Sunday, July 7, 2024

Two Poems by Mohamed Ellaghafi

About to Depart

is everything in this bag
And this rain falling in your eyes
might be enough
for a rose to bloom
in the corners of the heart
My dear
Love is a language against war
I will be careful at the station
Too careful
The bag
will never change
But I fear
the water in your eyes
might change.

The Saxophonist

I and the water are the same
Both of us draw our image from love
Praise be to the light
to the first sight
to the bashfulness lying in the eyes
to a metaphor estranged in the courtyard
of illusion
O lineage that believed in the stone
and the civil status register
and the coffin of last year's September
and the signs of those returning
from the exile of legends
and the chaos
of the new conquerors
No room now accommodates the lovers' activists
and no voice of the dead invades the midday nap
and no poetic text
is inspired by absence in the presence 
of a whore practicing the hunt of seasons
Perhaps what is to come is fiercer 
than the claws of the owner of the heavenly boat
She doesn't need a mask
and the moss was heavenly in turn
astonishing with a face where the wind whistles
And here I remember the face of my friend who was lost to diving
I need how many extraordinary lifetimes
to find you in the reckless cup
my friend, resurrected briefly - trifling with nothingness
inciting forgetfulness
and disobedience
and arrogance and pride
and dancing with the air scented
with the fragrance of women violated by the night
Thanks to the saxophonist
the exquisite display of splendor
is the question of violation within you.

Mohamed Ellaghafi a Moroccan poet, writer, and publisher, was born on December 7, 1960, in Casablanca. He is the founder and current president of the University of Moroccan Creators and the founder of the National Poetry Award in Morocco. He has published more than fifteen books, ranging from poetry to short stories, and has participated in significant national and Arab poetry gatherings. He is considered one of the pioneers of modern poetry in Morocco, with his beginnings tracing back to the early 1980s as the founder of the (Five Senses) poetic movement, an artistic movement that emerged to align with the course of modernity.

Currently, he publishes in the Qatari magazine Doha, the London-based newspaper Al-Zaman, and the Egyptian magazine Al-Ahram. He was also honored by the Moroccan Ministry of Culture in 2019, in Beirut and Cairo in 2014, and by several prestigious associations both nationally and internationally.

His works have been translated into several languages, including English, French, Persian, German, Albanian, Italian and Korean.

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