Friday, December 22, 2023

Three Poems by Alok Mishra

Awesome April
In the aromatic crimson morning
Of the awesome April long awaited;
I my dear pick the beautiful blossoms
To prepare a garland in mood elated.
In many a colour the flowers in gay
Being eager to embrace your breast
O my love intensifies my feelings;
Restless is conscience in the utmost jest.
Dance in the crazy steps my strong emotions
In the intoxicated delicious breeze
Celebrating the morning of awesome April
That whispers to the crimson trees.
To embellish your subtle form
I select one by one prettiest O my heart!
With an unshakable belief 
You will make these your inseparable part.
Alone on the Shore
Small and serene waves of the great ocean,
Sparkling with myriads of golden stars:
Playing in jocund mood,
Sometimes being shaken by soft and warm wings
Of seagulls,
Are caressing the healing honeyed zephyr.
Golden rays of the sun,
Hugging the flabby clouds
Floating in the welkin measureless,
Are illuminating their frontier
With golden shine.
On the alone shore,
With folded hands,
I am standing with rolling tears 
From my yearning eyes,
Having an assumption that you will come
And put healing balm on my wounds
While embracing me.
Blooming Loti
Searching for beauty
I stroll around the steepy mountains,
Dales, alongside the singing and dancing rivers;
Peep through the dew drenched blades
Of green and velvety grass,
Covering the ground untravelled;
Touch every feeling
Of sweet and mesmerizing breeze,
Blowing with the smile of Aphrodite,
Rustling through red plush petals of roses and jasmines white;
Hear the honeyed chirping of little and sportive sparrows,
And symmetrical notes of nightingales
With the tone of Apollo’s lyre;
Bound with the roe’s fickle steps;
Far from the bustle of mundane sphere.
My searching glance 
At once falls
Upon a beautiful and serene lake,
Treasuring a number of blooming loti;
The buds are opening their petals by degrees
As a groom,
On the first night,
Unveil his bride’s beauty
Slowly and gradually,
Budging her stoll from silky haired head.
I behold the fllowers of purity,
Caressing soft cool breeze,
In a great measure;
As a number of mermaids are dancing
In the lake,
Swaying their elegant limbs.
With moon-like purity,
And passion of a virgin
They stoop in the reverence
Of their creator.
This beauty,
Mingling of red and white,
Is the true offering 
To the whole,
Proving the purity of my tears 
And passion of my soul.
© Alok Mishra 
Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

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