Monday, May 20, 2024

Two Poems by Astrid Lulushi 

Translated and interpreted by Maria Teresa Liuzzo (LE MUSE-ITALY’ s International Art and Culture Editor)

The Destiny 
The’s no point in stopping 
in the shade  of a tree
And complaining about life’s tragedies 
Not even take the side of the good 
or the bad because  
with the passage of time 
one could be more miserables 
than the other. 
We are born and die alone 
no one take about our martyrdom
Some lucky peole have aunts 
who welcome them 
like their neighbors 
when they are alone.
The rain unleashes  its wrath 
on the houses , on the trees, 
on the thoughts scouring them
The belly becomes even more violent 
with the weak and the righteous 
as the storm does with 
the clouds if the wind is against it
The evil is who has never known misery
The pang of hunger
The heart felt cry of a child
The desperate mother’s prayer
He’s the one who never 
has wished for anything 
he did not already have 
I’ve never been lucky, 
let the sadness be mine alone, at least

Beyond Patience  
Time passing is a cancrenous river
The bodies are fossils 
of those who have despoiled
the people  depriving them of all rights
They are sharks and jackals 
disguised as helpless
Man the son of the world 
watched and was silent by day
and was  blinded by night  
BURGOSA was killed 
because he wanted 
to dream a better future 
to be free as  God created him 
whatever his dream was.
Those like him, instead 
have been destabilized
Frustrated like horses 
by their beast
 They slaughtered them to shreds.
Experience teaches us not 
to trust anyone but often  too late we 
have to believe in something 
or someone to live 
otherwise we will never be able 
to distinguish right from wrong 
Most people are good  
believe in family and live 
as best they can .
Bad people exist and will always exist
Because evil never kills itself
You meet them on your way 
suffering will be your lamp 
and enlightens you 
it will make you sure
you can know the healty fruit 
from the sick one. 
So that you can live your life 
in freedom and with joy 
with love.

Only in this way 
will you find happiness  
you who have alwys lived 
as a prisoners
you will be able 
to savor the taste of freedom
Always stay on your guard 
against the vultures every thing 
that is beatyful can something 
be deadly life deceive us 
and we can’t do anything
too many people love violence 
and violent sports
He slows when he sees a car overturned 
on the edge of the ravine 
as in were a scene from a movie.
The same people love the box 
for no reason at all
They ignore that in the violence 
of the blows
There is also the courage
 of the challenge.
It is tge defeca that surrenders to victory without reaching death
Perhaps the most important thing 
would be for a warrior to have a heart 
inside the chest. 
If this were the case 
every man would rise 
from hope and embrace peace.
A man’s strenght of flight beyond patience 
where others have failed.
It is the light that makes you see 
beyond that dream, 
that no one can see but you
Sometimes people 
don’t want to understand
they don’t have eyes 
to see and they get lost 
in the darkness of life 
like a rootless tree.

© Astrit Lulushi

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