Thursday, December 5, 2024


Charles Lipanda Mahigwe: 

"I am immensely stocked with pleasure in my heart for not only that a mother, Angela Kosta, to me translated our previous book on Amazon into bilingual languages, Italian and Albanian and Hassane Yarti for the creation of the wonderful two cover. 

Dived into poetic critique by Angela Kosta and foreworded OUR VOICE IS OUR ADVOCATE :

“As soon as I had the book in my hands: "OUR VOICE IS OUR ADVOCATE", it was really exciting. Reading and seeing through the verses these young boys, I felt the inner strength that emanates and emits the great desire and light towards that path that leads them happily towards their creativity, the only one to bring to the surface, the unstoppable desire to have a better future and not only to them but also to all human beings in the world. Almost all the children in this book come from the refugee camp of Malawi, who live in truly miserable and terrifying conditions. Each young author of the AYAP group highlights, in these verses, not only the desire to write and create, but also to share, render and highlight a strong and clear message: poetry is everyone's salvation! Through poetry, we can cross the difficulties, adversities, boundaries and problems that life offers us and puts us in front of our everyday life.

It has nothing to do with the serious conditions they live in, since they know perfectly well what is positive that unites them, even if they are physically distant from each other, from us readers or from those who think in the same way as them.

I congratulate Charles, as well as Salvador, for having made possible, not only the realization of a great dream of these young people in publishing this book, which is spreading and being translated into multilinguals, but also for the great commitment, for the esteem and trust towards themselves, for the encouragement and solicitation in creating and implementing, what does not create discomfort and fear, towards a promising and prodigy future.

As a bilingual translator of this book, both in Italian and also in Albanian, as long as different languages, in unison of the compositions, I am immersed in the ocean of their tormenting world, amorous and ambitious, in every single verse, in every single author, living with them, their emotions, their sufferings and burdens.

I touched with them, just that deep point, which made me catapult into the abyss, but despite everything, I was still together with them on the threshold of the door that spurs towards the next day. Nothing can erase, not even put barriers, to their desire to progress towards a portent future. 

I invite all readers to read these poems, which are not simply verses, but are the same consistency of each poet and poetess, who very much need our support. 

They do not need to use metaphors or rhetoric in their components, because they use allegory, which transpires and is the mirror of their existence.

Hunger and thirst immediately disappear from their eyes, because all together, hand in hand, they form the circle of the globe and begin to sing the song of peace and freedom. 

Their voice also becomes ours, their verses become a free song and, all this becomes their and our poetry, their and our defense.

Congratulations to these wonderful guys; may God bless them all, may they have so much luck in their lives. 

《By Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter》

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