Wednesday, December 25, 2024

A Poem by of Nasir Aijaz in Four Languages

Memoirs: The Story of Climate Change
A poem by Nasir Aijaz - Sindh, Pakistan

[Poet : Nasir Aijaz]

I remember the bygone days
When in youthful age 
At frosty, chilling nights
We used to buy leathery-shelled peanuts 
From a street vender 
And enjoy the warmth of quilt
While nibbling the nuts. 

And during the summer vacations
We used to rush to the field channel
Flowing near our hometown
To enjoy the mango parties
Sitting under the Neem trees
And rejoice swimming 
In the pleasant streamwater. 

Our elation didn't end here
On return from the mango party
And the swimming in the field channel
We used to take bath 
Pouring buckets over body
Of natural cold water 
Pulled from the well in courtyard of home. 

Alas, gone are those days
Over the decades, 
All has changed
Neither there are frosty winters
Nor the moderate summers
To enjoy the nuts at winter night 
And mango parties in summers
At the banks of field channel. 

Temperate climate has vanished
When there used to be long winters 
And short and mild summers.
Frosty and chilling winters are no more
Now, during the long summers, planet Earth turns into an oven
The sun seems closer to the Earth like a fireball. 

Climate continues fast changing 
Monsoon passed with scanty rains
The autumn feels like the sweltering summer
Water resources depleting 
Wells are no more, field channels dried up
Drought and deforestation threatening.

Every season has now turned to be the autumn 
When the river waters begin receding
And the pale, dry leaves start falling 
Making the trees bald
Soulless atmosphere overwhelms the evenings. 
- Nasir Aijaz 


നസീർ ഐജാസിൻ്റെ ഒരു കവിത - സിന്ധ്, പാകിസ്ഥാൻ 

പോയ നാളുകൾ ഞാൻ ഓർക്കുന്നു
ചെറുപ്പത്തിൽ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോൾ 
തണുത്തുറഞ്ഞ, തണുപ്പുള്ള രാത്രികളിൽ
തോൽ കൊണ്ട് പൊതിഞ്ഞ നിലക്കടലയാണ് ഞങ്ങൾ വാങ്ങുന്നത് 
ഒരു തെരുവ് കച്ചവടക്കാരനിൽ നിന്ന് 
ഒപ്പം പുതപ്പിൻ്റെ ചൂടും ആസ്വദിക്കൂ
അണ്ടിപ്പരിപ്പ് നക്കുന്നതിനിടയിൽ. 

പിന്നെ വേനൽ അവധിക്കാലത്തും
ഞങ്ങൾ ഫീൽഡ് ചാനലിലേക്ക് ഓടിക്കയറുമായിരുന്നു
ഞങ്ങളുടെ നാട്ടിലെ അടുത്ത് ഒഴുകുന്നു
മാംഗോ പാർട്ടികൾ ആസ്വദിക്കാൻ
വേപ്പ് മരങ്ങളുടെ ചുവട്ടിൽ ഇരുന്നു
ഒപ്പം നീന്തുന്നതിൽ സന്തോഷിക്കുക 
സുഖമുള്ള അരുവിവെള്ളത്തിൽ. 

ഞങ്ങളുടെ ആഹ്ലാദം ഇവിടെ അവസാനിച്ചില്ല
മാമ്പഴ വിരുന്നിൽ നിന്ന് മടങ്ങുമ്പോൾ
ഒപ്പം ഫീൽഡ് ചാനലിലെ നീന്തലും
ഞങ്ങൾ കുളിക്കാറുണ്ടായിരുന്നു 
ദേഹത്ത് ബക്കറ്റുകൾ ഒഴിക്കുന്നു
സ്വാഭാവിക തണുത്ത വെള്ളം 
വീട്ടുമുറ്റത്തെ കിണറ്റിൽ നിന്ന് വലിച്ചെടുത്തു. 

അയ്യോ, ആ നാളുകൾ പോയി
എല്ലാം മാറിയിരിക്കുന്നു
തണുത്തുറഞ്ഞ ശൈത്യകാലവും ഇല്ല
മിതമായ വേനൽക്കാലവുമല്ല
ശൈത്യകാലത്ത് രാത്രിയിൽ അണ്ടിപ്പരിപ്പ് ആസ്വദിക്കാൻ 
വേനൽക്കാലത്ത് മാമ്പഴ പാർട്ടികളും
ഫീൽഡ് ചാനലിൻ്റെ തീരത്ത്. 

മിതശീതോഷ്ണ കാലാവസ്ഥ അപ്രത്യക്ഷമായി
നീണ്ട ശൈത്യകാലം ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നപ്പോൾ 
ഒപ്പം ചെറുതും മിതമായതുമായ വേനൽക്കാലം.
തണുത്തുറഞ്ഞതും തണുപ്പുള്ളതുമായ ശൈത്യകാലം ഇനിയില്ല
ഇപ്പോൾ, നീണ്ട വേനൽക്കാലത്ത്, ഭൂമി ഗ്രഹം ഒരു അടുപ്പായി മാറുന്നു
സൂര്യൻ ഒരു അഗ്നിഗോളത്തെപ്പോലെ ഭൂമിയോട് അടുത്തതായി തോന്നുന്നു. 

കാലാവസ്ഥ അതിവേഗം മാറിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു 
ചെറിയ മഴയോടെയാണ് മൺസൂൺ കടന്നുപോയത്
ശരത്കാലം കടുത്ത വേനൽ പോലെ അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നു
ജലസ്രോതസ്സുകൾ നശിക്കുന്നു 
കിണറുകളില്ല, വയൽ ചാനലുകൾ വറ്റി
വരൾച്ചയും വനനശീകരണവും ഭീഷണിയാകുന്നു.

എല്ലാ സീസണും ഇപ്പോൾ ശരത്കാലമായി മാറിയിരിക്കുന്നു 
നദിയിലെ വെള്ളം ഇറങ്ങാൻ തുടങ്ങുമ്പോൾ
വിളറിയ ഉണങ്ങിയ ഇലകൾ വീഴാൻ തുടങ്ങും 
മരങ്ങളെ മൊട്ടയടിക്കുന്നു
ആത്മാവില്ലാത്ത അന്തരീക്ഷം വൈകുന്നേരങ്ങളെ കീഴടക്കുന്നു. 

നസീർ ഐജാസ് 
നവംബർ 5, 2024

नासिर एजाज की एक कविता - सिंध, पाकिस्तान

मुझे बीते दिन याद हैं
जब जवानी में
ठंडी, सर्द रातों में
हम सड़क किनारे विक्रेता से चमड़े के छिलके वाली मूंगफली खरीदते थे
और मेवे चबाते हुए रजाई की गर्मी का आनंद लेते थे।

और गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में
हम अपने गृहनगर के पास बहने वाली खेत की नहर की ओर भागते थे
आम की पार्टियों का आनंद लेने के लिए
नीम के पेड़ों के नीचे बैठते थे
और सुहावने जलधारा में तैरकर आनंद लेते थे।

हमारा उल्लास यहीं खत्म नहीं होता था
आम की पार्टी से लौटकर
और खेत की नहर में तैरते हुए
हम नहाते थे
बाल्टी से शरीर पर डालते थे
घर के आंगन में कुएं से निकाला गया प्राकृतिक ठंडा पानी।

अफ़सोस, वे दिन चले गए
पिछले दशकों में,
सब कुछ बदल गया है
न तो अब ठंढी सर्दियाँ हैं
न ही मध्यम गर्मियाँ
सर्दियों की रात में मेवे खाने के लिए
और गर्मियों में आम की पार्टियाँ
खेत की नहरों के किनारे।

समशीतोष्ण जलवायु गायब हो गई है
जब लंबी सर्दियाँ हुआ करती थीं
और छोटी और हल्की गर्मियाँ।
ठंडी और ठंडी सर्दियाँ अब नहीं रहीं
अब, लंबी गर्मियों के दौरान, ग्रह पृथ्वी एक भट्टी में बदल जाती है
सूर्य पृथ्वी के करीब एक आग के गोले की तरह लगता है।

जलवायु तेजी से बदल रही है
मानसून कम बारिश के साथ बीत गया
शरद ऋतु में उमस भरी गर्मी जैसी अनुभूति होती है
जल संसाधन कम होते जा रहे हैं
कुएँ नहीं रहे, खेत की नहरें सूख गई हैं
सूखे और वनों की कटाई का खतरा है।

हर मौसम अब शरद ऋतु बन गया है
जब नदियों का पानी कम होने लगता है
और पीली, सूखी पत्तियाँ गिरने लगती हैं
पेड़ों को गंजे बना देती हैं
शाम को बेजान माहौल छा जाता है।

नासिर ऐजाज़
5 नवंबर, 2024

நசீர் அய்ஜாஸின் கவிதை - சிந்து, பாகிஸ்தான் 

கடந்த காலங்கள் எனக்கு நினைவிருக்கிறது
இளமையில் இருக்கும்போது 
உறைபனி, குளிர்ச்சியான இரவுகளில்
தோலுடன் கூடிய வேர்க்கடலையை வாங்கினோம் 
ஒரு தெரு வியாபாரியிடமிருந்து 
மற்றும் குயில் வெப்பத்தை அனுபவிக்கவும்
கொட்டைகளை நசுக்கும் போது. 

மற்றும் கோடை விடுமுறையின் போது
வயல் சானலுக்கு விரைந்தோம்
எங்கள் ஊருக்கு அருகில் ஓடுகிறது
மாம்பழ விருந்துகளை ரசிக்க
வேப்ப மரத்தடியில் அமர்ந்து
மற்றும் நீச்சல் மகிழ்ச்சி 
இதமான ஓடையில். 

எங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சி இத்துடன் முடிந்துவிடவில்லை
மாம்பழ விருந்து முடிந்து திரும்பும்போது
மற்றும் வயல் கால்வாயில் நீச்சல்
நாங்கள் குளித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தோம் 
உடலில் வாளிகளை ஊற்றுவது
இயற்கை குளிர்ந்த நீர் 
வீட்டு முற்றத்தில் உள்ள கிணற்றில் இருந்து எடுக்கப்பட்டது. 

ஐயோ, அந்த நாட்கள் போய்விட்டன
பல தசாப்தங்களாக, 
எல்லாம் மாறிவிட்டது
உறைபனி குளிர்காலமும் இல்லை
மிதமான கோடைகாலமும் இல்லை
குளிர்கால இரவில் பருப்புகளை அனுபவிக்க 
மற்றும் கோடையில் மாம்பழ விருந்துகள்
புல சேனலின் கரையில். 

மிதமான காலநிலை மறைந்து விட்டது
நீண்ட குளிர்காலம் இருக்கும் போது 
மற்றும் குறுகிய மற்றும் மிதமான கோடை.
உறைபனி மற்றும் குளிர்ச்சியான குளிர்காலம் இனி இல்லை
இப்போது, ​​நீண்ட கோடை காலங்களில், பூமி கிரகம் ஒரு அடுப்பாக மாறுகிறது
சூரியன் ஒரு தீப்பந்தம் போல பூமிக்கு அருகில் தெரிகிறது. 

காலநிலை வேகமாக மாறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கிறது 
பருவமழை குறைந்த மழையுடன் கடந்துவிட்டது
இலையுதிர் காலம் வெயில் கொளுத்தும் கோடை போல் உணர்கிறது
நீர் ஆதாரங்கள் குறைந்து வருகின்றன 
கிணறுகள் இப்போது இல்லை, வயல் கால்வாய்கள் வறண்டுவிட்டன
வறட்சி மற்றும் காடழிப்பு அச்சுறுத்தல்.

இப்போது ஒவ்வொரு பருவமும் இலையுதிர் காலமாக மாறிவிட்டது 
ஆற்றின் நீர் வடியத் தொடங்கும் போது
மற்றும் வெளிர், உலர்ந்த இலைகள் விழ ஆரம்பிக்கும் 
மரங்களை வழுக்கையாக்கும்
ஆன்மா இல்லாத வளிமண்டலம் மாலைகளை மூழ்கடிக்கிறது. 

நசீர் அய்ஜாஸ் 
நவம்பர் 5, 2024


নাসির আইজাজের একটি কবিতা - সিন্ধু, পাকিস্তান 

আগের দিনগুলোর কথা মনে পড়ে
যৌবন বয়সে যখন 
হিমশীতল, শীতল রাতে
আমরা চামড়ার খোসাযুক্ত চিনাবাদাম কিনতাম 
রাস্তার এক বিক্রেতার কাছ থেকে 
এবং কুইল্টের উষ্ণতা উপভোগ করুন
বাদাম nibbling যখন. 

আর গ্রীষ্মের ছুটিতে
আমরা মাঠের চ্যানেলে ছুটে যেতাম
আমাদের গ্রামের কাছাকাছি প্রবাহিত
আম পার্টি উপভোগ করতে
নিম গাছের নিচে বসে
এবং সাঁতার কাটাতে আনন্দ করুন 
মনোরম স্রোতের জলে। 

আমাদের উচ্ছ্বাস এখানেই শেষ হয়নি
আম পার্টি থেকে ফেরার সময়
আর মাঠের চ্যানেলে সাঁতার কাটছে
আমরা গোসল করতাম 
শরীরের উপর বালতি ঢালা
প্রাকৃতিক ঠান্ডা জলের 
বাড়ির উঠানে কুয়া থেকে টানা। 

হায়রে, চলে গেছে সেই দিনগুলো
কয়েক দশক ধরে, 
সব বদলে গেছে
হিমশীতল শীতও নেই
কিংবা মাঝারি গ্রীষ্ম
শীতের রাতে বাদাম উপভোগ করতে 
আর গ্রীষ্মে আমের পার্টি
ফিল্ড চ্যানেলের পাড়ে। 

নাতিশীতোষ্ণ জলবায়ু বিলুপ্ত হয়ে গেছে
যখন দীর্ঘ শীত ছিল 
এবং ছোট এবং হালকা গ্রীষ্ম।
হিমশীতল শীত আর নেই
এখন, দীর্ঘ গ্রীষ্মের সময়, গ্রহ পৃথিবী একটি চুলায় পরিণত হয়
সূর্যকে আগুনের গোলার মতো পৃথিবীর কাছাকাছি মনে হয়। 

জলবায়ু দ্রুত পরিবর্তন অব্যাহত 
অল্প বৃষ্টিতে বর্ষা চলে গেল
শরৎ গ্রীষ্মের ঝলমলে মনে হয়
পানির সম্পদ ক্ষয় হচ্ছে 
কূপ আর নেই, মাঠের নালাগুলো শুকিয়ে গেছে
খরা এবং বন উজাড়ের হুমকি।

প্রতিটি ঋতু এখন শরৎ ঋতুতে পরিণত হয়েছে 
নদীর পানি কমতে শুরু করলে
এবং ফ্যাকাশে, শুকনো পাতা পড়া শুরু করে 
গাছ টাক করা
নির্ঘুম পরিবেশ সন্ধ্যাকে আচ্ছন্ন করে। 
নাসির আইজাজ 
নভেম্বর 5, 2024
Translated by DRKK MATHEW/India

Translator : Drkk Mathew

Biography :-
Nasir Aijaz,
hailing from the historic Bhiria town of Sahiti district Naushehro Feroze, and based in Karachi, the capital of Sindh province of Pakistan, since 1976, is basically a journalist and researcher having spent over 48 years in the field of journalism. He won Gold Medal and another award for best reporting in 1988 and 1989. He has worked in key position of editor for newspapers and news agencies. He also worked as a TV Anchor (For Pakistan Television) for over a decade and conducted some 400 programs from 1982 to 1992 besides appeared as analyst in several programs on private TV channels. He also did dozens of programs on Radio Pakistan and some other private Radio channels. He is author of ten books on history, language, literature, travelogue and biography. One of his books ‘Hur – The Freedom Fighter’, a research work on war against the British colonial forces, also won a prize. Some of his other books are unpublished. Further, he translated a poetry book of Egyptian poet Ashraf Aboul Yazid, into Sindhi language, which was published in Egypt. Besides, he has written around 500 articles in English, Urdu and Sindhi, the native language of Sindh. He is editor of Sindh Courier, an online magazine and represents The AsiaN, an online news service of South Korea with regular contribution for eleven years. His articles have also been translated in Arabic and Korean languages. Some of his English articles were published in Singapore and India and Nigeria. He writes poetry in his native language Sindhi, and English. Very recently, some of his poems have been translated into Albanian, Italian, Arabic, Turkish and Greek languages and published there besides in Arabic language published in Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, and Abu Dhabi. His English poems have also been published in Bangladesh, Kosovo, USA, Tajikistan, Greece, Italy and some other countries. Nasir Aijaz is one of the founding members of Korea-based Asia Journalists Association AJA. He has visited some ten Asian countries and attended international seminars. His recent 300 page book is "Maharaja Dahir' which is a translation into Sindhi of Bengali novel authored by Kolkata-based novelist Ms. Debasree Chakraborty. For translation, she arranged English translation, which was translated into Sindhi simultaneously. The book has been well received in Sindh and abroad. Some 26 episodes of Sindhi translation of the novel were published in weekly Hindvasi of Mumbai before the book was published in August 2024.   

The truth between existence and essence in Aristotelian thought - Dr. Amal Bouharb

Philosophy reflects the cumulative challenges that humanity has faced since ancient times, and perhaps the question of truth is one of the most complex and controversial issues. Man has always sought to understand what lies beyond existence, and what is the essence that constitutes the essence of truth. In this context, the philosophical heritage of Aristotle occupies a prominent place, as his ideas have influenced the course of Western thought from the fourth century BC to the present day. However, the effects of this search for truth extend beyond Aristotle to include other philosophers such as Nietzsche, Sartre, Spinoza, and Ibn Rushd, who added new dimensions to this complex issue related to the relationship between existence and essence. In his philosophy, Aristotle presents a contrasting conception between existence (which relates to being) and essence (which refers to the essence of being). Aristotle believes that all things have a real existence, but this existence cannot be fully understood without inmersing themselves in their nature and essential characteristics. The existence of a thing

'is different from its essence, as something can exist without expressing its real essence. But how can a person realize the true essence of existence? The Dutch philosopher Spinoza expressed existence with the concept of "essence", saying: "Everything that exists has an essence, and what has a true existence is what expresses this essence." We find a convergence with Aristotle's ideas, where understanding the essence becomes necessary to realize existence, so that truth is knowledge in itself. In Aristotle's view, truth is linked to knowing things as they are, which is known as the law of identity: "A thing is what it is." Facts are not just empty judgments of their content, but rather manifestations of reality that extend deep into the nature of things. Sartre uses this concept in his depiction of existentialism, as he highlights the importance of self-awareness, saying: "Existence precedes essence," meaning that man, as a conscious being, is the one who determines his truth through his actions and choices. If self- awareness in this context is the key to understanding truth, how is this awareness affected by different social and cultural contexts? Looking at essence from Aristotle's perspective means searching into the factors that make things up, while investigating existence is a way to discover how These essences are manifested in the world, as essence is linked to the characteristics of the thing, while existence expresses our life experience. Therefore, a deep understanding of truth requires harmony between the two concepts. This harmony between existence and essence is evident in the idea of "accidents" or "secondary factors," which tell us more about how things interact in reality and why they change. Nietzsche adds an individual dimension to existential understanding, as he considers that "truth is not something that can be found, but rather a creation." Therefore, man must transcend historial and social constraints to realize himself. If truth is an individual experience, it must be realized that knowledge has intertwined dimensions in light of this personal experience. Aristotle's vision was greatly influenced by later philosophical thought, especially the reflections of Ibn Rushd, who played a pivotal role in conveying Aristotle's philosophy to the Islamic world and then to Europe. Ibn Rushd reinterpreted Aristotle in a way that reflects the complexities of Arab thought, as he tried to combine reason and transmission, which added an additional existential dimension to the discussion about essence and existence. Ibn Rushd says: "A healthy understanding that relies on reason helps to differentiate between phenomena." And the facts "In an existential context, this search for truth can be seen as part of the human journey towards self-understanding. The more the individual seeks to interpret the existence around him, the more he is confronted with existential questions related to the meaning of life.

- Dr. Amal Bouharb


Remember, a Poem by Noris Roberts

Let's not toast out of habit or politeness.
Let's toast to what we feel.
Let's toast to life, to the future, to faith and hope.

Raise your glass,
that despite the distance,
I toast with you

My toast is to you,
that there may always be peace,
brotherhood, love and freedom.

Remember that life, 
although it gives and takes from us,
is also color, passion, joy and friendship.

- Noris Roberts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Two Poems by Abeera Mirza

Rhythm Of My Life

I am a spark of creativity,
My writings have velocity and clarity. 

As I write, I dive into the rhythm of my mind,
And the perfect rhythmic flow, I find. 

I have a flame of passion,
I'm in tune with my compassion. 

My writing is full of the melody of my heart, 
Which pounds excitement and creativity in my thoughts. 

I feel an incandescent energy that chases my dream,
By making a scheme of a different theme and shine with a beam. 

As I compose, I conduct an orchestration of my soul,
Making my work a thread of imagination is my goal.

I have an addiction to write,
That excites me to invite words and delight. 

My pen dances a joy of expression,
To eliminate depression is its way of impression.

Turn My Difficulties Into New Hopes

Life has many hurdles,
Standing on needles
Won't you?

No bed of roses,
No sweet doses,
But hardships.

It's not easy,
As we think,
Sipping drink

Be resilient, toil hard
Let's show our skill
With will.

Rely on the Almighty,
Who Uplifts from filthy,
Gives strength 

But it's a cake,
For only optimists
Chasing dreams.


Fear is an emotion of every human,
Which was not gathered in their life when it was taught by someone.

But by experiencing without any expectations,
But once the fear was built, the way of modifying became strenuous.

Some fears change with age,
But some others locked up in ourselves up to our final stage. 

For a child, Locking up in a room and its kind fear,
For students, being caught up in class before everyone else is a fear.

For a youngster, life after college to make a career alone is challenging and fearful,
For a newlywed couple, starting their life and the consequences of childbirth are fearful 

For a family man or woman, securing their family from today’s struggle is fearful.
For old people, thinking back on their peaceful life remains fearful.

Fear is not a bad feeling every time,
But the nature of fear; abstains humans from evil deeds and crime.

- Abeera Mirza

"Writing is the tool of emotional healing". Meet Abeera Mirza, an English literature gold medalist and gifted poet. She won numerous awards for her passion for words. Her poem "Sorry" has inspired readers to heal. It started with poetry and progressed to prose. Abeera has contributed to more than 200 anthologies and many international magazines such as Raven Cage (Germany) and Poetic Essence Publications (India). Her interview is published on The Mount Kenya Times (Africa). Her inner peace is ignited by reading and traveling. Her perspective is expanded by diverse poetic exploration. Her passion for learning is endless. She is always looking to learn more beyond boundaries. Abeera's writing style has touched countless lives.  It gives a deep understanding of words and their ability to bring change. She is renowned for healing hearts. May her words help in healing.
Facebook|Instagram: @abeera_quotes

Two Poems by Shakil Kalam

Comfort is better than happiness  

The phone in your hand is guaranteed
But your life has no assurance.
You have accumulated such pain in cloud's mind equal to the pain of mountain, 
You have to remove it, you have to melt it.
I can write for you, one world-poem. 

In what type of boat you have floated your love?     
In your twinkling starry sky courtyard! 
"Shapla Fota Kajal Dighi's" black water?
The mystery of the secret cottage of thy mind, 
Me have to seek out it;  
Must understand, what is it?

On the way to the future with time

The sky where the sun rises, the sun sets
A new sun rises, dispelling the light darkness of dawn
New ideas emerge in human consciousness
Draws a vision of the future in the depths of the heart
Countless doors are opened for future decision-making
At the end of darkness comes the direction of light
A star twenty million light-years away was caught by the scientist's giant telescope 
The space was decorated by the moon's light; 
What a wonderful light!
In the light of the full moon; the fireflies don't burn in this city.
Suddenly the crow-clouds of the eastern corner thicken in the northern sky, 
In the universe of heart and soul.
I am swing in the sway of faith and disbelief;
A whirlwind, a tide rushes at the border of thought, 
To snatch my hope from my life.  
What is the wonderful truth of life? Death! to survive!
Life moves forward in the future at its own pace, 
Some great feats, some sweet memories and the dry existence of natural beauty are left behind.

- Shakil Kalam

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Charles Lipanda Mahigwe: 

"I am immensely stocked with pleasure in my heart for not only that a mother, Angela Kosta, to me translated our previous book on Amazon into bilingual languages, Italian and Albanian and Hassane Yarti for the creation of the wonderful two cover. 

Dived into poetic critique by Angela Kosta and foreworded OUR VOICE IS OUR ADVOCATE :

“As soon as I had the book in my hands: "OUR VOICE IS OUR ADVOCATE", it was really exciting. Reading and seeing through the verses these young boys, I felt the inner strength that emanates and emits the great desire and light towards that path that leads them happily towards their creativity, the only one to bring to the surface, the unstoppable desire to have a better future and not only to them but also to all human beings in the world. Almost all the children in this book come from the refugee camp of Malawi, who live in truly miserable and terrifying conditions. Each young author of the AYAP group highlights, in these verses, not only the desire to write and create, but also to share, render and highlight a strong and clear message: poetry is everyone's salvation! Through poetry, we can cross the difficulties, adversities, boundaries and problems that life offers us and puts us in front of our everyday life.

It has nothing to do with the serious conditions they live in, since they know perfectly well what is positive that unites them, even if they are physically distant from each other, from us readers or from those who think in the same way as them.

I congratulate Charles, as well as Salvador, for having made possible, not only the realization of a great dream of these young people in publishing this book, which is spreading and being translated into multilinguals, but also for the great commitment, for the esteem and trust towards themselves, for the encouragement and solicitation in creating and implementing, what does not create discomfort and fear, towards a promising and prodigy future.

As a bilingual translator of this book, both in Italian and also in Albanian, as long as different languages, in unison of the compositions, I am immersed in the ocean of their tormenting world, amorous and ambitious, in every single verse, in every single author, living with them, their emotions, their sufferings and burdens.

I touched with them, just that deep point, which made me catapult into the abyss, but despite everything, I was still together with them on the threshold of the door that spurs towards the next day. Nothing can erase, not even put barriers, to their desire to progress towards a portent future. 

I invite all readers to read these poems, which are not simply verses, but are the same consistency of each poet and poetess, who very much need our support. 

They do not need to use metaphors or rhetoric in their components, because they use allegory, which transpires and is the mirror of their existence.

Hunger and thirst immediately disappear from their eyes, because all together, hand in hand, they form the circle of the globe and begin to sing the song of peace and freedom. 

Their voice also becomes ours, their verses become a free song and, all this becomes their and our poetry, their and our defense.

Congratulations to these wonderful guys; may God bless them all, may they have so much luck in their lives. 

《By Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter》


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