Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Ndue Dragusha - Angela Kosta/ The New Constellation

Among the Creative Talent in the World

[Ndue Dragusha]

The city and its people have an exemplary and patriotic culture and traditions. 

One of these elbasans, who are making history, with a very large cultural baggage, around the world, is also the writer, poet, promoter, journalist, academic, literary critic, editor, Angela Kosta, who has shown rare quality values and as a wonderful poet. 

[Angela Kosta]

Man in life is always inclined to place on the values surrounding something of his life, from his feelings, from his passions and from the culture of the environment in which he grew up, whose influence reflects him, because he has left traces in his culture and education in continuity. Reading the work of this writer, which translates today to almost the most important languages of our planet - Earth, we understand the depth of thought, the harmonious logical logic in the ideas it deals with, the sensitization to a limpidity (clarity) of the style and articulation of this thought in a sustained and enduring dimension of our social and individual daily life. Angela Kosta inspires vividly with her creativity in all human spirits, penetrates them and makes them experience deep love for life, but also to struggle to create a stable, livable "world", asking everyone to reflect on the negative phenomena of life. 

Born in a city like Elbasan (Albania), the city of song, the city of the First School in Albania for preparing teachers for all Albania, the poet has found the right inspiration to enter into the soul of the people and to show them that the path to peace and harmony passes first, in the soul of each,  in the love of each, in the inner world of each. So, such a woman, raised in neighboring Italy, where the traditions and culture of the Italian Renaissance, incorporated the sensitive spirit of the poet, giving her a vivid worldly trait, becoming translator, poet, writer, publisher writing in the newspaper "Calabria Live" (Italy), collaborating with the International Magazine of the World of Art and Culture "Saturno Magazine",  (Italy), translating academic articles for the Italian-Albanian newspaper "Roots", based in Rome (Italy), writing for "Alessandria Today" (Italy), for Gazeta Destinacioni (Albania), Poetry for the magazine "Literary Mediterranean" (Albania), in the newspaper "Italo - Perqasje", (Albania), is the author of the magazine Poetry "Capoverso", (Italy), author of the magazine print "Psychology", (Albania), writer, translator and editor of poets in the monthly magazine print Culture - Leterary "Orfeu", Pristina (Kosovo), author of the magazine "Obelisk", (Albania), magazine print "Nova" (Italy), associate of the newspaper "Nacional", which is distributed in Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia,  She is the author of the international magazine "Atunis", (Belgium), a contributor to the newspaper "Ciceroni", (Albania), the newspaper "Sprint News (Albania), Vice president of the League of Writers in the World in South Korea, Vice President of Writers' Organization Tamikio L Dooley in Micighan, editor of the international magazine Friendship of People, etc. 

Angela Kosta is the author of 12 books: "The Imprisoned Soul" (2003), "Forgive me" (2004), Novel "The Magic Hanger", (2007), "The Glitter Lot", poetry in favor of ONLUS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (SLA), non-profit organization (2008), "Mother's Eyes", thriller (2011), Novel "Poor Millionaire", (2017), "Living", collection of poetry, (2018), "Beyond the Ocean", novel, (2019), "Rainbow and Little Sarah",  Fairy tale, (2020), "Book under Rubble" (2023) "The Power of the Apocalypse" (2023) Anthology with translations of 72 poets from the world: "Verse Towards continents" and soon two new books in the publication above. Angela Kosta has translated into two languages: Albanian and Italian over 150 authors, as well as volumes of poetry by some authors from Albania and Kosovo.

As we see, we have before us a talent that "The Light of Hope Shines upon Your Beloved" as a bell for our sensitivity and sensibility.

By Dragusha Ndue
Director of Journal Lissalba - Albania

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