Shortly, with the patronage of the UN, Women's Chair, Wikipoetry, Wikipeace and Accademia Tiberina, the publisher Gian Carlo Lissi (Publishing House G.C.L Edizioni) will publish SURVIVORS collection of poems by 42 women, of which the donation will go to the Volunteer Organization Against All Violence Co.Tu.Le Vi born on November 11, 2012, but which actually began its work in 2008 with the opening of the Diana Anti-Violence Desk inside the Court of Trapani. The help desk addresses all kinds of violence and makes use of the collaboration of: psychologists, lawyers, doctors, social workers and mediators, family members available to voluntarily provide advice and support, guaranteeing maximum professionalism and confidentiality for the defense against violence against women all over the world who silently suffer physical and verbal violence and, despite this, they go on, they hide the tears, the dark marks in the soul and in they clench their fists, they get up and smile, they raise their children alone, releasing only: Love, Peace, Light and Sun everywhere...
The woman retains such unspeakable power, which the man is often unable to grasp and understand. She regenerates LIFE itself in her womb, so she is not afraid of anything. Perhaps he cannot measure himself against the strength of man, but equally, man cannot measure himself against the strength of woman. She carries inside her body, for 9 months: Life, the future of the planet.
Today women do not only work 24 hours a day at home, doing Everything, absolutely Everything, with such energy that it never runs out, but they are also: Head of State, scientist, doctor, astronaut, magistrate, judge, engineer, architect, journalist, poet, writer, etc...
Respect women and NEVER turn off the generator of human existence.
[By Angela Kosta ExecutiveDirectorofthe magazine MIRIADE, journalist, poet, essayist, publisher, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter]
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