Thursday, February 29, 2024

Two Poems by Parvinder Nagi

Wanton Desires

What a beautiful evening
The air is so fresh and wheezy
The fountains outside my balcony
Are playing their rhyming music.

The clouds are dark
Stuck in a dreaded freeze
Alone, I feel the plight
Of your not being around.

As the day ends
I try to mend my thoughts
Enjoying love’s abyss
Scummbing to your charm.

Letting you know
That wanton desires
Makes me a poet
With no words!

Ballet of Thoughts

I have whispered your name
Through the pine trees
For the fear of getting lost
I have engraved your name
On the leaves too.

I have breathed you
With every breeze
I have cuddled you in my thoughts
Loved through the mossy hooves
In beautiful dreams.

Through my shadows
I have seen you walking
Besides me
Floating in deep love
Jotting your name
On every cloud.

Through the propeller of time
Never letting me grow old,
your elegance of thoughts
keep dancing in my mind.

© Parvinder Nagi

Poetess Parvinder Nagi (aka Pamie) is a principal from distinguished senior secondary schools, India. She is a national award winner from NCERT New Delhi, for making teaching easier for students and teachers through the teaching aids. She is a passionate poetess, having penned number of poems, each exploring various facets of life. Bestowed accolades among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across India on the national level. Parvinder is recipient of many poetic awards across the globe. Her poems are translated in various languages and are the music of the heart that express different aspects of life, conjure up emotions from happiness to sadness using different styles and themes giving pleasure to the readers.

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Parade of Light, a Poem by Mujë Buçpapaj

The old dream of the field
And of the praying candle
Of hope
Marched ahead at dusk
Freeing people from mud
Of their creation
Prayers promises now in books
Like the victory of corn
In planted fields
Girls carrying baskets full of winds
And wild roses
Hidden amidst fields like prophets
O God executing
Sacred promises
Lighten the path
That leads birds
To Northern Alps
Light marching ahead
Over the city of hatred
On the souls of the dead
Rising into the sky
My father far on the crossed shores
Of suffering
Covers the distant field
With scythed grass
That freshness and sweetness of early harvest
The tree of hope
Resurrected from resurrecting
Is born back at its roots
Light marching ahead
O You God
Keeping all Your promises
Give us strength to fire a welcoming Summer.
© Mujë Buçpapaj
Mob: +355 6820 74 31

Poet Mujë Buçpapaj was born in Tropoja, Albania (1962). He graduated from the branch of Albanian Language and Literature, University of Tirana (1986). In the years 1991-1992, he studied for two years for feature film script at Kinostudio "Alshqiperia e Re", Tirana, today "Albafilmi" (considered as post-master's studies), as well as completed many other qualifications of the cultural spectrum in country and abroad. Mujë Buçpapaj is a doctor of literary sciences with a thesis on the survival of Albanian poetry during the communist censorship, defended at the Institute of Linguistics and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania. He is one of the founders of political pluralism and the free press in Albania (1990) and a journalist for many years in the most popular newspapers in Tirana. He is the head of the literary and cultural newspaper "Nacional", the "Nacional" Publishing House and the Studies and National Projects. In the years 1991-2005 he was co-founder and journalist of the first opposition newspaper in the country after 50 years of communist dictatorship "Rilindja Demokratike" and founder of the newspaper "Tribuna Demokratike." In the years 2005-2009 he was the director of the International Cultural Center in Tirana, while in the years 2010-2014 he was the Director of the Albanian Copyright Office in Tirana. After the year 2014 and onwards, he took charge of the "Nacional" Publications and the "Nacional" newspaper. Currently, he is also a lecturer at "Luarasi" University in Tirana, where he teaches the subject of Academic Writing. Buçpapaj is one of the most prominent exponents of contemporary Albanian poetry with the greatest national and international success, respectively published in several foreign languages and honored with several prestigious international awards from Greece to the USA and one of the most prominent managers of culture in the country. Drafter of cultural policies. He is the organizer and leader of many international conferences held in Tirana on the problems of art, literature and copyright. He is the author of many study books on literature and poetics, but also of hundreds of journalistic writings, criticisms, essays, studies including those on regional problems, national security as well as on the management of art in market conditions, cultural policies and national strategy. of culture. He is known as one of the strongest public debaters on the problems of the Albanian transition, regional political developments, and democracy as a whole. He is the founder of the newspaper/magazine "Nacional" and its director. He lives, works and creates in Tirana, together with his wife and two daughters.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Two Poems by Taghrid Bou Merhi


He didn't leave a maze
without treading it

He would collapse exhausted
into the faces of worn-out bags!!!

He searches for land leaning on the pedestals of the noble city!!

Amidst departure, he devoured the body of sin and delved into longing..!

And since then, tears have not stopped on the cheeks of the sad owner..!

Mothers nailed to the wall of wishes pointed their fingers into the void of places..

They resemble thoughts when they glide in Mozart's music
and inhabit the dreams' breeze..!

Was this a delirium, the audacity of mazes..!?

Perhaps the alphabet will change the essence of the universe..!!

Perhaps it will donate in writing the psalms of love in the sight of creation
and the successive strikes of suppressed desires!!

No language for me!

Bury me the last scream in the coat of waiting

Remove my hand from the wrist of defiance

and grant my mouth a kiss of victory..!



There is no one around but me..

I move in a silence broken only by the tapping of a beak
Penetrating into my being in a way that time has forgotten..

I try to borrow the noise of its beats from the scenic moment of Beethoven's symphony
Without caring about the dissonance of "imaginary perfection"
In the subtle details of the thread of patience.

Memory twists time with a tragic fantasy imagination
It diminishes the deputies
Far from the deceptive corridors of decay..

When life freezes..

Let your faded convictions in a needle hole
And promise yourself back to the spontaneous moment when you could never admit love, even to yourself..!!

This love of symbolic dimensions
Left behind a lexicon of suffering
Like a taut thread in the midst of complete emptiness..!!

Just like life itself..!!


Taghrid Bou Merhi, a Lebanese multilingual poet, writer, journalist and translator living in Brasil. She has authored 18 books and three encyclopedias, a translator of 23 books to date, an author of 56 articles, a presenter of 18 books (10 Arabic books and 8 internacional books), and she participated in more than 60 Arabic books and more than 75 anthology internacional. She is an active member of various literary and creative platforms and editor of 10 Magazine Arabic. She is an advisory member among ten internacional poetry consultants chosen by Chinese media giant CCTV. She is advisor to the International Union of Arab Intellectuals, in the Media Authority for Translation Affairs and advisor to the countries Al-Sham literary platform for literary translation. She is internacional embassador for the organization of creativity for peace London. She teaches Arabic to non-speakers, holds a degree in law.

She has received numerous international awards, including the Nizar Sartawi International Creativity Award in 2021, Naji Numan Award in literature in 2023, and the SahityaPata Kazi Nazrul Islam Memorial Award in 2022. Taghrid has been honored for her journalistic excellence and has won primer place prize such as the "Zheng Nian Cup" 2023. International Peace Medal Award, Peace Award, certificate for Hyperpoem Book (a poetry book publishing 2000 poets), and an honorary prize from the Global Poetic Brotherhood in Texas, USA, for translating global poetry into Arabic, French, and Italian. Taghrid has been honored with the International Poet Zhen Xin Award for 2022 and 2023, and was honored with the "World Leaders Award" among 140 global personalities by WORLD GALA, and SAHITO INTERNACIONAL AWARD FOR LITERATURE "WINNERS OF JURY AWARD FOR LITERATURE 2023". She received the Journalistic Excellence Shield from the Nile and Euphrates Paper Magazine in 2022 and 2023. Taghrid has also been recognized with honorary certificates as a journalist from Mubadara Magazine, Mirror of International Life Agency, and Innovators Magazine. Her writings are part of several national and international magazines, newspapers, journals and anthologies. Her poems have been translated into 47 languages, studied by literary critics, and featured on international radio stations.. She speaks five languages.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Two Poems in Assamese Language by Angela Kosta & Translated From English by Rajeshri Senapati Gogoi

মূল কবি- এঞ্জেলা কোষ্টাৰ
(অনুবাদ- ৰাজশ্ৰী সেনাপতি গগৈয়ে)

জীয়াই থকাৰ পোহৰ
প্ৰিয়জনৰ ওপৰত আশাৰ পোহৰ জিলিকি উঠে
আঘাতপ্ৰাপ্ত প্ৰান্তৰ দ্বাৰা খোলা মাটি য'ত
দৰিদ্ৰতাই উলংগ হৈ থাকে।
তাত বস্তু পৰিধান নকৰাকৈ বহুতো মহিলা আছে চকু মেলি মেলি 
কাষতে মৃতদেহেৰে ভৰা ফুটপাথত
উদ্বিগ্নতাৰ সৈতে জাবৰৰ ভিতৰত খুৱাই দিয়া হয়
বাহী ৰুটিৰ টুকুৰাৰ দৰে পচি যোৱা খাদ্যৰ সৈতে যেন বিপথগামী কুকুৰৰ বাবে।

কিন্তু আশাৰ পোহৰে জয়লাভ কৰে 
যত দুখীয়া আৰু ৰোগীয়ে পাৰ হৈ  যোৱা পথবোৰত বিশ্বজুৰি ভ্ৰমণ কৰে। 
টৰ্চৰ পোহৰৰ শুভযাত্ৰাৰ দৰে তাত পাৰ হৈ যায় প্ৰিয় পৃথিৱীখনক কষ্ট বন্ধ কৰিবলৈ ক’বলৈ।  
ই দুখীয়াক প্ৰচুৰ পৰিমাণে আশাৰ পোহৰেৰে খুৱাইছিল।

সাগৰীয় পোহৰ ওলাই আহি ৰোগীৰ আত্মাৰ ফাটবোৰ ভৰাই পেলায়, য’তেই নাথাকক কিয়।
পোহৰক আকোঁৱালি লৈ সকলোৱে শতিকাৰ দুষ্টতাৰ পৰা আৰোগ্য লাভ কৰে:
ৰোগ আৰু দৰিদ্ৰতা!

মোৰ মাৰ বাবে

মোৰ চকুপানীৰে, তেওঁৰ প্ৰতি থকা প্ৰেমৰ বেদনাৰে কেইবাটাও শাৰী আৰু অন্তহীন পদ লিখিছো।
ক'ত আছা, মোৰ মা?
তোমাৰ চকু দুটাত আকৌ এবাৰ ভালপোৱাৰে চুমা খাবলৈ মন গৈছে!
তোমাৰ গৰম হাত দুখন আগৰ দৰেই আদৰ কৰিব বিচাৰো।
তোমাৰ অকাল বাৰ্ধক্যৰ বলিৰেখাবোৰ মোৰ আঙুলিৰে অনুভৱ কৰিবলৈ মন যায়,
ইমান অলস অৱস্থাত তোমাক চাব নিবিচাৰো৷
তোমাৰ ধূসৰ চুলিবোৰ চিৰন্তন দুখৰ সাক্ষী;
তুমি মোৰ বাবে অবিসম্বাদী,
তুমি মোৰ মা ছফী;
মই তোমাক সদায় অন্তহীনভাৱে ভাল পাম,
দেৱীৰ দৰে,
তুমি মোৰ প্ৰাণত জীয়াই থাকিবা;
মই কেনেকৈ বিশ্বাস কৰিম যে মই তোমাক এই জীৱনত আৰু কেতিয়াও দেখা নাপাম!
তুমি আৰু ইয়াত নাথাকা;
তুমি গম পোৱা নাছিলানে যে তুমি মোৰ উশাহতে থাকিবা?
মই জীয়াই থকালৈকে তুমি কেনেকৈ মৰিবা?
তোমাৰ উইনছম হাঁহিটোৱে মোক তৰাবোৰৰ জিলিকনিৰ কথা মনত পেলাই দিয়ে।
নষ্টালজিয়াৰ বিশ্বব্ৰহ্মাণ্ডখনে মোক মুগ্ধ কৰে যেনেকৈ তুমি মোৰ জীৱনটোক পোহৰ দি মোক দুখৰ ধৈৰ্য্যৰে ডাঙৰ-দীঘল কৰিলা।

গতিকে আপোনাৰ মংগলৰ বাবে অতি মৰমেৰে,
কথা কওক,
মাত্ৰ শেষৰ এটা শব্দ হ’লেও কওক!
মই এনেকৈ কেনেকৈ জীয়াই থাকিম?
মোৰ মা,
অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি এই পদবোৰ মনে মনে পঢ়ক।
মনে মনে নাথাকিব!
আহ, সময় আৰু মৃত্যুৰ দুষ্টতাক প্ৰত্যাহ্বান জনাব পাৰিলে ভাল আছিল।
মই দুৰ্ভাগ্যজনক ভাগ্যক ধ্বংস কৰি বেয়াবোৰ খেদিম।
মই আকৌ তোমাৰ কোলাত আৰাম কৰিম।
ঠিক যেনেকৈ মই কৰিছিলো, সৰুতে।

কোলাটো, য’ত মই এটা শান্তি আৰু সান্ত্বনা পাইছিলোঁ।
তেতিয়া মই কিমান সুখী আছিলো!
যেতিয়া তোমাৰ হাত দুখনে মোৰ আত্মাক গভীৰভাৱে আদৰ কৰিছিল
আৰু মোৰ গোটেই সত্তাটো ফুলি উঠিল।
অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আকাশৰ সিপাৰে থাকিবলৈ এনেকৈ নাযাবা।

© এঞ্জেলা কোষ্টা
এলবাছান, আলবেনিয়া

১৯৭৩ চনত আলবেনিয়াত জন্মগ্ৰহণ কৰা এঞ্জেলা কোষ্টা ১৯৯৫ চনৰ পৰা ইটালীত বাস কৰি আহিছে। তেওঁ ১০খন কিতাপ প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে: আলবেনিয়ান আৰু ইটালীয় ভাষাত উপন্যাস, কবিতা আৰু সাধুকথা।  এঞ্জেলা কোষ্টা এগৰাকী অনুবাদক আৰু তেওঁৰ প্ৰকাশনসমূহ আলবেনিয়া, ক’ছ’ভ’, ইটালী, আমেৰিকা, ইংলেণ্ড, চীন, ৰাছিয়া, জাৰ্মানী, চৌদি আৰব, লেবানন, আলজেৰিয়া, প’ল’নিয়া, অষ্ট্ৰেলিয়া, ইজিপ্ত, গ্ৰীচ, তাজিকিস্তান, ২০১৯ৰ কেইবাখনো সাহিত্য আলোচনী আৰু বাতৰি কাকতত প্ৰকাশ পাইছে।  দক্ষিণ কোৰিয়া, হাংগেৰী আদি এঞ্জেলা কোষ্টাই "Calabria Live" কাকত, Saturno আলোচনী, Le Radici কাকত"ৰ বাবে প্ৰবন্ধ আৰু সাক্ষাৎকাৰ লিখে, আন্তঃৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় আলোচনী "Orfeu", Alessandria Today, কাকত Nacional, Destinacioni কাকত,  তেখেতে আন্তঃৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় আলোচনী Perqasje Italo Shqiptare আলোচনীৰ সৈতে সহযোগিতা কৰে.

[Poetess : Angela Kosta]

[Translator : Rajeshri Senapati Gogoi]

Two Poems by Angela Kosta
(Original in English)
The Light of Survival 

The Light of Hope shines on the beloved 
land furrowed by wounded edges where 
the poverty lives naked.
There are undressed ladies with wide open eyes 
on the sidewalks full of corpses 
with anxiety is fed inside the garbage 
with rotting food like stale bread crumbs as if they are for stray dogs. 

But the Light of Hope triumphs it travels around the world on the paths where poor and sick people  pass. It's passes there like a torchlight procession to tell the beloved Earth to stops suffering. It fed the poor in abundance with the light of hope. 

The oceanic light emerges and fills the cracks in the souls of the sick, wherever are there.  
By embracing the light, everyone recovers from the evils of the century: 
Diseases and Poverty!

For My Mother 

I have written several lines and endless verses with my tears, pain of love for her. 
Where are you, my mother?
I wish to kiss your eyes with goodness once again!
I want to caress your warm hands just the way you used to do.
I want to feel the wrinkles of your untimely old age with my fingers, 
I don’t want to see you in such lethargic condition. 
Your grey hair are the witness to eternal suffering;
You are irreplaceable to me,
You are my mother Sophie;
I will always love you endlessly,
Like a goddess,
You will live in my soul;
How can I believe that I will never see you again in this life!
You won't be here anymore;
Didn't you know that you would be in my breath?
How can you die till I am alive?
Your winsome smile reminds me of the glare of the stars.
The universe of nostalgia fascinates me as you have given light to my life and raised me with the patience of sufferings. 

So with great love for your good sake, 
Speak up, 
Just tell me at least one last word!
How would I live like this?
My mother, 
Please read these verses silently.
Don't be silent!
Ah, I wish I could challenge time and the evil of death. 
I will destroy the unfortunate fate and drive away the evils. 
I'll snuggle in your lap again.
Just as I did, when I was a kid. 

The lap, where I found a tranquility and solace.
How happy I was then!
When your hands caressed my soul deeply
And my whole being blossomed.  
Please don't go like this to stay beyond the sky.

© Angela Kosta
Elbasan, Albania

Angela Kosta was born in Albania in 1973. He has lived in Italy since 1995. You have published 10 books: novels, poems and fairy tales in Albanian and Italian. Angela Kosta is a translator and her publications are featured in several literary magazines and newspapers in Albania, Kosovo, Italy, USA, England, China, Russia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Polonia, Australia, Egypt, Greece, Tajikistan, South Korea, Hungary, etc. Angela Kosta writes articles and interviews for the newspaper "Calabria Live", the magazine Saturno, the newspaper Le Radici", for the international magazine "Orfeu", Alessandria Today, the newspaper Nacional, the newspaper Destinacioni, she collaborates with the magazine Perqasje Italo Shqiptare, the international magazine.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Two Poems by Graciela Noemi Villaverde

Hear Me!

Sometimes hope
divides the horizon, 
like a sculpted rose...

Cross the time...
Contains the perfume,
of all the possible nights...

You don't give me anything
no time
no promises,
no words,
no lies.

Listen to me, without me talking to you,
share my language
follow me with your eyes,

Although they,
don't reach me...
My heart bleeds...
Ceremonial of absences...

Whether you are a ghost or not...
I need you...

Like a warm tunnel
connect me all
Carving fiber and muscle ...

Hey me
do not leave me alone!


Emerge from myself,
Beyond the darkness
and the seas...
Beyond the silence,
used to,
your voice and your name,
like a song of praise.
Life is renewed,
And they stand up again
the walls that I build,
to protect me from pain
and the absences
rolls into nothingness that escapes...
Emerge from myself,
your voice and your name,
engraved in the heart,
now, asleep...!

© Graciela Noemi Villaverde
Buenos Aires, Argentina

She was born in C. del Uruguay Entre Ríos, Argentina. She studied at the Mariano Moreno Normal School of teachers and students. She is Bachelor of Arts with Pedagogical orientation. She also studied at the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Paraná Entre Ríos Letters and Social Service and the UBA Instituto Rojas. She is author of eight books of poetry genre. She participated in several Anthologies and National and international magazines. She is the administrator of the Hispanic World Writers Union groups in 145 countries. She is Honorary World President of the UHE and Global manager of Educational and Cultural projects at the UHE. She belongs to the Executive staff of Umaccc directed by Dr. Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio. Thousand Minds for Mexico. She is Al's a Moderator of Motivational Strips, international group and an Active member of Sade, Argentine Society of Writers.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Two Poems by Tanja Ajtic

Eternal Curse

We like to emphasize splendor, significance, reputation and fame 
rather than modesty, contrition and true love. 
We want to give one thing a relief that catches the eye, 
to be particulary emphasized. 
And if we have relief maps, we don't know how to measure. 
We wander and saunter at night. 
At night without dreams. 
We postpone forgiveness and omissions. 
We are postponing our payment deadline, 
we also want to have a discount while we are paying, 
and we would like to do everything to make it cheaper. 
And paradise is not bought but deserved. 

If we return everything we took 
and wish forgiveness of sins, mercy and forgiveness, 
to be forgiven we will feel the same. 
After the main flowering, the flowers will bloom once again. 
And we will survive. 
Like being born again
the revival of classical antiquity 
or more precisely freedom 
and the creative human spirit under the influence of classical literature, 
of art and philosophy in the Renaissance. 

We will renew our lives 
and fix and change it for the better. 
We will refresh and rejuvenate. 
We will look at hummingbirds that have bigger brain
in relation to the body of other birds. 
Heart too. 
These birds can fly 
in all directions, as they please! 
They can live for a long time by feeding on 
flower nectar and candied water. 
We, like them, are small but a lot is expected of us.

Rejection and refusal, 
as a musical repetition of the same tone, the 
opposite is an echo. 
Everything will resonate. 

Rejection and refusal happen to us 
like breaks in a circus that clowns fill with their jokes. 
We avoid the eternal curse 
because there is always hope for a corrective exam 
and a place under the sun for us. 
We can be dignified, 
be those who produce again, 
which recreate. 
We can multiply and experience 
content to revive consciousness,
get a good voice again
for the person and respect, reputation and name.

It is never too late for natural things 
to make us feel better. 
It's all in us 
in our big hearts in the body of a small hummingbird.
We have everything you need! 
Oh, Love 
Oh, love, almighty love, 
you who lift us up 
to the heavenly heights 
and the one who breaks us on 
hard ground, scatter us. 
Oh, love, strong sincere love, 
where we surrender before you, 
where all the secrets we reveal, 
where we become innocent, 
Love, where everything revolves around us, 
both the world and we in the world, 
in a whirlwind, in happiness indescribable, 
in the sorrow we haven't gotten over you 
hold us and with a scream of pleasure 
you fill our chests 
and with a scream of pain we die with you. 
Oh, love... 
There's no indifference there, 
no mediocrity, no lies, 
sincere love, 
there's no pretending, 
there we get crushed by emotions, 
there we completely give ourselves, 
there we give ourselves in eruptions 
of all we have ever felt. 
Love, you who move the world, 
you who are the originator of everything, 
someone and sin, 
you rule hearts 
and we cannot resist you... 
Because we always want you, love. 
And you come suddenly, 
you come when we don't expect you, 
there, around the corner, 
you're lurking and when you meet us, 
when you surprise us, 
to you we are left only, 
and ready to everything share 
with the other 
loved being, 
we are ready for sacrifices 
and heroism, 
for great words that come 
from our lips, 
from our belly and heart, 
from the throat, from the body, 
in vibrating sounds, 
in a time that cannot be 
waited any more, 
we're eager to see what brings 
a new day, and this now, 
this now in love, 
in this present time 
of, maybe, losers... 
Oh, love, 
almighty love, 
mercy we ask you for, 
may your light last 
as long 
as possible 
in this, our, darkness. 

© Tanja Ajtic

Tanja Ajtic was born in Belgrade, Serbia. She lived and studied in Serbia at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. Since 2002, she lives and creates in Canada, Vancouver. Moved to Belgrade, Serbia in summer 2023. She is a member of many groups and associations. Her poems and stories have been published two hundred collections (books), anthologies, electronic books and magazines. Her poems have been published in English, Serbian, Chinese, Croatian, Iraqi, Bengali, Indian, Bulgarian, Tunisian, Arabic and Spanish. In the spring of 2018, at the "Pegasus" competition of the Literary Youth of Serbia, Belgrade, she won the award for printing the first book of poetry "Outlines of Love". Her book was exhibited at the Book Fair in 2018 in Belgrade, as well as at the Book Salon in Toronto in 2019. She is represented in the Anthology among the 30 best writers for 2020 by the Association of Writers of Australia. She won first place, the award of authors from abroad in the Federation of BiH (2020) and the second prize in Great Britain from the Serbian Library in London. Participated in book fairs with collections and anthologies with other authors. Won III World Prize for Excellence "Cesar Vallejo" 2021 in the category of artistic excellence, Peru, by the World Spanish Union of Writers and International Award of Excellence, "Cita Del Galateo" Antonio De Ferrariis, IX edition 2022 – Rome, Italy, prestigious prize for a group of poets in the English language; winners of Foundation Naji Naaman literary prize 2023; winning the 2023 “Zheng Nian Cup” Literary Award – Third Prize by the Beijing Mindfulness Literature Museum. She is the winner of many awards, diplomas and certificate. She is currently writing poetry, short stories, haiku, gogyoshi poetry as well as graphics artist as a freelance artist. Hers art graphic were published in books and magazines. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Five Poems in Assamese Language by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated From English by Rajeshri Senapati Gogoi

মূল কবি- ড° শৈলেশ গুপ্ত বীৰ
(অনুবাদ- ৰাজশ্ৰী সেনাপতি গগৈয়ে)

 তুমিও তাৰ ভিতৰত এজন
 মই প্ৰতিশ্ৰুতিবদ্ধ
 কিন্তু অনুশাসিত নহয়
 সেনাবাহিনীৰ দৰে,
 তুমিও তাৰ মাজৰ এজন
 বিশ্বাস কৰা !

 মই স্পষ্টবাদী কিন্তু 
সকলোৰে প্ৰতি নহয়
কেৱল যিসকলৰ হৃদয় নিৰ্মল,
তুমিও তাৰ মাজৰ 
এজন নিশ্চয়!

 মই মোৰ অংশ বুলি ক’লোঁ,
 কি কয় প্ৰিয়া
 তোমাৰ হৃদয়ে ?

 ঈশ্বৰে সৃষ্টি কৰিছে
 পৃথিৱীৰ আটাইতকৈ ধুনীয়া বস্তু,
 তুমিও তাৰ মাজৰে এজন
 তুমি মোৰ সপোনৰ পৃথিৱী
 আৰু লগতে বাস্তৱ জগতখন!!

 নিৰ্ভৰযোগ্যতাৰ হাৰ
 লাভ-লোকচানৰ কোনো গুৰুত্ব নাই
 কোনো ধৰণৰ আপোচ নহয়
 কোনো পূৰ্বচৰ্ত নাই
 কোনো তেজৰ সম্পৰ্ক নাই
 শপত নাই,তথাপিও 
 তথাপিও নিৰ্ভৰযোগ্যতাৰ হাৰ বৃদ্ধি পায়
 বন্ধুত্বৰ সম্পৰ্ক হ’ল
 অনন্য নিৰ্ঘাত!!

 নতুন অধ্যায়
 যেতিয়া মই তাইক ক’লোঁ
 "মোৰ কিবা এটা ক'বলগীয়া আছে তোমাক"।
 তাই উত্তৰ দিলে-
 "কিবা এটা শুনিলোঁ।"
 "কি শুনিলা?"
 "কিবা এটা"
 "কোৱা, মই জানিব বিচাৰো..."
 তাই বাদামী চকু দুটা তললৈ নমাই দিলে
 এটা মৰমলগা হাঁহিৰে
 আৰু মোৰ ফালে পিঠি দিলে
 মই দেখিলোঁ-
 মৌনতাই লিখি আছিল
 এটা নতুন অধ্যায়
 চিৰন্তন প্ৰেমৰ।

 চকু দুটা আশাহীন নহয়
কিছুদিনৰ আগতে পৃথিৱীখন 
দুটা ভাগত বিভক্ত হৈছিল,
মই এটাত থাকো আৰু 
তাই আনটোত থাকে।
দুয়োটা অংশ একেলগে আহি 
পুনৰ এক হৈ পৰিব।
চকু দুটা আশাহীন নহয়!

 শুনা মোৰ হৃদস্পন্দন
 বৰষুণ, বৰষুণ, বৰষুণ
 সেইটো কামনা কৰক
 বৰষুণটো গোটেই জীৱন হ’লহেঁতেন৷
 আজিৰ দৰে
 আৰু আপুনি
 মোক সদায় কাৰাগাৰত 
 বন্দী কৰি থাকিব
 তোমাৰ কোলাত
 তোমাৰ মোহত মই বেছিকৈ আছো
 হয় প্ৰিয়া, জীৱনটো নতুন হ’ব
 সকলো সপোন বাস্তৱায়িত হ’ব!

 বৰষুণ, বৰষুণ
 অনবৰতে বৰষুণ দি আছে
 মোৰ মনতো!!

 মোৰ প্ৰিয়া 
 শুনা মোৰ হৃদস্পন্দন...!!!

কবিৰ পৰিচয় :
ড° শৈলেশ গুপ্ত বীৰ এগৰাকী কবি, সমালোচক, পৰ্যালোচক, সম্পাদক আৰু বহু পুৰস্কাৰ বিজয়ী।  তেওঁৰ সাহিত্যিক ৰচনাসমূহৰ সৃষ্টিশীলতা আৰু প্ৰামাণ্যতাৰ উচ্চ মাত্ৰাৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য। প্ৰায় দুডজনমান সাহিত্যিক গ্ৰন্থ আৰু কেইবাখনো আলোচনী সম্পাদনা কৰিছে।  তেওঁৰ সাহিত্যিক ৰচনাসমূহ কেইবাটাও ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰা হৈছে।  নাইজেৰিয়াৰ পৰা অহা টিভি অনুষ্ঠান ইউ এণ্ড লিটাৰেচাৰ টুডে ২০১৮ চনৰ ডিচেম্বৰ মাহত তেওঁক সাহিত্যিক আইকন হিচাপে ঘোষণা কৰে।  তেওঁ মাইক্ৰ’পয়েট্ৰি কচমছ আৰু দ্য ফাতেহপুৰ ৰিজ’লিউচনৰ সম্পাদক।

 - ড° শৈলেশ গুপ্ত বীৰ
 সম্পাদক: মাইক্ৰ’পয়েট্ৰি কচমছ
 ফতেহপুৰ, ইউ পি, ভাৰত

Poems by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

You're One of Them

I am committed
but not disciplined
like the army,
You're one of them
Believe me!

I am candid but not to all
only to those whose hearts are pure,
You're one of them
It's sure!

I said my part,
What does it say dear
Your heart?

God has created
The most beautiful things in the world,
You're one of them
You're my dream world
and also the real world!!

Rate of Reliability 

No importance of profit or loss
No compromises of any kind
No any prerequisite
No blood relation 
No oath, 
Yet the rate of reliability 
The relation of friendship is 

New Chapter

When I said to her 
"I have something to say you"
She responded-
"I heard something."
"What did you hear?"
"Tell me, I want to know..."
She lowered her brown eyes
with a cute smile 
and turned her back on me,,,
I saw-
Silence was writing
a new chapter 
of eternal love. 

The Eyes Are Not Hopeless

Some time ago, the world broke into two parts,
I live in one and she lives in the other. 
Both parts will come together and become one again. 
The eyes are not hopeless!

© Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer
Fatehpur, UP,  India 

Listen My heartbeats

Wish that
The rain would be whole life
Like today
And you
Always keep imprisoning me
In your arms
I'm too much in your charms
Yes dear, life will be new
All dreams will come true!

It's constantly raining
In my mind too!!

My dear
Listen, my heartbeats...!!!

© Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer
Fatehpur, UP,  India 

Biography : 
Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer is a poet, critic, reviewer, editor and multi-prize winner. His literary works are characterized by a high degree of creativity and authenticity. He has edited about two dozen literary books and several magazines. His literary works have been translated into several languages. He was declared a Literary Icon in December 2018 by the TV program You and Literature Today from Nigeria. He is the editor of Micropoetry Cosmos and The Fatehpur Resolution. 

- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 
Editor: Micropoetry Cosmos 
Fatehpur, UP, India


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