By Maria Teresa Liuzzo
(Director of the International Culture magazine LE MUSE - Italy)
A writer of recognized international talent, a multifaceted, versatile and sensitive person, with an intense interiority, whose talents he knows how to express through an unspeakable docility to the moments that emanate inspiration. / Crumbs of dreams / I don't know where the day is born / and where the evening dies. / Fill the sky with tears and words / like the sea that goes and then returns. / I close my eyes when / the wind caresses me with your hands / I kiss your caress and embrace your pain. An ideal that stands between metaphysical experience and reality in the concreteness of what his writing suggests. The essential and primordial elements of nature are captured, such as the sun, the sky, the sea in its symbolism that evokes mystery and depth, and multiplicity with languages and meanings that refer to aesthetic thought almost to a catechesis of beauty, of the sublime; as an ultimate goal it spreads in the light of creation of which being is a part and coincides with the immensity that the beauty of its art and the infinite mystery summarizes. A demanding beauty that merges with the divine that meets domestic, everyday beauty that can be read, understood, codified in the literacy of a hidden truth; a beauty that provokes the emotion of reason with the fruitfulness that it also suggests to anthropology and philosophy in its various and articulated streams of theoretical reflection. A reflection that places itself between the ideal as a metaphysical experience and the real in concreteness. Love is capable of creating poetry in the most unexpected moments, poetry envelops it in a silent pain that becomes catharsis, perhaps because the pain must be mourned before it can be overcome. The splendor was realized by flickering the shadows on his face, on his features as a man. His word burns perhaps because he has something that others don't have. His verse is precise and impeccable, in that painful silence that I picked up like a rose in the immensity. The choices of the Writer Astrit Lulushi are made with caution and meditation. All you need to do is identify with his words, ultimately live them. We waste precious time that could make our real life a different existence. It's like throwing dice and trusting fate, making our existence a game of chance. You can win, enjoy or cheat. No one knows what will happen next, as no one can predict the future or have a preliminary appointment with destiny. But the Writer emerges victorious. By struggling and suffering he found himself. He crossed the ''dark'' night and traveled towards different and certainly better horizons. Nothing is lost when you truly live. In his verses there is a sleepless night of pain left under the skin, which has served over time to make him know the direction of the wind and to find himself in a place of the heart that he had not foreseen, which has allowed him to discover the sea where there is no 'And. Because it is inherent in the eyes and in the heart. We know that when someone or something (poem) pays attention to us it brings us back to life. Those who are not in love with beauty, justice and wisdom are incapable of thinking. - The equation is not good for the wind in love among the ears. ''And I like to be silent because I want / again and always to listen to you''. It is enough to focus our gaze on the deep roots that resemble erotic natures and give us the sense of the infinite. The aim of this great Artist is not to persuade, but to make people reflect, have passion and honesty for the reason that distinguishes us from the beasts. The word is a body that transmits desire, perdition, madness like a breathless race that fills the lungs with air. The word supports us, it becomes love. It is wisdom that generates harmony woven from the melody of a divine song. The word allows us to express moods and feelings to be expressed, at times, with the difficulty of revealing the intensity and powerful strength of love. The love that allows one to go outside of oneself, yet revealing a minimum of what love itself induces one to feel. I looked for a ''YOU'' to complete my ''I''. In ''Tu'' I feel joy and emotion together with sensations that find an echo in a transfiguring and almost cathartic dimension of myself. You accompany me in the fulfillment of this profound human and interior experience together. You can get close to the truth but not possess it in full. Perfection does not exist. It's like the lie that was crafted to perfection. Everything that is perfect is dead, as finished when reality becomes narration because writing listens to your words and loves you as you are. Astrit Lulushi has been a writer since the beginning he unintentionally builds the myth of himself. Here it is preferable to remove his characteristics, since, if on the one hand it is the writer who feels the false writer is different from himself, on the other hand there is the recognized artistic genius, master of 20th century prose and bringer of a style which in its brevity and incisiveness represents the most significant and innovative expression of the 20th century and beyond. His is an extraordinary style for its ability to evoke with a few words, a few strokes, the hidden reality, the reality that the reader can intuit through the text, the reality hidden within each of us, the one we don't usually look at, the one we are afraid to confess, the one we don't repeat to ourselves when we are alone for fear that someone might hear us. That reality where we know little about ourselves and history because without it our everyday life would be meaningless. He is therefore the singer of our unacknowledged self, the singer who says the things that neither we nor others have the courage to say. The Writer describes the blood of war, of nature, of wounded animals, of flagellations, of genocides, which from a psycho-dynamic point of view is nothing other than internal discomfort and tormented suffering. We find a somewhat desperate life mechanism which is that of the tunnel and on the other the sublimating mechanism of his literary work in which the desire to fly and to be able to perpetuate oneself beyond the destruction of the physical body is expressed. A writing that goes beyond the contingent and in the particular sense of Astrit Lulushi must be projected beyond time and space. His writing also has the ability to attract female beauty to the highest degree because if it word cannot be possessed cannot be loved. Even in this dialectic between the power of possessing and the impotence of reality, the drama of the double is played out. In this, the overcoming of internal discomfort is not overcome through mechanisms of self-destruction, but it is through an internal push that mechanisms of sublimation are received. In fact, this extraordinary person has well overcome this long critical phase because writing has become his woman, his support, someone in which to reflect himself; even a thought can be considered the entity of a friendly voice, so as not to die alone with no one beside you. Certain phenomena have crossed the writer's life and retain a part of themselves. A clarifying process that will ensure that each of us can reach ''that enlightened place'', which can guarantee us a place in the human sphere. Prose and poetry then increasingly become witnesses of the time, taking a stand on the most significant global problems. Writing becomes news that records the event and its memory (war, repression, attacks), takes on new registers: the sarcasm of indignation, the invective of protest, the prophetic tone, the rhetorical questioning. The word becomes turgid, excited, eloquent, bordering on political-religious oratory. In him the need to shout his belief is too alive and bursting, and like a new Savonarola, he expresses his fiery condemnation. His is a message of peace, of justice as an instrument capable of transform Society and give a new course to History, far from the experience of hatred that divides in the name of a God who should be there but is not seen. Every word of Astrit Lulushi is a work that opens up to a universal global vision. His writing is also painting. In it, an ego shines through, at times irrational, which escapes to sink into its ''inner dawn'' and offer us cosmic images immersed in abstract atmospheres. Precious icons that tell the meaning of the human and the divine in an expressive, extraordinary language (his alone), which we could define for its uniqueness: ''metamorphosis of the non-limit''. If we looked at the images upside down we would see a glass of hopes that give each work a great lyrical significance. This great series of apocryphal and imaginative episodes tend to represent man's disorientation in the face of the total epiphany of the Sacred, his immense and abysmal wound - A revelation of Sacredness which, as in Pasolini's Theorem, exposes all fears, the cowardice and hypocrisies of human beings. A writing therefore, that of Astrit Lulushi, which increasingly becomes a witness of the time, taking a stand on the most significant world problems. In Lulushi the topos is the organic and rational theorization both in philosophical writings and in novels. The conclusion is that if the evil (malaise, anguish, discomfort) cannot be eliminated, it can however be counteracted through denunciation, protest, condemnation of violence and war, of social injustice, all factors that generate the ''mal de vivre'' and, in extreme cases even through suicide. An attentive and rapt look could lead us to talk about a theology of beauty that emanates from the observations of its concepts. And I add, referring to hermeneutics, epistemology, axiology: Astrit Lulushi, is beyond the Platonic hyperuranium! A man who doesn't like the spotlight and the only quality he recognizes is modesty. As Augustine of Hippo says: ''Enter yourself, there you will find the light''. Despite the human drama we perceive there is also a reality made of dreams. Often in silence the word is violated but absence makes presence. The mystery of the other is welcomed. Another dimension is discovered, the one that managed to complete us. Because whoever has a heart as big as our writer Astrit Lulush cannot help but possess an immense soul.
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[Maria Teresa Liuzzo] |
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