Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Three Poems by Irena Dragoti

Absence of Mother

Evening is coming: I catch my breath
a branch of basil, or a little menderz
hide under the pillow
to sprout dreams with longing wings
from the Motherland,
for Mother...
Her shadow is white on my hair;
absence like a good cough,
lasts three months
and repeated four times.
Memories are signs,
that the past has chased me away.
I undid the fetus from the girl.
I live it divided between two sunsets.
I surrendered to the drying up of prayers.
My mother was taken hostage
from thought,
that I didn’t win all the battles
to keep him alive.
Wherever I open the leaves, mother’s grave
it is the chain that keeps me connected to the roots.
I am not the ideal daughter...


In this big city without a center
the walking beauty
tiptoe, on the empty streets
it is not news...
She is like a shooting star
the day for the sun,
without any desire in the arms.

How did I know?
That beauty here is not presence
but a whirl in the orbits of the self;
an unspoken word knows how much...
It is a mist that hangs in the sky
hide the roads,
wear the light...
... conveyed by missing eyes
and until the desire for the parade dies
don’t ask him where he was...
I’m sorry, about the roads.

Damn World 

The dead sleep
the last sleep.
With the tombstone, time knocks.

The living do not speak
and at the edge of the dilemma
the neuron of oblivion, knocking on the bed.

The wise measure
with skin tone
a lost battle, bottom line.

The fools don’t stop
with the power of emptiness.
They overcome courage, without being afraid of fate.

Humanity sees obliquely.
It is the age of retreat;
the twenty-first century, the devil’s march.

And the world burns;
he lost his words
under the wet palate...

The world is dams;
how close his age is ?!
Let me rest, I’m embarrassed.
- Irena Dragoti

Irena Dragoti, poet, was born and lived in Lushnje, where she finished high school. She completed her university studies at the Faculty of Education Sciences in Elbasan, at “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University. She practiced the teaching profession for 22 years and then moved to Michigan, USA. She works more on lyrical poetry and finds herself in free verse. The first volume of poetry was “Fleeing season” and after it “A month of time” and “Escape to the pole”. She has in process her fourth book. She has also written essays and literary criticism. She has published poems, essays and poetry cycles in newspapers inside and outside the borders of Albania, such as: Exlibris magazine, Tirana Diplomat, Observer Cult, Nacional, Autunis Poetry, Telegraf supplement, Hejza, Gazeta Dielli, World Literature, Pen Craft, Literary Gazette, Hejza etc. For Irena, poetry is life itself in the written version, it is her freedom.

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