Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The World of Love, a Poem by Md. Sadiqur Rahman

Let us establish a government of love on planet Earth.
Let's remove barbed wire fences from the borders of all countries.
Let's draw a map of one country in the heart of the whole world, which is called love.

That country's flag will be shaped like a human heart.
The name of the Legislative Assembly will be love cottage.
Then, there will be no police outposts, army camps, prisons, weapons factories in that country.
Let's make a stop war, selfishness cruelty,
they will be prohibited.
Litigation, mediation of land deeds will not be necessary.
Except for gold and silver, all metal coins and paper bills will no longer be needed.
The necessary transactions will be in the currency of love.  The Central Bank will be called Love
Backup company.
There will be schools, colleges, universities, just.
The curriculum will be love  sympathy
elementary to graduate.
All higher education graduation certificates will have equality between people written on them.
Factories Industries Commerce Agriculture, will be run by automatic machines of love, with love.
Flowers, crops, vegetables will be cultivated with love.
The whole load
The raw material of love
it will be produced out of love. There will be no crisis with import-export problems.
State income tax Value added tax will be paid for charitable purposes.
Weddings, birthdays, festivals, events will all be celebrated with love.
Houses, roads, bridges, canals, waterways, bus stands, railway stations, airports will be made of durable loving brick, stone and cement. You can make improvements and traffic jams, road, rail, sea and air accidents will stop happening, only with the power of love.
In the processions of the assembly, meeting speeches about love will be given, greetings of love will be spoken with affection.  Sports, culture and entertainment will be practiced in the name of love. Treatments in hospitals will be injections of love, not drugs, Recipes will be written in words of love.
Epidemics, diseases, mourning... All will be cured only with love.
There will be no opposition parties in a country, the righteous loving republic, loving people, initiated in the religion of love will be in the administrative power of the government.

© Md. Sadiqur Rahman 
Rumen, Bangladesh

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