Thursday, January 25, 2024

Two Poems by Aparajita Purkayastha

The Eternal Epic

Trying to flip through
The pages of an epic
A never ending yet ever
Fading , an epic that has
Crudest of pains, cruellest of rains
Hazy fear finding its ways
Through the gush of blood
In the weakened veins.

I have donned the kohl
Of concealed despair
I have put on the cloak
Designed of silky dreams
Embroidered with the threads
Of unreal hope and despondency
My lips are coloured
With the bright radiant hue
Liners defining the idiosyncrasies.

I move on as the epic
Unfolds pages unseen
And paths untread, seemingly green
My foot falls on the tornado of sand
In the creepy desert land.

Yet, I move on as the epic
Uncovers, unfolds, unravels
The darkened nights, the rosy days
Fighting back the heart’s dismays…!

The Cherished Chest

I opened a chest today
A chest, a treasure box , a myriad
Of moments, made of gold and grey
I opened a chest today
A treasure box of speaking eyes
And silent lips , broken hearts
and hazy dreams.

I never knew that I’d filled
The chest with memories innumerable
Often seemed minute , yet now so incredible
Necklaces of love, rings of happiness
Studs designed of selfless care
Bangles embossed out of trust and share.

I never knew that I’d filled
The chest with memories innumerable
Often seemed minute , yet now so incredible
Maa’s frowns, Baba’s roars
Could be felt in a crowd of crores
Maa doesn’t frown now, for she
Thinks I’m the best
Baba’s roars are within me,
For a lioness doesn’t bark
She roars in the light and in the dark…!

I have opened the chest today
It lives in my heart , night and day…!

© Aparajita Purkayastha 
New Delhi, India

Born in the beautiful hilly state of Nagaland, Aparajita is an English teacher in one of the most prestigious institutions of New Delhi. She vents out her emotions through her poems and her genre centres round the sufferings , the harsh emotional toils and the urge for human empathy for a peaceful existence. Her words are simple, yet effective, lucid and heart bound. She believes that words are the best way to reach out to people in an effective, sensitive and sensible manner.

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