We are finding our measure. 

We are the girls, considered a burden.
We can nurture in life's garden. 
Carrying a heavy burden makes our future certain,
Our self care is our warden and seek pardon.

- Abeera Mirza

"Writing is the tool of emotional healing". Meet Abeera Mirza, an English literature gold medalist and gifted poet. She won numerous awards for her passion for words. Her poem "Sorry" has inspired readers to heal. It started with poetry and progressed to prose. Abeera has contributed to more than 200 anthologies. Her inner peace is ignited by reading and traveling. Her perspective is expanded by diverse poetic exploration. Her passion for learning is endless. She is always looking to learn more beyond boundaries. Abeera's writing style has touched countless lives.  It gives a deep understanding of words and their ability to bring change. She is renowned for healing hearts. May her words help in healing.

Facebook|Instagram: @abeera_quotes.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Five Poems by Dannys Jimenez Rojano


Today I leave the door open for you 
to walk through my soul,
fill the empty pages with history, 
do not worry about time, 
it is limitless
and comes with the freedom of love.

Magic is the fantasy of your desires captured with the aroma
that sprouts from your ardent sighs, 
the longing to feel your fragrance 
until I fall exhausted, 
exhausted by the pleasure 
it provokes in you.

I want to conquer your moans, your passions
until they become completely mine, my soul is excited by the provocation of your desires,
your sensuality that claims my skin.

Under the spell of your enigmatic masculine charm
you have trapped my sensuality that cries out for you 
to live it with the intensity of your desire in a waste of pleasure tattooing love on the soul.


I reserve my tenderness only for you, in the intimacy of our moment alone I consent and pamper you.

I do not have to deny it and nothing forces me to shout it to the world, it is called privacy of your love and my love, let them see the exposed signs that we are leaving in each verse of ours.

Today I walk through the meadows of your thoughts that overflow with love, which is born from the soul without skin.


You are the lyrics of the melody that comes out of my voice caressing your ears
and running through your veins,
You are those lyrics that caressed my lips since I read your first poem. You are that affection hidden in the place of distance.

You are that naked tenderness that suddenly arrives loaded with dreams that I hastily dress with hope.

I hear your sweet voice, my soul shudders and my heart accelerates.

You caressed my lips when I read your verses for the first time.

We had said the first I like you, when the skin shouted I love you.

It is thus that since then I sing with you these lyrics of yours, while you dance the melody of my voice.

There are souls that find each other without looking for each other because they were destined to feel each other, once they recognize each other words are superfluous.


My sleepy eyes demand rest,
but knowing you are there, although distant, keeps my dreams awake; I do nothing but lose myself among the rhymes of your verses.


I will bless the hour when silence is broken and your words flow
like the bed of a river.

Swallows flutter around trying to find
your footprints on the beach, the waves of the wild sea erased the reef
that adorns the port.

Your presence is not there, my sadness is as great as your absence.


Four Poems by Shakil Kalam

A Frame

A frame hung on the east wall
There were some pictures from a long time ago 
Very bright, fresh, smiling
They used to talk, laugh and play with me.

Second, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, Years,
Forty-five years have passed in the circle of time

The colour of the black and white pictures is also faded.

It seems it has flown away like volatile camphor.

Eyesight is getting progressively weaker;
The lenses of the glasses need to be replaced every year.
Memories are doing betray, no one's picture comes to mind.
Only memories are ruminating and leave on
Morale is getting weaker slowly.

Many of my generation have gone,
I am also a passer in the same way; everyone must have go.
Someone will tie my picture in this frame?
Or will I be tied to this frame?

Sometimes friends or familiar people will say,
He was a vagabond, an insane, a so-called poet.
Maybe someone will see the picture in full

love eyes!
At some point, the frame will be thrown in a corner of the storeroom
It will stay there eternally; carelessly and negligently.
Or shall it be thrown in the roadside dustbin?
In the frenzy of modernity, in the brilliance of youth.
This is life! This is the last result of human life!

Yeh, inheritors, you see, in this frame
There is so much love, affection and compassion involved
And how much sweat, labour, investment, blessings, and dreams.
Your ancestors are hidden there
History-tradition and culture, policy, ethics,
Social and family values, ideals, laughter-crying, happiness-sadness.
Don't throw this frame away in disgust.

Poet of My Immortal Poetry

A creative poet is accolade in the morning, in the evening and forever
He to be alive in the people's hearts through his creations,  
Gets immortality in the heart of the readers
He sings the praises of humanity and Humaneness
He preaches message of humanity to people
He initiates people to get their rights
He becomes long live in the hearts of readers for thousands of years;
Creative people shine like bright stars in the sky and give light to people
Enlightens the human race
He sings the praises of humanity and peace
Even if a group of miscreants breaks the sculpture of a creative person
His thousands sculptures creating in the heart of readers
And imprintes on the human heart continuously
Fools themselves to mankind, . . . .
Abominable beast will be! Woe to the beast!

Comfort Is Better Than Happiness 

The phone in your hand is guaranteed
But your life has no assurance.
You have accumulated such pain in cloud's mind equal to the pain of mountain,
You have to remove it, you have to melt it.
I can write for you, one world-poem.

In what type of boat you have floated your love?     
In your twinkling starry sky courtyard!

"Shapla Fota Kajal Dighi's" black water?
The mystery of the secret cottage of thy mind,
Me have to seek out it;  
Must understand, what is it?

On the Way to the Future With Time 

The sky where the sun rises, the sun sets
A new sun rises, dispelling the light darkness of dawn
New ideas emerge in human consciousness
Draws a vision of the future in the depths of the heart
Countless doors are opened for future decision-making
At the end of darkness comes the direction of light
A star twenty million light-years away was caught by the scientist's giant telescope
The space was decorated by the moon's light;
What a wonderful light!

In the light of the full moon; the fireflies don't burn in this city.
Suddenly the crow-clouds of the eastern corner thicken in the northern sky,
In the universe of heart and soul.
I am swing in the sway of faith and disbelief;
A whirlwind, a tide rushes at the border of thought,
To snatch my hope from my life.  
What is the wonderful truth of life? Death! to survive!
Life moves forward in the future at its own pace,
Some great feats, some sweet memories and the dry existence of natural beauty are left behind.

Poet Shakil Kalam is a root finder writer of Bangladesh. He obtained his Master’s from the University of Dhaka, he is presently working as an Additional Director at the Central Bank of Bangladesh. Mostly, he is renowned as a central banker, researcher, poet, child litterateur and translator. His poems have been translated into twenty-six languages all over the world. His published books thirty-nine are the best sellers and textual books taught in many universities in Bangladesh. Awarded with Order of Shakespeare Medal 2021, Gujarat Sahitya Academy award 2021 and Global Prestigious award 2021. He is the founder of the literary group SahittyaPata. He is also the International Ambassador for the Chamber of Writers and Artists in Spain as well as a member of the International English literary journal's Advisory Board of the ENGLIT" and the "Unending Quest." He is also a member of Dhaka University Political Science and Master in Governance Studies Alumni Association.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Three Poems by Faiyaj Islam Fahim

The Practice of Religion

The practice of religion has increased a lot
Human illness in the practice of religion.
Use of religion everywhere
Halal and haram are all the same.

There is no purification in the practice of religion
human mind
Religion is not religion anymore
Advertising human survival.

Religion is being practiced
But people are not religious
Religion is now a toy
The question arises is religion right?

Religion is now a tool of power
Religion is business capital,
There is no religion
I understand the method of deceiving people by religion .


Heaven is immovable without women
Women will be active in heaven
Heaven is rootless without women
Even if the woman is in hell, the harp of happiness will play in the heart.

I Want Such Freedom

I want that freedom
Where women wear veils
And let's wear a bikini, I want that freedom.
I will criticize the government
I will not hide my thoughts for fear of anyone
I want that freedom.

Where women's freedom will not be curtailed
Where the sculpture will stand with its head held high
Where the minority will have freedom
I want that freedom.

Fayaj Islam Fahim is a poet of love. Because all his poems have the warmth of love. The poet is currently 27 years old, he has already written about 3000 poems. His style of poetry is different from other poets and poems. Many poets think that there is innovation in all his poems. Note that he is the most popular blogger in Bangladesh. His blog has over a million readers. His poetry is quite viral on Facebook. Thousands of people post his poems, some with names and some without. Some are used in articles, some in captions, some in relays, some in advertisements, some in recitations, some in songs, some in live streams, although people have started using it daily. He is becoming more and more popular.  Owner & Editorial member

Three Poems by Md. Sadikur Rahman Rumen

Equality of Men and Women

Men and women are equal in the world.
Yet proud of contradictory excellences,
And sometimes debate!
Many arguments for and against!
In this regard, I have come to testify to equality!
Men and women are completely equal, there is no difference!
Those who make a difference
They are liars and hypocrites!
Equal share of men and women in the world,
No opportunity for violence!
Unexpected coercion!
Men's demands on women, the key to the solution is to pay equal value to women in return!

Love for people

Sign the certificate of immortality before dying!
Fill the pen with ink for people, write words of mercy!
At the beginning write the love for people!
In the dark, people will guide each other with light and goodness, this hope!
Let there be mutual love between people.
Leave the company of evil and join good people!
Fights between people must stop
Let people share happiness and sadness!
Seeing the loss, people come forward to help people!
Let people love people from the beginning to the end!

Wise not ignorant I am quite well

Seeing the muddy water in the pond of wisdom
My reluctance to bathe there!
Saw many intelligent heavy-headed dull nerves!
By the force of the intellect the horse's tail shakes from behind, the scholar's teeth fall out at the horse's kick!  It's better to be stupid!
So I shook off the bag of wisdom, leaving cunning pride, be silent!
Never pretend to be intelligent without understanding!
I understand everything! I have never done this sentence hypocrisy!
With Adopt silence
Shame to push!
I do not consider myself wise and others ignorant!
I did not run after wisdom for no reason!
I have never presented in a crooked way, straight and simple!
I never consciously drink the juice of Flattery-pleasure.
I did not play tricks, did not mix lies with truth!
Although learned society considers me ignorant,
But I know I'm pretty good!

- Md. Sadikur Rahman Rumen
Village: Jamalpur
Post: Daorai Bazar Post Code-3127
Police Station: Jagannathpur
District: Sunamganj, Bangladesh.
Cellphone: +8801715388559

Saturday, November 9, 2024


Seasons never last, they change cyclically,
One season goes and another comes happily.
Tumbling leaves, a splash of vibrant colors,
Onset of autumn, fervor among nature lovers.

The sultry heat ends, wispy winds whisper,
Cascading crimson golden leaves are crisper.

The beauty of change, so vivid and profound,
The spectacular views leave us spellbound.
Breathtaking autumn hues, from sky to earth,
Seasonal magic, a world immersed in mirth.

Like seasons, changes keep coming in life,
Don't be afraid of falling, fight with strife. 

© Deepti Shakya
All Copyrights Reserved.

Friday, November 8, 2024


In the book Optics against the Intimation of Students' Rights, the author Suela Boçi, has essentially aimed a combined qualitative and quantitative study and as such to study the nature of violence against children in school, with: forms, reasons, consequences, exertion, intensity, attitudes, alternatives to violence against students, highlighting the tendency as a phenomenon not to express irresistible violence even when it is visible.

Emotional/psychological violence involves not ensuring an appropriate environment for child development and support, including the possibility of a primary figure for the child in order for the student to develop a stable emotional and social capacity in accordance with his personal potential, and in the context of the society in which he lives. Psychological violence is accompanied by unpleasant experiencing, so during this study there is an attempt to intertangle the causes, reasons, and consequences in order to affect the problem of violence in all its complexity. 
In this study, Suela Boçi aimed to analyze concrete and real issues, aiming to provide answers about forms of psychological violence; Its size in some nine- year-old schools; reasons and consequences of the use of violence; the severity or degree of violence used; attitudes held towards violence, if there is legal support against the use of violence and how much it applies. In relation to the methodology, research techniques consisting of questionnaires and observations in school premises during the long break, which the author has described in detail in the methodology.
The study answers the questions on the following list: 
- What are the forms of violence? 

- What are its dimensions? 

- What are the reasons why students are being raped? 

- What consequences do you have to use violence? 

- Who are the main drivers of violence? 

- How harsh is the violence used? What attitudes are held towards violence? 

- Do we have good legal cover against the use of violence? 

Are there programs that directly deal with prevention, study, rehabilitation, etc.?
In this study, Suela wanted to make a strong call for violence against students in schools, this form and motivation to be against the psychological violence teachers do towards students.

[Prepared by Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter]

Three Poems by Isida Dervishhasani


It became normal 
to be betrayed in my front,
by the only being 
who I allowed in my bed.  

I was okay by not
being cherished even
only a little bit. I idolized
you even more than life.  

It was my lifestyle, that 
I was valued less than
Zero, by you and me.


This man left his kingdom 
just to see his capacule
dance into the normal world.

He quietly stood the pain 
of being a nobody in a 
cold planet, so she can
fly like the others at her age. 

Is ironic, that he thinks,
the princess ignores
 what he did for her? 
Ceni, thank you.


Loving ourselves 
is the essence, and
the food for our lives. 
We need to cherish the 
person beneath us.

We should not lay 
our hands to beg love
to others. 

We need to look
 at the mirror, and
say, ‘’ I love you’’
to the person in 
front of us.

I am the only
reason of
my life.


Isida Dervishhasani was born in Tirana and at the age of 14 emigrated to Canada. Isida was promoted to Toronto's General Arts branch, Humber College, and is currently a writer. Her limited disabilities, do not allow her to walk or speak, yet have not prevented her from expressing her freely. The first grade of primary school, Isida has completed at home with his grandmother, as in Albania there were no schools for children with different skills. She started writing poetry and poetry in high school. Her poems have been published in various prestigious magazines.

[Prepared by Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter]


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