Saturday, August 31, 2024

You Are Mine a Poem by Md. Sadikur Rahman Rumen

you are my morning
The hour before sunrise
You are in the desert
I have a water canal.

you are my afternoon
Cool shade in the hot sun
Fan wind on tired body
Enchantment in the corner of the eye.

Sweet sunny afternoon
Team up and play
Evening star in the evening
Moonlight at night.

A warm blanket for winter days
Love's caress in bed
Lap pillow while sleeping
Gentle massage if it hurts.

- Md. Sadikur Rahman Rumen

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Another Sunrise, a Poem by Tasneem Hossain

I lie in bed; my heart feebly beats. 
Nurses, doctors run around 
covered in masks and shields not a moment of peace. 
Behind the closed door my beloved sleeps. 

We lay there fifteen days or more, 
covered with oxygen masks gasping to breathe. 
Now I lie here, she on the other side, 
I knocked on death's door to let me in, 
trade my place and let my beloved live. 
Deaths’ angel ignored my plea. 

She lies hanging on a cliff 
ready to fly to an unknown destiny. 
Raindrops drizzle down my cheeks, 
filled with remorse and grief. 
Cobwebs in my head like empty vessels, 
echo the drumbeats of marching bands. 
Sounds of tinnitus shrieking bells, 
screech through my ear with flames. 

The myriads of color grow hazier now: 
only pitch black and gleaming white. 
Far in the darkness, shining fireflies; 
starlit carpet from moon spreads to welcome the bride. 

Calm tranquility reigns in moonlight; 
tomorrow there will be another sunrise.

Author: Tasneem Hossain 


[Maria Teresa Liuzzo]

[Astrit Lulushi]

BY ASTRIT LULUSHI (Writer – Poet – Literary and Art Critic – Historical Essayist – Journalist of ''LA VOCE DELL'AMERICA'' - First Editor of the international culture magazine LE MUSE (Italy)

The novel E ADESSO PARLO! first of the famous and successful trilogy by the well-known writer in Italy and around the world, Maria Teresa Liuzzo, proposed for nomination for the Nobel Prize for Literature, is added to the foreign books in Albanian. The book tells of a life of suffering and domestic violence that has as its protagonist a little girl from southern Italy. Her name is Mary and she represents all the girls who are victims of such molestations wherever they are and during their lives. The nightmare of this tortuous and criminal treatment - pedophilia is a crime against humanity - is tattooed on her body as well as in her mind, like the branding of an animal. Mary decides to tell the world, despite the threats she has suffered, what really happens inside the domestic walls at the mercy of beasts and ogres under the eyes of complacent wives and mothers. The victim of the novel in order not to succumb to the continuous physical and moral torture and not to die, invents a life. The one she would have wanted, and from the ''cell'' where her jailers confined her, she managed to create an artificial paradise and even a love. She kept ''well preserved for herself only the flower of that rocky journey...''. Perhaps death spared her to force her to live a thousand more deaths. Maria Teresa Liuzzo dedicates this book to her son Davide, whom she loved even before he was born. ''He was in fact the light of her eyes, her only reason for living''; therefore, from the mother's womb that inseparable bond with the child is created, even before he faces the world, and even beyond. This wonderful human and spiritual bond is not just a sensation, but an osmosis of soul, body and blood! Davide participated unconsciously and actively in her life. He lived, an unaware and innocent spectator, as in a dramatic film all the phases of that horrible and shameful tragedy. An indispensable companion in a thousand difficulties, he observed under the microscope - like a scientist the cancer cell imagining a miracle drug that could defeat that invasive evil that leads to certain death, if not treated immediately. Mary is sure that without her David she would never have described these monstrosities and therefore, this novel would never have been born. She would not have had the strength to write it... because writing means reliving that cursed past. The book is part of the Classic Psychological Works that speak of painful memories, but also of courage, redemption, salvation "beyond the holy denunciation". The arrival of the novel "And now I speak!" in Albania is also an aid for the treatment of similar traumas in the Albanian world that even today is not far and different from "that world" experienced and described by the protagonist. The text is recommended for all ages. The novel published by TIRANA TIMES, will soon be exhibited in bookstores.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Eight Modern Haiku by Jennifer Gurney

new lids and rings
on thrift-store jars of jam
story of my life


strawberries on sale
how can I resist
another batch


waiting for the berries to bubble
nothing to do but think


there’s a lot more
think time when making jam
than I remember


stirring jam 
steam fills the kitchen–
my thoughts float to you


stirring in steam
batch by batch
hot summer day


windows open
letting the steam out
the day floats in


such satisfaction
in putting up summer
for wintertime

© Jennifer Gurney
Broomfield, Colorado, US

Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes and hikes. Her poetry has appeared in a variety of journals, including Micropoetry Cosmos Blog, The Ravens Perch, HaikUniverse, Haiku Corner, Cold Moon Journal, Scarlet Dragonfly and The Haiku Foundation.

Scars, a Poem by Donna McCabe

My scars have become precious 
They are proof of how much 
I've overcome and survived.

© Donna McCabe
South Wales, UK
Donna McCabe is an established poet from South Wales, UK, with over twenty years experience. Her work has gained her multiple accolades within her field of literature. From being published in journals, magazines and anthologies both nationally and internationally, she is also a respected admin on many social media pages as well as having her own Instagram page and poetry page.
Instagram- @donnamccabe_
Facebook- Poemsbydonnamccabe

The Paradox of Noble Prize

- Angela Kosta 

Recently we are often encountering articles and publications on various portals, of several authors, who themselves are running for the prestigious Nobel Prize. This phenomenon is a significant and not right and before it is published in: portals, magazines or newspapers, it should be carefully analyzed by editors and publishers. The proposal of anyone, a university professor, literary critic, or even a well-known writer, does not constitute the announcement of the Nobel Prize candidate, as during the year, millions of authors and individuals or authors are proposed in the field of literature.

The Nobel Prize for Literature is the highest award for the greatest literary achievements by one (or several) authors within a year.

In 1895, Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, in his will, among the five prizes to be awarded, designated a prize for literature, for that individual who creates in the field of literature, as "the best work in an ideal direction". 

The laureate (winner of this prestigious prize) is determined by the "Stockholm Academy", which later under the statute of the Nobel Foundation was designated as the Swedish Academy. According to this statute, not only literature, but also other writings, are defined, which in terms of quality of form and style have invaluable literary value. 

It was also decided and changed that the price should be given to works published during the previous year, thus expanding to "old works" if their importance had not been made transparent by that time. Candidates, by statute, must be appointed in writing by those who can do so, by February 01 of each year. According to the regulation, the right to appoint the laureate is only granted by the Swedish Academy as well as other academies, institutions and associations similar to it, based on its foundation and purpose. This is also the right of university teachers of aesthetics, literature and history. 

Always according to Wikipedia, a 1949 amendment clarifies the category of teachers: professors of literature and physiology at universities and university colleges. The right to appoint at the time was also granted to previous Nobel Prize winners as well as "Chairpersons of Associations of Authors who are representatives of literary creation in their countries". The statute also establishes the establishment of the Nobel Committee "to give their position regarding the awarding of prizes" as well as the Nobel Institute with a library that must gather a substantial collection of modern literature. 

The winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature is announced every year on October 10, 2024. The Nobel Prize for Literature was designed by Erik Lindberg. The name of the Laurates is engraved under the figures, while the text "ACAD. SUEC." It means the Swedish Academy. The prize was first awarded by Sully Prudhomme in 1901. The first Albanian writer to be nominated for this award was the national poet Gjergj Fishta. 

[By Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter]

PRAYER, a Poem by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić

We live in days
crucial for survival
of the Human race.
The forces of Evil
set fires
across our
Only Home,
in the desire to turn it
into a blaze,
a flaming orb that wanders
until it burns out and disappears
in boundless spaces of Space.

I am not afraid of anything!
I feel that your soul
hugs me from distance,
so I calmly pray
our Creator
to forgive us all our sins
and give one more chance,
in the name of true love,
which is here still celebrated,
for the sake of our children,
who we must not leave to

Brothers and sisters,
from the beautiful planet Earth,
Let's Pray,
without cease,
so that our
most sincere and penitential
The Almighty
and together with his power
prevail and win
the accumulated forces of Evil!

- Written and translated into English by Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić, Novi Sad, Serbia

Prof. Ljiljana Samardžić was born in Belgrade, the capital of former Yugoslavia and now the capital of Serbia. However, she spent most of her life in Sarajevo, where she completed Elementary school, finished Grammar school and graduated from English language and literature and Serbo-Croatian language at the Faculty of Philosophy. She also studied Italian language and literature along with the work as an interpreter/translator in a trade company. Besides, she attended a painting school and was very active in painting until 1992, when the war in Sarajevo broke out. During the war, she worked as an interpreter for the UN military observers and many other international organizations. When the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina ended, she left Sarajevo, worked as an interpreter in the Regional centre of the OSCE in Sokolac, the Republic of Srpska (the entity of BandH). By the end of 1998, she moved to Novi Sad, Serbia, where she lives until now. In Novi Sad she worked as an English teacher. After the retirement, she continued holding private English classes. She often translates poetry from and into English and also writes poems in both Serbian and English.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


BY MED NADHIR SEBAA - Professor of Literature University of Batna (Algeria) Literary and Art Critic, Essayist, poet, novelist and translator.

[Maria Teresa Liuzzo]

For the writer and poet Maria Teresa Liuzzo: abundant, original and varied work...
''Writing means remaining humble''. Only love for our fellow men elevates others (MTL). The work of Maria Teresa Liuzzo, a famous Italian writer - poet, recognized by the general public, is characterized by the brilliant repetition of current topics, in modern forms, to be translated in the perspective of an almost psychoanalytic dissection, the walk of the beautiful human intelligence with humanism, science and great originality, avoiding the ''writing couch of PROCUSTES'', elastic, faded and current. Maria Teresa, far from any intellectual pretension described in her suggestive poems and prose novels, the joys, the sorrows, the hopes of life... with loyalty, simplicity and warmth... The love of the men of the world, of her brothers and similar, is one of the many essential themes, until the return to childhood to extract the certainty that every child is intelligent, fundamentally innocent and that he must be protected from the stupidity and perversion of adults; which she meticulously denounces. Rich, varied, fascinating, the work of Doctor Liuzzo, romantic and sometimes autobiographical - and which draws great frescoes in homage to the human being, to women and to humanity, has the rare privilege of having inspired a considerable number of studies dedicated to her experience and her intimate journey. The most diverse criticisms have been formulated on her anthology, composed of ''The light of the return '', ''The hungry shadow of the mother'', ''And now I speak!'', ''Genesis'', ''Humanity'' ... skilfully transporting the themes of everything she had experienced so far, written with sensitivity and imbued with energy, motivation, new Spirit and love, which dominated her life, each drawing from the arsenal of her autobiography, to measure her talent, her originality, on the eve of an infinite humanist search expressed with force in her beautiful ''Non dirmi che ho amato il vento!''. Because she highlights the ridiculousness of transgressions, hatreds and vices, Maria Teresa has willingly placed herself in diachrony, through a contribution and an imaginary that give to the reading some sorts of characters, actors, recorded in the most exhaustive History of a family space expanded in the social environment. With a great striptease technique and armed with a sharp mind, an observant gaze, a great sensitivity, Maria Teresa Liuzzo reveals to us the innumerable resources of both the literary language and the dialects that she uses with direction and in a tasty way. This Author, a great friend of my country Algeria and of the world, deserves to be among the future candidates for the NOBEL PRIZE for LITERATURE.
(MED NADHIR SEBAA - 28 July 2024)

[Med Nadhir Sebaa]

Maria Teresa Liuzzo ka lindur në Saline di Montebello Jonico dhe banon në Reggio Calabria (Itali) Presidente e Shoqatës Lirik-Drama ''P. Benintende'' - Gazetar - Botues. Drejtor i revistës letrare ''LE MUSE'' - Shkrimtar - Doktor në Psikologji - Leibniz University Santa Fe, New Mexico, SHBA. - Prof. Filozofia dhe Letrat Moderne - SHBA. - Korrespondent i ''IL PONTE ITALO - AMERICANO'' - SHBA - ''NUOVA CORVINA'' EUROPA - (Hunedoara) - Bashkëpunëtor i ''ALB-SPIRIT'' TIRANA (SHQIPËRI), ''Gazzetta Nazionale'' (Tiranë) . ''Perqasje'' (Tirane); ''Gazeta Destinacioni'' (Vlorë - Shqipëri); ''Dritare'' dhe ''Albania Press'' (me qendër në Romë''); ''Atunis'' (Belgjikë - Bruksel).
Ajo është redaktore e gazetës ''THE FATEHPUR RESOLUTION (INDI) Dr Shailesh VEER - ''PEN CRAFT'' - BANGLADESH (INDI) - Dr. Sadiqur Raman Rumen - ''ORFEU '' - Prishtinë (SHQIPËRI) dir. Lan Qyqalla; '' EZGULIK '' - Bukhara (UZBEKISTAN) - Drejtor Obid KOLDOSH


''ROOTS'' Jason Ed (1992)
''PSIKA'' Jason Ed (1993)
''APEIRON'' Jason ed. (1995)
''EUTANAZIA E UTOPISË'' Jason ed. (1997)
''AUTOPSIA IMAGE'' Agar ed. (2002)
''HIJA NUK KA tejkaluar DRITËN'' Agar ed. (2006)
''GENESIS'' Agar ed. (2008)
''MYOSOTIDE'' Agar ed. (2009)
''DHE TANI FLAS!'' Agar ed. (2019)
''Unë jam duke folur, TANI!'' Agar ed. (2020)
''MOS MË THO QË E DOSHI ERËN!'' Agar ed. (2021)
''HIJA E URIT E NËNËS'' Agar ed. (2022)
''DRITA E KTHIMIT'' Agar ed. (2022)
''VALLJA NË RITIMIN E RIMEVE'' ed. Universiteti Maroken (2023)
''TARMURI DE LUNA'' Cosmopoli ed. Rumania (2023)
''LIBRI ITALIAN'' - Antologji - përkthim nga Eldar Akhadov (Rusi tetor 2023)
''GREEN RAINS OF SEMRALD'' Agar ed. (2024)
''Mos ME VARRONI PER GJALL" '- MOS ME SHJNNI NE DHE - Fast Print ed. 2024 Tiranë (Shqipëri)

''HAIKU'' - Aius ed. Craiova 2024 (Rumani)


Shumë artikuj dhe botime në Itali dhe jashtë saj.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Two Poems by Sophy Chen


2020-02-09  21:30 三岔子 苏菲汉英诗歌原创
A Strange Star
  Sophy Chen

Today in 2020, the Beginning of Spring has already past
The 15th day of the first month of lunar year has already past
And it is the 16th day but still unusually cold and suffocating
No one is allowed to go out to meet people so all people are at home
Just publishing a group of translated poems and lifting cotton door curtain
I suddenly found a big star in the west sky
Not only surprisingly big, but also surprisingly bright
The experience and memories of growing up in the mountains tell me
I’ve never seen such a big, such a bright star
It looks like a big lamp on the top of mountain
Radiating brilliant light, with white light in red glow
I took the camera in a hurry, but it is a pity
Even the telephoto lens failed to keep it
Suddenly someone shouted loudly: it is a disaster star
A disaster star or a blessing star, I haven’t responded yet
It fell off the cliff ...
[2020-02-09 21:30 Sanchazi Sophy Chen’s Original C-E Poetry]

[2021-09-22  03:40  苏菲汉英诗歌原创    小谷围岛]

Spirituality To A Chinese Monk Troubadour 
— Sophy Chen

On a piece of cloth he
Is selling his books in the street
A copy or two copies in his hands
Pedestrians hurrying by...
He kept introducing and explaining to them
And also had to keep an eye on the city inspectors who are everywhere
With a little anxiety in his eyes, but
He is quiet and carefree
We are there to give him a bit of encourage in a whole day
At the end of the year in Guangzhou, though it is not cold
But it is a little cold and desolate
For a few days, it seemed like we got
The anxiety, and with the inner torment
It’s like we’re back to the cold and desolate old days.
[2021-09-22 03:40  Sophy Chen’s C-E Original Poetry  Xiaoguwei Island]
[Translated by Sophy Chen 2023-08-03]
About Sophy Chen, China:-
Sophy Chen (Lihua Chen), is a Chinese poet & translator. She is born in Lueyang, Shannxi, graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University and lives in Guangzhou now. She is the President of Sophy International Translation Publishing House and the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards. She edited and translated Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook, Poetry Collection Of 2019/2023 Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards & PENTASI B China Poetry Festival and Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and other 16 poetry collections. She won PENTASI B World Inspirational Poet and Italy Neruda Award and other 20 awards. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held 2019/2023  Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards & PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival in China. SOPHY CHEN is appointed as AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by THE ACADEMIC SENATE of LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA of Italy and AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by “Il Parnaso - Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy.

[中国]苏菲(Sophy Chen)简介
苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名:陈丽华。中国诗人、翻译家,生于陕西略阳,毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院,现居广州。苏菲国际翻译出版社社长、苏菲世界诗歌奖创始人。翻译主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(英汉对照)纸质版、《苏菲世界诗歌奖& PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节诗全集》2019/2023、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉纸质世界诗刊等16部。获PENTASI B世界精神诗人奖、意大利聂鲁达奖等20项。赞助、主办2019/2023苏菲世界诗歌奖&PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节。意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖荣誉评审员、意大利卢修斯·阿纳乌斯·塞内卡艺术与哲学学院 驻华大使、意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖驻华大使。

Saturday, August 3, 2024


[Astrit Lulushi]

[Maria Teresa Liuzzo]

Astrit Lulushi's work is monumental, complex and articulated. It unfolds over a very long period of time and is characterized by creative vision and originality. Its main characteristic is versatility. He is, in fact, a Writer, Essayist, Literary and Art Critic, Philosopher, Historian, acute and very talented poet, journalist of ''LA VOCE DELL'AMERICA'' (Washington). We are faced with a total intellectual who makes our thoughts go to Ungaretti, Montale, but also to Baudelaire, Pound, Eliot. The overall activity is linked to a centre, visible and occult, which also constantly tends towards the conquest of poetry: transversally in the different forms of Scripture; of art in general; of the very current theories on discontinuity, not only at a sub-atomic level, and on the constitution of matter, to the unification of the unity of being, therefore also psychological, touching on the sphere of the absolute. At the same time, the forces and action of time are revealed: it does not matter if the Heraclitean panta rei and the eternal Parmenidean immobility oscillate. Everything is dynamically wrapped in a universalizing vertigo which, due to the effect of the word, takes on immortal mobility. In the body of readings we encounter some literary ancestry and ''Leitmotifs'' with Lee Masters in the Spoon River Anthology, an operation that is not easy, but even risky because it establishes a comparison with a masterpiece of world literature. But Lulushi emerges with extreme vigor and dignity, above all by imposing the original features of his language. An interior landscape formed in his life of travel and escape when he emigrated to America. For his culture he remains an enigma in the eyes of his readers and researchers today. He knows that a life of tragedy guarantees the best of writing and goodness.
A character, Lulushi, who from the outdated point of view in the Nietzschean sense, when he reaffirms the values is against the contemporary ''philistines'' who condition and pollute contemporary literature - and in contrast to the mediocrity, which seems to prevail in the writing as a whole, of art in general. Here we cannot dwell on everything, but neither can we remain silent about a Work which stands out - in our humble opinion - as a milestone, due to the consequence of an absolute genius like Plato. Astrit Lulushi's revelation of Plato seems to us to be a brilliant and extremely useful operation. His writing represents a clear autonomous example that contains the spirit and meaning of the original work intact and adheres perfectly to our cultural and human contemporaneity. He exposes his conception of time as he perceives it in the course of his existence, biographical and creative, which, however, in him coincide and arrive naturally and paradoxically, through the acceptance of every relativistic principle, of the indistinct space-time sphere shaping each of his works and above all poetic ones with somatizing principles dating back to ERNST MACH (1838 - 1916) for his scientific and philosophical culture and for his aerodynamic, unveiled writing that goes into earthly and terrestrial space, to the truth; to MAX PLANCK (1858 - 1947) for his genius which, when discovered, creates beauty and wonder; PLATO (427 BC - 347 BC) how he deduces and investigates the Knowledge of Love and Politics around the world of ideas, myths and Parmenidean doctrine. What is looking at universal silence if not having a soul? (FEDOR IVANOVIC TYUTCEV).
Astrit Lulushi does not consider thought as materiality, but far from animality and is far from that pathological collectivity that craves dominance, ambiguity and annihilation, as happens in society where the god of money counts and not the intelligence of the honest . In a violent society under philanthropic appearances in which everyone is aimed at realizing themselves as a material subject and making their dark neurons win. The writer's verses, his novels, his discoveries, his philosophy will be immortal where thought becomes high poetic and narrative creation; his questioning of the meaning of existence, of the impossibility of grasping the mystery. We reflect on the progressive and unstoppable loss that has brought about the contempt of man, which still today, in the third Millennium, proceeds without recovery, or a fake recovery.
Q. What role does writing have in contemporary society for you?
A. In any art, there must be two initial gifts: Talent and Experience. I don't know to what extent, but they have to be there. I started writing late and put it off for so many years. When I finally started, I felt like I had nothing to lose and that I might as well tell the truth. My life changed and in the new world there were many things that many in Albania had never heard of, because they lived isolated like in a prison.
The material stays in your body for a long time before you start writing. The books I wrote took time because I had to find the right place to write. America has become my second country and anxiety my second language. I think in Albanian and write in Albanian and for Albanians.
Q. You as a scrupulous and intelligent observer. His eye is a magnifying glass that communicates between reality and dreams. Tell us about this aspect.
A. It's like forever: one has many, many chambers in the brain that make one big room. That's the nature of the art form and that's what's happening now. Only the small room has become large. Anyone can write. It's just like in school, children learn to put words together into sentences; then they connect them, make them coherent with other sentences, so that they can be expressed both in writing and orally. But saying that anyone can become a poet or writer is like saying that anyone can compose a sonata. In any art, there are two initial gifts that must be there: Talent and Experience. I don't know how much there has to be, but there has to be.
Q. In your writings, in addition to the themes that speak of myth and justice, you often refer to God and the Holy Scriptures.
A. Why not? After all, the first man is God's creation, despite the fact that there are many in the public who say otherwise - especially our now older generation. We were born, educated and raised in the half of the world that was communist and atheist. At the beginning, when I came out of the communist hell, the first thing I asked was to give me a Bible - a very heavy book both in paper consistency and in thoughts and which have great value for a person like me.
Q. Your works are rich in teachings and are in constant comparison with the way of understanding life of yesterday and today.
A. True, it's as you say. These are lessons that I have learned during my life and I try to pass them on to young people. The reason I write them in Albanian is that my people need it as a basis to understand more than what they have been indoctrinated with. I am sorry and compassionate to them to the point of pity. They were proud but had a little to show.
Q. Your works are historical, ethical and social documents of great depth, which combine psychological and sociological aspects with characters that your mind describes with emotional tension.
A. I make a distinction between a very effective fiction, which lets the words flow beautifully, and so on. I write differently than some people. You really have to press the material to get something out of it, and not just take every sentence in the book and graft it on. It made me feel a little like I was reading someone. David Foster Wallace, he always said, "I can't play that game. I wish I could, but I can't."
Young people have a saying: "kill in your lane." This is a very important principle of writing. You need to figure out what you can't do, block it out, and focus on what works.
Q. I had an enthusiastic impression of your extraordinary works. Do you think you have entered the heart and soul of the creative trend, its fluctuating reality with a critical spirit?
A. For everything, man has two opinions: negative and affirmative. One of the first sayings comes from a diary written by Søren Kierkegaard in 1835: There are two possible situations: you can do this or that." My honest opinion and friendly advice is this: do it or don't do it, you will regret it either way. So, once again, don't expect concrete answers, talent and life experience remain the basis of writing, as in everything else. What I need to clarify is “do what you need to do, not what you need to know.”



[Poet: Ali Imran]

[Translator: Maria Teresa Liuzzo]

This work of art brings me back to the past.
Oh, how I wish I could go back in time
where even the dream was imposing.
We could climb up and down
with the memory of carefree days
to relive a glimpse of those times
and feel like angels
to be able to fly above the skyscrapers,
see the sea from above, and the people who look like ants.
Then, I realize
that the weather was fickle and fairy-tale-like
and that is why Art and Literature were born.
To stop time and hold it tight in your arms
like a creature.
Stop that moment in your heart and the years on paper,
question the future and write centuries of history.
Thoughts are rivers of ink
anime paintings in frame.
Literature the most powerful voice
that questions the future,
the word the message of man before dawn.
- Ali Imran 


“Literature is the revolt against accepted things”…Maria Teresa Liuzzo exemplifies these wise sayings and goes further… Transforming conscio...