Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Three Poems by Natalie Bisso


Not a very convenient opinion,
Not too convenient themes,
And often the revelation is bitter,
And the eternal souls in us are mute.
Countless possibilities,
No expressed wishes,
They do not cause difficulties
and do not disturb consciousness.
Will you always keep a calm conscience with pride?
The hushed subconscious
Gets used to stupidity completely,
Leveling up the state?
The whole world was
torn apart by indifference,
Indifference overshadowed the minds.,
We no longer listen to our hearts,
our minds are occupied with the dream of greatness.
My unpleasant opinion,
Both views and the search for truth -
Generations don't like it, 
everything seems unthinkable to them.
And they look too tired,
And the rules are outdated,
For example, they don't need diplomacy,
In order, as they say, to slow down the pace.
Do you really live like this, and not according to conscience?
Is that how you overcome desires?
And you will miss all the opportunities
Current upbringing...
You become part of a convenient,
Looking for the justification of this time.
Like attracts like.
Only a plea with cries of remorse.
Time and morals are changing,
All opinions have changed long ago,
And for me, my sinful righteousness
All whispers and whispers doubts.
There is no limit to the wisdom of the people.
And when the proverb says,
If you have done your job, you can safely
Declare a legal day off.
Only now there is a lot to do,
Every day there are new cases,
Will you stop time in the middle?
Look around you! Has life already passed?
The days fly by unnoticed - you won't have time to look back.
And where does the sand flow in the clock?
You'll regret a lot right away.,
You will remember that you didn't have time to say important words.
Children and grandchildren were left without your love,
You didn't have time and you didn't love your parents the way you should,
Will your mother's arms embrace you again?
You have deprived yourself of this reward.
A difficult life, but expensive,
Don't waste your life in vain,
Because, as another proverb says,
We have to live TODAY and NOW.
Write the way you breathe! Like a hurricane,
Go your own way and change your life.
And the thought is your guest, sometimes unexpected,
Stopped at your gate.
Past hopes and excuses -
You will not find it in the bins of paradise,
and there are many unjustified misconceptions
All this will appear before God like a forest.
And at this moment, simple and strange,
You, so driven by a sense of revenge,
What doesn't heal wounds,
You will leave your dear father's house.
You're taking revenge on yourself for the stinginess of words,
For not sleeping at night,
For writing poetry again,
Which, maybe, is a penny price.
A vendetta that burns in the mind,
Perhaps your best strategist,
Write as if you are in exile,
Prepare tactics, run away.
Write the way you breathe! In a foggy moment
You're choking on the rhythm of the lines,
You will find the desired flower of love,
And exhale the desired syllable.

Natalie Bisso is a poet, novelist, essayist, and songwriter.   He is the author of 13 original collections, more than 120 songs, co-author in more than 180 international collections. She is published in newspapers and magazines around the world. Her poems have been translated into 45 languages. She was awarded the title of "HONORARY FIGURE OF WORLD LITERATURE AND ARTS" with the award of a silver badge. He takes part in the literary life of different countries. She is Founder and President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune“ (MLATT / ILACT). She is corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANI). She is also academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (MARLEY); academician of the International Academy of Russian Literature (MAPC). She is included in the book "50 unforgettable women of Europe.“ She is member of the Senate of the Federation of World Leaders, Honorary member of the World Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C.
The title of OUTSTANDING SCIENTIST FROM THE CONSORTIUM OF the International Academy of Ethics in India. She is included in the Platinum Book of the SPCA for active creative advances and great successes in creativity and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Union - FOREVER. 
The title of "Golden Feather of Russia“; 
The title of MASTER OF POETRY (Mexico); 
The title of MAESTRO (international);
The title of "Golden Feather of Kyrgyzstan“,  
Member of the Advisory Board of the Quarterly International Online Magazine Afflatus Creations, India;
The National President of the Spanish Writers' Union (UHE) in Germany.
Head of the German Branch of the SPCA, 
International Peace Ambassador, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 
Honorary President of Mil Mentes Por México and the International Jury in Germany (Mexico), 
Member of the European Council and the Intercontinental Advisory Committee of RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III (Egypt);
Honorary Member of the Union of Spanish-Language Writers (UXE);
Ambassador of the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) (Morokko),  
Member of the Cámara Internacional de Escritores & Artistas and the CIESART World Council (Spain). 
Advisor to the International Publication of Chinese Literature (Hubei Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles), 
Member of the Jury of international competitions,
Member of the International Union of Authors and Performers (ICAI).     
Member of the International Union of Writers (ISP),
member of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Modern Poetry "SVETOCH" (Russia),
member of the International Guild of Writers (Germany), 
Member of the International Association of Writers and Publicists (Lithuania), 
Member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).
RECIPIENT of the International Medal "named after Adam Mickiewicz" Festival of Slavic Poetry and World Poetry Days under the auspices of UNESCO; 
RECIPIENT of the Gold Medal of the International Momunov Prize 
RECIPIENT of the medal "Anton Chekhov 160 years old"; 
KNIGHT of the Order "For Achievements in Culture and Art";
RECIPIENT of the Medal "For Contribution to cultural relations between Germany and Russia";
RECIPIENT of the medal of the Chekhov Autumn Festival
The recipient of the medal. Nadson's seeds.
 Multiple Grand Prize winner and Laureate of international literary and music competitions:   
Winner of the IV ANNUAL PEACE PRIZE 2024 DR. JOHN CARLOS MARTINS CHUEKAS; NATIONAL WINNER of GERMANY in the international Mili-Dueli competition; NATIONAL WINNER of GERMANY in the International AMILCARE SOLFERINO Award, Italy; GOLD WINNER of the National Literary Award Golden Pen of Russia; Letter of thanks from the State Duma of Russia for his great contribution to the development of Russian literature; Gold Winner of the Momunova International Literary Prize, Kyrgyzstan; Winner of several special international prizes from Russia, China, Mexico, Spain; Letter of thanks from the Government of the Chuvash Republic for contribution to the literature of the country and for the development and strengthening of friendly relations between writers; Winner of more than 500 diplomas and many other prizes. 
Her songs are performed on radio "Radar", "Recital", "Phoenix", "WE ARE TOGETHER", AUTORADIO, Radio OK, Radio NG, Talent Park, Ocean+, Radio UMRO(Mexiko), the video project "Intrigue Show". Participant of TV programs on the channel "Artist TV".
President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune"(ILACT),
Head of the German Branch of the Writers' Union NA,
Natalie Bisso
Президент Международной Литературной Ассоциации "Творческая Трибуна"(МЛАТТ), Руководитель Германского Отделения СПСА, Академик,
Натали Биссо
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