Thursday, December 28, 2023

Fallen Angel, a Poem by Eva Petropoulou Lianou

When u have your body covered, your eyes covered, your hands coverd but your mind can create a world of love and beauty... 
U are a fallen Angel 

When u have been in a toxic relationship, no matter if is your close friend or family or your wife or your husband and you manage to get out intact, with your heart full of hope 
U are a fallen Angel 

If you were ever bullied about your sex, your ability to learn too slow or to eat too much or to cry for everything, or to be too sentimental 
U are a fallen Angel 

If you are broken and you try to fix the other without asking for understanding or compassion or even someone be there with you in your hardest times... 
U are a fallen Angel 

As this world goes through difficult times and become more and more dangerous for women and children, I pray to you Fallen Angel... 

Put back your beautiful wings 
This world needs you to heal!!!! 

© Eva Petropoulou Lianou
Athens, Greece

Eminent poetess Eva Petropoulou-Lianou was born in Xylokastro, Greece. Initially she loved journalism and in 1994 she worked as a journalist for the French newspaper "Le Libre Journal" but her love for Greece won her over and she returned in 2002. He has published books and eBooks: "Me and my other self, my shadow" Saita publications, "Geraldine and the Lake elf" in English - French, as well as "The Daughter of the Moon", in the 4th edition, in Greek - English, Oselotos publications. Her work has been included in the Greek Encyclopedia Haris Patsis, p. 300. Her books have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, for the Student and Teacher library. Her new books, “The Fairy of the Amazon. Myrtia "dedicated to Myrto with a disability, and" Lefkadios Hearn, Myths and Stories of the Far East ", illustrated by Sumi-e painter Dina Anastasiadou, are released in 2019. She recently published her book," The Adventures of Samurai Nogas san "in English by the publishing house OntimeBooks, based in England. Collaborates with the electronic literary magazine The poet magazine. She is his partner International Literary Union based in America. Collaborates for the promotion of literature and promotes the work of Greek poets. Eva is a member of the "Association Alia Mundi of Serbia", the "International Society of Writers and Artists of Greece" and the "Piraeus Society of Letters and Arts" as well as the Corinthian Writers Society.  She is President of GREECE association Mille Minds of Mexico and World Ambassador of international Academy of Ethics, India. She is also a member of Academy of Farsala, Greece. She is president for Greece of global UHE, Peru and Greece SAPS. She is also International Ambassador of e-magazine Namaste-India and Editor in chief Web magazin, Hubei, China and Advisor Member of editorial board Las Olas del Arte Magazine, Belgium.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Two Poems by Nishat Jabeen

My Faltering Fate

If some rhythms are rigid and my fate at fixed 
Whose error will you count. Let you recount 
The elements always demands grit and determination. To hold me down
The bundles of your reasons are one of them 

Yes, I'm a bit finicky  
Fighting myself with a better excuse 
To avoid the havoc of tagic turmoil  
Plethora of endeavors have just gone in vain
Your snubbing theories are not meaningless at all 

Certainly, I'm subjected to the subjugation 
When I settle my heart on your  ground
To feel your aura in the frame of time 
I'm dead sure you will have a stressful narrative 
When you find I'm finishing mine in filling the voids


If our togetherness has been a false fabrication 
Of my feeble mind as you never shied away to say
What kind of aid can fetch me out from such an imbroglio 
Aah ! An irony ! Oh my absolute nonentity 

The list of no-hopers gonna awe you by the way 
May your soul tilt towards my grievous side and weep in guilt till I'll breathe last

A little more effort shall be added to achieve our anonymous dreams
To find the unanimity amidst abundant unpleasant tide of things
Yes, you're damn correct as usual over ages if I'm correct
But the rules do apply equally to both of us 
What I exactly can guess!!

© Nishat Jabeen
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Monday, December 25, 2023

The wonder of Christmas, a Poem by Mirii Miryam

CHRISTMAS  waves a magic wand over the world. /I echo  honor Christmas/
in my   heart  and  I  will try  to  do  the best. 
If  we  walk  hand  in  hand,   miracles  happen. 
And Christmas Day  will  last all year. 
The  most beautiful things in  life  are  not  found under the tree. 

Mary and Joseph travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, the baby Jesus is born in  a  stable  and placed in  a  manger. 
His  humble birth  is celebrated  by choirs of angels and shepherds. 

But  there are no people  nearby  in  special moments. 

I  would  like  to  be  able  to  put  the  Christmas  spirit   inside  a jar   and  to be   able  to spread it out --
DAY by  day  little   by little  to experience   peace  and love  
//The  world  as Jesus  loved us.

The same night, on  a  hill outside the city  ,shepherds  were watching  their  sheep, 
And   angel  appeared  and  the  glory  of God. 
Shone around  the  shepherds--
The angel said  don't by  afraid  --
I have  good  news  that will bring great joy to all people. 
We  celebrate  Jesus  birth on  Christmas.

Copyright- Mirii Miryam

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Two Poems by Mario Belolli

I Miss Words
Every morning, before breakfast,
a poem calls me.
Call on me to write to you
Words fail me, they mistreat me,
my hands tremble,
they sketch, tearing up paper.
Leftover paper.
In the cold wind that blows,
Take draft pages.
They fall into the basket at the spilled edge.
Thinking never ends,
Without poetry, everything is ruin.
Words and drafts succumb
Poetry cries out, calls me.
Now, with no paper to spare,
Charge me to write to you.
Words fail me,
They mistreat.
Sublime Result 
In the search I did in the soul,
It has an index that delights everyone.
There is no tie between poetry and poem.
The pains will be healed,
the problems resolved.
The birds continue to sing,
at the dawn of the day,
that frames with sweetness,
poem and poetry.
In the imposing dawn,
of the illuminated path,
in the elegance of your steps,
I observe your gestures,
your charm,
your look.
your lips conflicted in desires,
for kisses.
Hair that flies in the wind,
fall lightly on your shoulders
The light silk that covers you,
ennoble your body,
The marks of your feet,
on the white sand of the sea
leave memories behind...!
© Mario Belolli

Mario Belolli, Florianópolis - State of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Historian, biographer, poet and cultural promoter. Bachelor and Degree in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC, Emeritus member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of the State of Santa Catarina, Corresponding Emeritus member of the Bolivian Academy of History, member of the Criciumense Academy of Letters, member of the Criciumense Academy of Philosophy, creator of Workers' Unions, creator of the ComPar-Poesía cultural project, with national and international participation, is the author and co-author of a dozen history and biography books, regional and statewide.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Three Poems by Alok Mishra

Awesome April
In the aromatic crimson morning
Of the awesome April long awaited;
I my dear pick the beautiful blossoms
To prepare a garland in mood elated.
In many a colour the flowers in gay
Being eager to embrace your breast
O my love intensifies my feelings;
Restless is conscience in the utmost jest.
Dance in the crazy steps my strong emotions
In the intoxicated delicious breeze
Celebrating the morning of awesome April
That whispers to the crimson trees.
To embellish your subtle form
I select one by one prettiest O my heart!
With an unshakable belief 
You will make these your inseparable part.
Alone on the Shore
Small and serene waves of the great ocean,
Sparkling with myriads of golden stars:
Playing in jocund mood,
Sometimes being shaken by soft and warm wings
Of seagulls,
Are caressing the healing honeyed zephyr.
Golden rays of the sun,
Hugging the flabby clouds
Floating in the welkin measureless,
Are illuminating their frontier
With golden shine.
On the alone shore,
With folded hands,
I am standing with rolling tears 
From my yearning eyes,
Having an assumption that you will come
And put healing balm on my wounds
While embracing me.
Blooming Loti
Searching for beauty
I stroll around the steepy mountains,
Dales, alongside the singing and dancing rivers;
Peep through the dew drenched blades
Of green and velvety grass,
Covering the ground untravelled;
Touch every feeling
Of sweet and mesmerizing breeze,
Blowing with the smile of Aphrodite,
Rustling through red plush petals of roses and jasmines white;
Hear the honeyed chirping of little and sportive sparrows,
And symmetrical notes of nightingales
With the tone of Apollo’s lyre;
Bound with the roe’s fickle steps;
Far from the bustle of mundane sphere.
My searching glance 
At once falls
Upon a beautiful and serene lake,
Treasuring a number of blooming loti;
The buds are opening their petals by degrees
As a groom,
On the first night,
Unveil his bride’s beauty
Slowly and gradually,
Budging her stoll from silky haired head.
I behold the fllowers of purity,
Caressing soft cool breeze,
In a great measure;
As a number of mermaids are dancing
In the lake,
Swaying their elegant limbs.
With moon-like purity,
And passion of a virgin
They stoop in the reverence
Of their creator.
This beauty,
Mingling of red and white,
Is the true offering 
To the whole,
Proving the purity of my tears 
And passion of my soul.
© Alok Mishra 
Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Two Poems by Taghrid Bou Merhi

Just a Story
Just a story,
I have a story with dreams that never started and stopped somewhere.

Some dreams are fantasy, others are a moment of ignition
The moment of coma condenses time and the moment becomes an eternity of joy.

When the lake of heart moves,
Life returns to the flowers
And souls become green trees.

My story wakes up every day sluggishly!

Maybe one day it will end
And the dreams will end...
Maybe it will become a book...
Or maybe it can materialize in a fantasy movie...
Maybe it will stay just a story that started and didn’t end...

Ten Cigarettes 
Ten cigarettes are not enough to be alone with broken memories.
Everything can be traded
But no one knows that they are trading with tears all the time.

He was looking at his yellow cigarettes with envy
There were once vibrant!.
Over there she used to bite her fingers while a turquoise rosary never left her hand.

He used to see vague faces
While he soared around shadows merged with shadows.
He completed his rambling meal, and went back to what was familiar in his old life.

It has been since his seclusion, another ten cigarettes snatched by the jingle of his hand.
They gathered and piled up to strike his neck or break his back.

His memories came back to quell the pain again,
Came back to chase him like a hot fire sting.

As if he doesn’t belong to them
As if he doesn’t belong to himself
Just memories, a few cigarettes, and an illusion philosophy.

That’s it !!!

© Taghrid Bou Merhi 

Here, Where You Have Been (To Mother Teresa) : A Poem by Dibran Fylli

There was one saved life
a cured desease Just there
where the tears on youless faces
use to transforme in smilings
for the houseless you were
a roof for the waifs
were bread for the orphans
Where you were
has no place for enmity
you loved the peace
and the humanity
loved and love You.
Where you were the God was...
it is mistake it is a wrong sayin
maybe a lie or a windy word
if someone says
I could not meet greet
pamper even and kiss her hand
her angelic soul...!
© Dibran Fylli

Dibran Fylli was born in Kosovo. He is a director, actor, poet, writer, Academician, Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious international magazine Orfeu. Dibran Fylli has won many awards. He fought with (UCK), the Army for the liberation of Kosovo from the Serbs who killed many women, children and elderly people. He was seriously injured. He wrote the book translated into nine languages ​​for the Great Martyr Commander of the UCK Adem Jashari. Dibran Fylli has made many films as a director and actor.

Two Poems by Angela Kosta

The Light of Survival 
The Light of Hope shines on the beloved 
land furrowed by wounded edges where 
the poverty lives naked.
There are undressed ladies with wide open eyes 
on the sidewalks full of corpses 
with anxiety is fed inside the garbage 
with rotting food like stale bread crumbs as if they are for stray dogs. 

But the Light of Hope triumphs it travels around the world 
on the paths where poor and sick people pass. 
It's passes there like a torchlight procession 
to tell the beloved Earth to stops suffering. 
It fed the poor in abundance with the light of hope. 

The oceanic light emerges and fills the cracks 
in the souls of the sick, wherever are there.  
By embracing the light, 
everyone recovers from the evils of the century: 
Diseases and Poverty!

For My Mother 
I have written several lines and endless verses with my tears, pain of love for her. 
Where are you, my mother?
I wish to kiss your eyes with goodness once again!
I want to caress your warm hands just the way you used to do.
I want to feel the wrinkles of your untimely old age with my fingers, 
I don’t want to see you in such lethargic condition. 
Your grey hair are the witness to eternal suffering;
You are irreplaceable to me,
You are my mother Sophie;
I will always love you endlessly,
Like a goddess,
You will live in my soul;
How can I believe that I will never see you again in this life!
You won't be here anymore;
Didn't you know that you would be in my breath?
How can you die till I am alive?
Your winsome smile reminds me of the glare of the stars.
The universe of nostalgia fascinates me 
as you have given light to my life 
and raised me with the patience of sufferings. 

So with great love for your good sake, 
Speak up, 
Just tell me at least one last word!
How would I live like this?
My mother, 
Please read these verses silently.
Don't be silent!
Ah, I wish I could challenge time and the evil of death. 
I will destroy the unfortunate fate and drive away the evils. 
I'll snuggle in your lap again.
Just as I did, when I was a kid. 

The lap, where I found a tranquility and solace.
How happy I was then!
When your hands caressed my soul deeply
And my whole being blossomed.  
Please don't go like this to stay beyond the sky.

© Angela Kosta
Elbasan, Albania

Angela Kosta was born in Albania in 1973. He has lived in Italy since 1995. You have published 10 books: novels, poems and fairy tales in Albanian and Italian. Angela Kosta is a translator and her publications are featured in several literary magazines and newspapers in Albania, Kosovo, Italy, USA, England, China, Russia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Polonia, Australia, Egypt, Greece, Tajikistan, South Korea, Hungary, etc. Angela Kosta writes articles and interviews for the newspaper "Calabria Live", the magazine Saturno, the newspaper Le Radici", for the international magazine "Orfeu", Alessandria Today, the newspaper Nacional, the newspaper Destinacioni, she collaborates with the magazine Perqasje Italo Shqiptare, the international magazine Atunis - Belgium, etc.


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