Friday, July 19, 2024

Two Poems by Kristy Raines

She Expected Too Much Out of Love

In the dark hours of a silent night
She hears only the sound of his breathing
as she drapes her arm around his rising chest
He stirs, from the feel of her touch
and pulls her closer to the warmth of his body
Oh how comforting it is to be so close to him;
To believe that he would always keep her safe;
Or to know that his love is her's only
Never had she felt that secure in any man's arms
or ever trusted fully in forever's
Never does she remember any who were worthy of
a heart that would always be as true as hers
or whose love would be steadfast and eternal
Maybe she was a fool to think these relationships existed...
A man who could love just one, without looking further;
One whose love stayed as passionate as when they first met

She once believed in this kind of love, until she didn't...
But maybe it is just her who expected too much out of love.

©Kristy Raines

The Colors I Never Saw

Your heart will always belong to me
Wherever we go makes no difference
as long as we are always walking together.
Love has many colors and are not always red
But my love for you will always be crimson
I will never stop you from doing what you should
because those things are what make you who you are
But as long as you always look at me through love's eyes
you will see the many things that others do not see in me
The sparkle in my eyes for you makes me realize many things
But what it shows me most, are the many colors that I don't see
in myself, and the many colors I never saw in you until now...!

© Kristy Raines

Kristy Raines was born in Oakland California, in the United States of America. She is a Poet, Writer and Advocates for the Rohingya refugees living in Cox's Bazar Bangladesh. Kristy is a former Civil Servant for the United States and later retired from the Medical field. Kristy  has five books which have not yet been published. One with a prominent Poet from India, and four of her own books, which she hopes will publish this year. She  has received many literary awards for her unique style of writing.

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