Thursday, July 4, 2024

Three Poems by Jasna Gugić


Lord, the years are so heavy
my struggle
with myself
and the bitterness of lost love
and sometimes as I wander
seeking your light
in the darkness of my trampled wounds
I repent and fall to my knees,
with tears I wash my face
before your purity.
look at me
and touch with your holy hands
this repentant heart
and unworthy hands
in the silence of tears
folded so tightly to you.
wash my body and open my eyes
to see for blessing
and hope.
teach me
to believe without reservation,
teach me to open my eyes to you in the morning and
in humility accept the crosses
that break me
and do not let me stand in the way to you,
many times I started and
on the way I met others
and moved away from you.
do not hide
In the darkness of blind streets
of my confused life,
always be near
to the heart that looks at you
be my joy
and everyday smile.
and again I don't have enough words before you
to thank you for life
this endless journey
and there is no end
nor words in
which I can
put your love.
at the end of this day
I just need your embrace
to know that I have
lived today for you.


If I lose you
rivers will stop flowing
and seas will dry up
and I'll fill with tears shed
the dried up wells
of the wildest hopes.
The sun will lose its shine
and the moon won't illuminate the sky
in the summer evening.
If I lose you
in my fingers
will remain withered flowers
and tears will burn my cheeks.
The heart will beat so slowly
and the body will only remain powerless
and the absent gaze
of a wandering stranger.
If I lose you
I will lose
the last dance of life
and the smile of a new dawn.
Yes, if I lose you
love will be lost
at some station of life
where trains no longer run.
and I'll wait alone
in some frosty morning

in the mist of your eyes
If I lose you,
again for the third time,
my quest will cease.
After you
no one
will fill the spaces of the soul,
with perfection.
Do not let me lose
a piece of heaven from your hands.
Walk with me
walk into life.


Come into my heart,
it's open for you
this rainy autumn
and my soaked hands reach out to you.
Take the leaves
from my warm hands
and scatter them
along my life's path,
let our love rustle,
let it overflow in droplets,
in the whisper of autumn,
let it flow
from my heart to yours.
Let autumn playfully roam
let it bring the wind from the north
and let it bring color to
the indifference of your days
Let it color your black hues.

© Jasna Gugić

Jasna Gugić was born in Vinkovci, Croatia. She is the Vice-President of the Association of Artists and Writers of the World SAPS; P.L.O.T.S USA the Creative Magazine Ambassador for Croatia, Ambassador in Elite Arab Creative Union of The Royal House - Lebanon, Ambassador of Peace
and Peaceful Coexistence - Morooco, Global Ambassador of Literacy and Culture for the Asih Sasami Indonesia Global Writers, and a member of Angeena International, a non-profit organization for peace, humanity, literature, poetry, and culture. She is also co-editor of the anthology, Compassion-Save the World, one poem was written by 130 world poets.
Jasna has published three collections of poems. The first two collections are bilingual: one is Croatian-English, and the other is Croatian-Polish. The third collection consists of a single poem translated into sixty languages of the world.

Jasna Gugić is one of the winners of the World Award for Cultural Excellence "César Vallejo" for the year 2020. in the category of culture, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE). She is one of the winners of the World Award for Excellence "Golden Eagle" for the year 2023. in the category of literature, awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE), in a global alliance with Mil Mentes por Mexico International (MMPMI) and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura (AMLHAC) and Global Peace Alliance Award 2023. awarded by Union Hispanomundial de Escritores (UHE) , MIL MENTES por Mexico Internacional, and Academia Mundial de Literatura, Historia, Arte y Cultura(AMLHAC). 

Jasna is a multiple winner of many international awards for poetry and literature, and her work has been
translated into several world languages. She lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia. Her poems have been published in magazines in the USA, Spain, Greece, Italy, Russia, Croatia, India, Syria, Denmark, Brazil, Mexico, Bangladesh, Serbia, Albania, Nigeria, Belgium, China, Chile, Nepal, Pakistan, Korea, Germany, Turkey, etc. Her poems have been published in so many world-famous print and electronic magazines, journals, websites, blogs, and anthologies like Spillwords Press – USA, P.L.O.T.S. The Creative Magazine - USA, Mad Swirl – USA ,Inspired – USA Raven Cage – USA, Highland Park Poetry - USA, Setu – USA, Ariel Chart – USA, Dissident Voice – USA, World of Myth Magazine – USA, Cocktail Literary Journal –USA, Synchronized Chaos Magazine – USA, Cajun Mutt Press – USA, Word City Literary Journal - USA, Medusa‟s Kitchen - USA, Sage Cigarettes – USA, Fevers of the Mind - USA, Atunis Galaxy Poetry - Albania /Belgium, Mokasini -Israel, Lothlorien Poetry Journal - UK, Polis Magazino – Greece, Homo Universalis – Greece, Chinese Language Monthly – 中國語文月刊 – China, Active Muse – India,  Eboquills – Nigeria, Azahar Revista Poetica – Spain, Sindh Courier – Pakistan, Magazine Humanity – Russia, Entre Parentesis - Chile, Daily Asia Bani - Bangladesh, Bharat Vision - Denmark, Litterateur Rw, Dritare E Re – Albania, Literary Yard – India, Gazeta Destinacioni - Albania, Newspaper Lissalba - Albania, Alb- Spirit – Albania, Albania Press – Albania, Alessandria Today – Italy,  The Moment International News – Germany, Kavya Kishor English –Bangladesh, PETRUŠKA NASTAMBA, an e-magazine for language, literature, and culture – Serbia, Güncel Sanat magazine – Turkey, Cultural Reverence, a global digital journal of art and literature -India, A Too Powerful Word - Serbia, Magazine Ghorsowar - India, Al-Arabi Today Magazine, Magazine Rainbow, Humayuns Editorial - Bangladesh, Himalaya Diary – Nepal and Agarid br. 24 and 16, Online newspaper NewsNjeju, Korea, Willwash. wordpress blogzine – Nigeria.

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