At the fountain
of that ethereal shadow
there lies the heavy weight
of the universe:
we are human light
in the thunderbolt of blood,
spastic movements of pawns
in the dismal suffering
of this ''humanism''
for we can never know
the age of the soul
ours, or anybody's.
And time seconds us
in space that polishes us
shavings of illusions.
I shall not escape my punishment:
well do I know
the mine of the blade
and I shall struggle to live
where all is ruination.
- Maria Teresa Liuzzo
(Translation by Peter Russell)
Maria Teresa Liuzzo was born in Saline di Montebello Jonico and lives in Reggio di Calabria (Italy). President of the Lyric-Drama Association ''P. Benintende'' - Journalist - Publisher - Director of the literary magazine ''LE MUSE'' - Essayist - Lyricist - Literary and Art Critic - Public Relations Director - Translator - Opinionist - Writer - Philosopher - Editorialist - Assistant Director - Talent Scout - Socio-cultural operator - Foreign Correspondent - Editor of Italian and foreign newspapers and magazines - Editor of editorial series - Doctor of Psychology (Leibniz University of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) - Professor of Philosophy and Modern Literature (USA) - Correspondent of ''IL PONTE ITALO-AMERICANO'' (USA) - ''Nuova Corvina'' Europa'' (Hunedoara) - Collaborator of ''Alb-Spirit'' Tirana (Albania) - ''Gazzetta Nazionale'' (Tirana) - ''Perqasje'' (Tirana) - ''Gazeta Destinacioni'' (Valona - Albania) - ''Dritare'' and ''Albania Press'' (Albania) - ''Atunis'' (Belgium - Brussels) - Alessandria Today (Italy) - ''Ezgulik'' - Bukhara (Uzbekistan) Director Obid KOLDOSH.
She is Editor of the newspaper ''The Fatehpur Resolution'' (India) Director Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer - ''Pen Craft'' - Bangladesh (India) Director Sadiqur Raman Rumen - ''Orfeu'' (Pristina) Director Lan Qyqalla - ''Kult Apogeum'' (Denmark) Director Andreea Arsene - ''Arte e Tv'' (Italy) Director Antonio Auricchio.
Maria Teresa Liuzzo curates several cultural columns.
On the television newspaper ''ART e TV'' he is editor and responsible for two columns: ''Culture in the world'' and ''Miosotide'' - don't forget me'' reserved for poetry. On ''LE MUSE'' since 2020 he has edited the column ''The exercise of Satire through the metrics of the nursery rhyme'' - Since 2023 ''Poets in the world'' - Since 2024 the columns: ''In the interest of Culture'' - International Observatory'' - ''Poets of the Soul'' - ''Algerian Poets and Writers''.
- ''The Quail's Leap'' - ''Towards Leucade'' - ''Rossonerovenexiano'' - ''Aerial Poems'' - ''Free to Write'' - ''Bread and Roses'' - ''La Recherche'' - ''Italia Libri''
- ''Limeslitere'' - ''Strada Nove'' - ''Alessandria Today'' – etc
''MICROPOETRY COSMOS'' (India) - ''VAN CHUONG THANH PHO CHI MINH UHA'' (Vietnam) - ''QUICK WORLD NEW'' (Albania) - GATE.AHRAM.ORG.EG-newsletter Middle East'' (Cairo) –''HEWAR.KHAYMA'' (Egypt) - ''LIVE JOURNAL'' (Russia) - ''STHIRU'' (Russia) - ''CHILDREM'S WORLD'' (Uzbekistan) - ''VIA SOLE'' (Spain) – ''ALGA'' (Spain) - etc.
• ''ROOTS'' - Jason Ed. 1992, pp. 156
• ''PSYCHE'' - Jason Ed. 1993, pages 240
• ''APEIRON'' - Jason Ed. 1995, pages. 208
• ''HUMANITY'' - Jason Ed. 1996, pp. 224
• ''EUTHANASIA OF UTOPIA'' - Jason Ed. 1997, pages 272
• ''WATER IS A SLOW BEAT'' - LineaCultura Ed. 2001, pages 48
• ''IMAGE AUTOPSY'' - Agar Ed. 2002, pages 224
• ''BUT A RESTLESS WAVE STIRRERS THE VEINS'' - Agar Ed. 2003, pages 48
• ''THE SHADOW DOES NOT EXCEED THE LIGHT'' - Agar Ed. 2006, pages 224
• ''GENESIS'' - Agar Ed. 2008, pages. 368
• ''MYOSOTIDE'' - Agar Ed. 2009, pages 208
• ''AND NOW I TALK!'' - Agar Ed. 2019, pages 160
• ''I'M TALKING, NOW!'' - Agar Ed. 2020, pages. 120
• ''DON'T TELL ME I LOVED THE WIND!'' - Agar Ed. 2021, pages 208
• ''THE MOTHER'S HUNGRY SHADOW'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pp. 138
• ''DANCE THE NIGHT IN YOUR PUPILS'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pages 124
• ''THE LIGHT OF RETURN'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pages 180
• ''IN VIGIL OF WEAPONS AND WORDS'' - Agar Ed. 2023, pages 149
• ''DANCE TO THE RHYTHM OF RHYMES'' - edited by Università Marocchan 2023, 100 pages
• ''TARMURI DE LUNA'' - Cosmopoli Ed. Romania 2023, pages. 40
• ''ITALIAN BOOK'' - Anthology-translation by Eldar Akhadov, Russia October 2023, pages 60
• ''GREEN RAIN OF EMERALDS'' - Agar Ed. 2024, pages 375
• ''DON'T BURY ME ALIVE'' - MOS ME SHJNNI NE DHE - Quick press Ed. 2024 Tirana (Albania), pages 90
• ''HAIKU'' - Aius ed. Craiova 2024, Romania, pages. 54
• ''DHE TANI FLAS'', TIRANA TIMES ED. 2024, Albania, pages. 234
Up to 2013, over 630 articles and publications in Italy and abroad, which talk about the works of Maria Teresa Liuzzo. The curriculum is being updated.
It has been published in Italian magazines and newspapers such as:
''Il Sole 24 ore'' - ''Le Muse'' - ''Gens Adriae'' - ''Roma Viva'' - ''Il Meridiano'' - ''Orizzonti'' - ''Puglia e Lucania'' - ''Il Cristallo'' - ''Latmag'' - ''Gazzetta di Bolzano'' - ''Corriere del Giorno'' - ''Gazzetta del Sud'' - ''Nuova Comunità'' - ''Sentieri Molisani'' - ''Silarus'' - ''Extra'' - ''Il Faro'' - ''Bari Sera'' - ''Cronache Italiane'' - ''Penna d'Autore'' - ''Nuovo Molise'' - ''Vernice'' - ''Il Salotto Letterario'' - ''L'Opera'' - ''Miscellanea'' - ''Peloro 2000'' - ''Presenza'' - ''L'Impatto'' - ''Extra Miscellanea'' - ''L'eco dell'Arte'' - ''Corriere di Roma'' - ''L'Idea'' - ''Point of View'' - ''Marsica Domani'' - ''Pomezia Notizie'' - ''La Voce di Mantova'' - ''Prospettiva Meridionale'' - ''Voce del Sud'' - ''Arenaria'' - ''Il Popolo Calabrese'' - ''Nuova Impronta'' - ''Le Nuvole'' - ''Spirituality and Literature'' - ''L'Inchiesta'' - ''Atelier'' - ''Culture and Society'' - ''Noialtri'' - ''Homer'' - ''Poliminia'' - ''Saturno'' - ''Il giornale Off'' - ''Il Corriere della Piana'' - ''L'Ipponiana'' - ''La Procellaria'' - ''Fermenti'' - ''Agenzia Ages'' - ''At the Sources of Elicona'' - ''Il Convivio'' - ''The Echo of Art'' - ''New Letters'' - ''Paideia'' - ''The Nettle'' - ''Eco Ossola Awakening'' - ''The Meridian 5'' - ''Reading'' - ''Thresholds'' - ''The Enlightened One'' - ''Talent'' - ''The Firebrand''- ''The Literary Sheet'' - ''Ferdinandea Notizie'' - ''Il Domani'' - ''Voce del Sud'' - ''La Mosca'' - ''La Mia Italia'' - ''Il Tempo'' - ''Il Quotidiano'' - ''La Vallisa'' - ''Parole Scarse'' - ''Il Salotto Letterario'' - ''Bar Code'' - ''At the Sources of Being'' - ''Open Brand'' - ''The Historic Center'' - ''The Authors' Club'' - ''The Soul and the Distant Eyes'' - ''The Essay'' - ''New Frontispiece'' - ''Unknown Calabria'' - ''The Technologist'' - ''At the Shop'' - ''The Filorosso'' - ''Quaderni dell'Asla'' - ''The Newspaper of Italy'' - ''The Lispae News Sheet'' - ''Mezzoeuro'' - ''Readings'' - ''Against the Current'' - ''The Tomorrow'' - ''Bacherontius'' - ''Current Events'' - ''The Riviera'' - ''Regional Province of Messina'' - ''Storicittà'' - ''Untitled'' - ''The Literate'' - ''The Roots'' - ''Art and TV'' – ''Jeronimus-Logos'' - ''Pages'' - ''Letters'' - ''Today's Paths'' - ''Third Millennium'' - ''Cricket'' - etc.
Published in Newspapers and Magazines Abroad:
''Chronicles'' (Chicago) - ''New York'' (USA) - ''America Oggi'' (USA) - ''La Cigarra'' (New Mexico) - ''World Union Of Poets Washington'' (USA) - ''Hurryat'' (Moscow) - ''Vox Libri'' (Romania) - ''Polis Magazino'' (Greece) - ''Il Ponte'' (Malta) - ''Kult Apogeum'' (Denmark) - ''Fjaleelire'' (London) - ''New From The Glory Future'' (India) - ''Ida e Vuelta'' (Argentina) - ''Hewaar. khayma'' (Egypt) - ''Gnose si Descoperire'' (Romania) - ''La Nausea'' (Mexico) - ''La Otra'' (Mexico) - ''Corvina Province'' (Romania) - ''Nuova Provincia Corvina'' (Romania) - ''Me Ipian, CN'' - ''People Dayli Magazine'' (New Zealand) - ''Brancusi'' (Romania) - ''Kelaino'' (Greece) - ''SurVision Magazine (England) - ''World Union Of Poets'' (Washington) - ''Lissalba'' (Albania) - ''Atunis'' (Belgium) - ''Orfeu'' (Pristina) - ''Ciceroni'' (Kosovo) - ''Orfeu Elite'' (Pristina) - ''Book Autore'' (USA) - ''Literature Magazine Poetry An Syptom (Korea) - ''Poetry Quanterly'' (China) - ''Li Poetry'' (Taiwan) - ''The Rapp Of Dreams Literary'' (Morocco) - ''Obelisk'' (Kosovo) - ''Hazahar'' (Spain) - ''Alhayal'' (Iraq) - ''Theda Illy Global Nation'' (Bangladesh) - ''Shool Memories'' (India) - ''Poezia'' (Bucharest) - ''Al Kalam'' (Sweden) - ''Meshmer'' (Albania) - ''Chinese Language Montaly'' - n° 804 (Republic of China) - ''Uneverliterar'' (Romania) - ''Dupa'' (Romania) - ''Meandre'' (Romania) - ''Ochiul Sa Getii'' (Romania) - ''Vana Toarea De Concube'' (Romania) - ''Cenacul De La Raltinis'' (Romania) - ''Hebdomar'' (Romania) - ''Eur Obietiv'' (Romania) - ''Unu'' (Romania) - ''Cuvantul Liber'' (Romania) - ''A Doua Cante Intalnirilor'' (Romania) - ''Dooley's Books'' (USA) - ''Literary Journal Unione Scrittori'' (Azerbaijan) - ''Kurgan'' (Turkey) - ''Pegasi'' (Albania) - ''ALIAS'' (Australia) - ''Mesdheu Mediterranean'' (Albania) - ''Alb.Spirit'' (Tirana) - ''Gazzetta Nazionale'' (Albania) - ''Perqasje'' (Tirana) - ''Dritare'' (Albania) - ''Albania Press'' (Albania) - ''Alga'' (Spain) - ''Ezgulik'' (Azerbaijan) - ''The Fatehpur Resolution'' (India) - ''Pen Craft'' (Bangladesh) - ''Gazzetta Dielli'' (NY) - ''Gazzetta Sudulli'' (Romania) - ''Raseet 81 Magazine'' (Germany)
He has translated foreign authors into Italian, including:
Astrit Lulushi (USA) - Mehmet Rrema (Tirana) - Urim Mezini (Albania) - Fatmir Terziu (London) - Robert Martiko (Greece) - Florentia Skendaj (Delvina) - Faijaj Islam Falim (India) - Eva Lianou P. (Greece) - Hasan Ildiz (Turkey) - Tzemin Ition Tsai (Republic of China) - Byeong Cheol Kang (Korea) - Med Nadhir Sebaa (Algeria) - Ali Imran (USA) - Abdelyabbar Choukri (Morocco) - Sadiqur Rahman Rumen (Bangladesh) - Gezim Llojdia (Valona) - Shemsettin Kuzeci (Iraq) - Mario Belolli (Brazil) - Lulzime Malaj (Valona) - Artur Nura (Tirana) - Tamikio L. Dooley (USA) - Alasgar Olioglu (Azerbaijan) - Nilavro Nil Shoovro (Calcutta) - Eldar Akhadov (Siberia) - Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Pakistan) - Fadi Jamil Sedu (Germany) - Shaileh Veer (India) - Andreea Arsene (Denmark) - Diamanta Zalta (Greece) - Nakiketa Bandyiopadhyay (Calcutta) - Mai Van Phan (Vietnam) ) - Mohamed Ellagafi (Casablanca) - Chen Hsiu-Chen (Taiwan) - Phan Thi Huong (Vietnam) - Kastriot Fetahu (Chicago) - Ara Ayolan (Armenia) - Jahongir Nomozov (Uzbekistan) - Abdelghani Rahmani (Algiers) - Miguel Angel Aguilar (Mexico) - Sherzod Komil Kalil (Russia) - Lan Qyqalla (Pristina) - Miguel Angel Vega Rodriguez (Spain) - Agron Shele (Belgium) - etc.
Maria Teresa Liuzzo's works have been translated into:
• Russian: by Victor Permiakov; Eldar Akhadov; Olga Ravchenko; Emma Pribylskata; Sherzod Komil Khalil; Jahongir Nomozov;
• Croatian: from Ilija Balta;
• Arabic: from Mohamed Akalay; Hassan Ezzat; Wafaa El Beih; Najada Jifu Balhoul; Eman Ahmed; Nor Eddine Mansouri; Raddat Cherrati; Mohammad Awad Amer; Mohammad Helmi Elsallab; Abdellatif Ahamed Fouad;
• French: by Paul Courget; Med Nadhir Sebaa; Athanase Vnthev De Tracy;
• Bengali: from Gautam Talukdar;
• German: from Wilhelm Hohenzollern; Eugen Galasso;
• Albanian: from Astrit Lulushi; Mehemet Rema; Rifat Ismail; Gjergj Kola; Lefter Shomo; Irma Kurti; Maxun Osmanaj; Zekerija Idrizi;
• Vietnamese: from Mai Van Phan; Phan Thi Tu Huong;
• Chinese: from Yayan Zhang; Chen–Hsiu; Chen - Zhang Zhi; Tzemin Ition Tsai;
• Japanese: from Taro Okkio; Yuriko Senda;
• Turkish: from Hasan Ildiz
• Cyrillic: from Anastasiya Shovkun;
• Macedonian: from Ismail Iljasi;
• Armenian: from Hakob Somonyan; Ara Ayolan;
• Serbian: by Angelina Cerovina;
• English: by Peter Russell; Sara Russell; Tony Kitt; Anatoly Kudryavitsky; Astrit Lulushi; Sarah Hudson;
• Bosnian: from Emir Sokolović;
• Spanish: by Julio Beprè; Marian Ramentol; Carlos Vitale; Gabriel Silva; Lissette Alvarado; Valentin Ortis Rebolloso;
• Portuguese: by Anabela Costa Da Silva Ferreira; Victorina Do Santos; Mario Belolli; Porfirio Mendizabal Cruz;
• Korean: from Biecong Cheol Kang;
• Polish: from Julia Cwikla;
• Greek: from Anna Bessi; Costa Stamatis; Eleutherius Shomo; Diamanta Zalta; Eva Lianou Petropoulou;
• Romanian: by Romeo Magherescu; George Popescu; Eugen Evu; Elena Sgondea; Andreea Arsene; Nicolae Diaconu; Ion Popescu; Jon Urda;
• Bulgarian: from Svilen Angelov.
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