Friday, January 31, 2025

Two Poems by Pragya

The Fan on the Ceiling

She kept looking at me
Eyes drained, throat dried,
Maybe she just wants to switch me on...
Or maybe she's just looking at my dust,
Thinking I need to be cleaned...
I really hope that's what she's thinking.

Her eyes talked to me every day,
Telling me how tired she is,
Tears slipped down like a stream of water,
I wonder what could've gotten wrong....

Once again her hands met the blade.....
Blood is dripping all over the floor,
I couldn't feel anything but sorry for her....

But suddenly I felt something else,
A tight grip around my wing,
The rope tied to me revealed the horrifying truth....

She put her head in that loop,
But suddenly it stopped!!
I couldn't understand what was happening....

She gently removed the rope,
Body shaking, eyes flooding...

Another day passes...
She's suffering, but responsibilities won't let her escape
The weight of her world crushes her, and she can't find peace
The pain she endures, the tears she cries, the blood she sheds...
All for the sake of living, for the sake of responsibilities
But at what cost?

The Mirror on the Wall

Stuck on the wall, I reflect her image.
The beauty she can't see, the soul that's unique.
She's always felt insecure about herself, unsure of her worth.
But I see the beauty in her, from the inside and out.

She wants to be like other girls, to fit an ideal shape,
But perfect is a myth, and beauty is not a race.
I wish I could tell her how beautiful she is, inside and out,
That she's perfect just the way she is, with all her quirks and flaws, no doubt.

Sometimes she smiled at me, sometimes she cried,
Her emotions reflected back, with tears that dried.
I feel her pain, her joy, her struggles and her might,
And I wish she could see herself, shining so bright.

But I'm just a mirror, reflecting her back to herself,
A constant reminder of her beauty, her health.
So let's celebrate our uniqueness, and let go of the pain,
And remember, beauty's not just skin-deep; it's a beauty that remains.

Roorkee, UK, India


At the fountain
of that ethereal shadow 
there lies the heavy weight 
of the universe: 
we are human light 
in the thunderbolt of blood, 
spastic movements of pawns
in the dismal suffering 
of this ''humanism'' 
for we can never know 
the age of the soul 
ours, or anybody's. 
And time seconds us 
in space that polishes us 
shavings of illusions. 
I shall not escape my punishment: 
well do I know 
the mine of the blade 
and I shall struggle to live
where all is ruination.  

- Maria Teresa Liuzzo 
(Translation by Peter Russell)

Maria Teresa Liuzzo was born in Saline di Montebello Jonico and lives in Reggio di Calabria (Italy). President of the Lyric-Drama Association ''P. Benintende'' - Journalist - Publisher - Director of the literary magazine ''LE MUSE'' - Essayist - Lyricist - Literary and Art Critic - Public Relations Director - Translator - Opinionist - Writer - Philosopher - Editorialist - Assistant Director - Talent Scout - Socio-cultural operator - Foreign Correspondent - Editor of Italian and foreign newspapers and magazines - Editor of editorial series - Doctor of Psychology (Leibniz University of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA) - Professor of Philosophy and Modern Literature (USA) - Correspondent of ''IL PONTE ITALO-AMERICANO'' (USA) - ''Nuova Corvina'' Europa'' (Hunedoara) - Collaborator of ''Alb-Spirit'' Tirana (Albania) - ''Gazzetta Nazionale'' (Tirana) - ''Perqasje'' (Tirana) - ''Gazeta Destinacioni'' (Valona - Albania) - ''Dritare'' and ''Albania Press'' (Albania) - ''Atunis'' (Belgium - Brussels) - Alessandria Today (Italy) - ''Ezgulik'' - Bukhara (Uzbekistan) Director Obid KOLDOSH.
She is Editor of the newspaper ''The Fatehpur Resolution'' (India) Director Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer - ''Pen Craft'' - Bangladesh (India) Director Sadiqur Raman Rumen - ''Orfeu'' (Pristina) Director Lan Qyqalla - ''Kult Apogeum'' (Denmark) Director Andreea Arsene - ''Arte e Tv'' (Italy) Director Antonio Auricchio.
Maria Teresa Liuzzo curates several cultural columns.
On the television newspaper ''ART e TV'' he is editor and responsible for two columns: ''Culture in the world'' and ''Miosotide'' - don't forget me'' reserved for poetry. On ''LE MUSE'' since 2020 he has edited the column ''The exercise of Satire through the metrics of the nursery rhyme'' - Since 2023 ''Poets in the world'' - Since 2024 the columns: ''In the interest of Culture'' - International Observatory'' - ''Poets of the Soul'' - ''Algerian Poets and Writers''.
- ''The Quail's Leap'' - ''Towards Leucade'' - ''Rossonerovenexiano'' - ''Aerial Poems'' - ''Free to Write'' - ''Bread and Roses'' - ''La Recherche'' - ''Italia Libri''
- ''Limeslitere'' - ''Strada Nove'' - ''Alessandria Today'' – etc
''MICROPOETRY COSMOS'' (India) - ''VAN CHUONG THANH PHO CHI MINH UHA'' (Vietnam) - ''QUICK WORLD NEW'' (Albania) - GATE.AHRAM.ORG.EG-newsletter Middle East'' (Cairo) –''HEWAR.KHAYMA'' (Egypt) - ''LIVE JOURNAL'' (Russia) - ''STHIRU'' (Russia) - ''CHILDREM'S WORLD'' (Uzbekistan) - ''VIA SOLE'' (Spain) – ''ALGA'' (Spain) - etc.
• ''ROOTS'' - Jason Ed. 1992, pp. 156
• ''PSYCHE'' - Jason Ed. 1993, pages 240
• ''APEIRON'' - Jason Ed. 1995, pages. 208
• ''HUMANITY'' - Jason Ed. 1996, pp. 224
• ''EUTHANASIA OF UTOPIA'' - Jason Ed. 1997, pages 272
• ''WATER IS A SLOW BEAT'' - LineaCultura Ed. 2001, pages 48
• ''IMAGE AUTOPSY'' - Agar Ed. 2002, pages 224
• ''BUT A RESTLESS WAVE STIRRERS THE VEINS'' - Agar Ed. 2003, pages 48
• ''THE SHADOW DOES NOT EXCEED THE LIGHT'' - Agar Ed. 2006, pages 224
• ''GENESIS'' - Agar Ed. 2008, pages. 368
• ''MYOSOTIDE'' - Agar Ed. 2009, pages 208
• ''AND NOW I TALK!'' - Agar Ed. 2019, pages 160
• ''I'M TALKING, NOW!'' - Agar Ed. 2020, pages. 120
• ''DON'T TELL ME I LOVED THE WIND!'' - Agar Ed. 2021, pages 208
• ''THE MOTHER'S HUNGRY SHADOW'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pp. 138
• ''DANCE THE NIGHT IN YOUR PUPILS'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pages 124
• ''THE LIGHT OF RETURN'' - Agar Ed. 2022, pages 180
• ''IN VIGIL OF WEAPONS AND WORDS'' - Agar Ed. 2023, pages 149
• ''DANCE TO THE RHYTHM OF RHYMES'' - edited by Università Marocchan 2023, 100 pages
• ''TARMURI DE LUNA'' - Cosmopoli Ed. Romania 2023, pages. 40
• ''ITALIAN BOOK'' - Anthology-translation by Eldar Akhadov, Russia October 2023, pages 60
• ''GREEN RAIN OF EMERALDS'' - Agar Ed. 2024, pages 375
• ''DON'T BURY ME ALIVE'' - MOS ME SHJNNI NE DHE - Quick press Ed. 2024 Tirana (Albania), pages 90
• ''HAIKU'' - Aius ed. Craiova 2024, Romania, pages. 54
• ''DHE TANI FLAS'', TIRANA TIMES ED. 2024, Albania, pages. 234
Up to 2013, over 630 articles and publications in Italy and abroad, which talk about the works of Maria Teresa Liuzzo. The curriculum is being updated.
It has been published in Italian magazines and newspapers such as:
''Il Sole 24 ore'' - ''Le Muse'' - ''Gens Adriae'' - ''Roma Viva'' - ''Il Meridiano'' - ''Orizzonti'' - ''Puglia e Lucania'' - ''Il Cristallo'' - ''Latmag'' - ''Gazzetta di Bolzano'' - ''Corriere del Giorno'' - ''Gazzetta del Sud'' - ''Nuova Comunità'' - ''Sentieri Molisani'' - ''Silarus'' - ''Extra'' - ''Il Faro'' - ''Bari Sera'' - ''Cronache Italiane'' - ''Penna d'Autore'' - ''Nuovo Molise'' - ''Vernice'' - ''Il Salotto Letterario'' - ''L'Opera'' - ''Miscellanea'' - ''Peloro 2000'' - ''Presenza'' - ''L'Impatto'' - ''Extra Miscellanea'' - ''L'eco dell'Arte'' - ''Corriere di Roma'' - ''L'Idea'' - ''Point of View'' - ''Marsica Domani'' - ''Pomezia Notizie'' - ''La Voce di Mantova'' - ''Prospettiva Meridionale'' - ''Voce del Sud'' - ''Arenaria'' - ''Il Popolo Calabrese'' - ''Nuova Impronta'' - ''Le Nuvole'' - ''Spirituality and Literature'' - ''L'Inchiesta'' - ''Atelier'' - ''Culture and Society'' - ''Noialtri'' - ''Homer'' - ''Poliminia'' - ''Saturno'' - ''Il giornale Off'' - ''Il Corriere della Piana'' - ''L'Ipponiana'' - ''La Procellaria'' - ''Fermenti'' - ''Agenzia Ages'' - ''At the Sources of Elicona'' - ''Il Convivio'' - ''The Echo of Art'' - ''New Letters'' - ''Paideia'' - ''The Nettle'' - ''Eco Ossola Awakening'' - ''The Meridian 5'' - ''Reading'' - ''Thresholds'' - ''The Enlightened One'' - ''Talent'' - ''The Firebrand''- ''The Literary Sheet'' - ''Ferdinandea Notizie'' - ''Il Domani'' - ''Voce del Sud'' - ''La Mosca'' - ''La Mia Italia'' - ''Il Tempo'' - ''Il Quotidiano'' - ''La Vallisa'' - ''Parole Scarse'' - ''Il Salotto Letterario'' - ''Bar Code'' - ''At the Sources of Being'' - ''Open Brand'' - ''The Historic Center'' - ''The Authors' Club'' - ''The Soul and the Distant Eyes'' - ''The Essay'' - ''New Frontispiece'' - ''Unknown Calabria'' - ''The Technologist'' - ''At the Shop'' - ''The Filorosso'' - ''Quaderni dell'Asla'' - ''The Newspaper of Italy'' - ''The Lispae News Sheet'' - ''Mezzoeuro'' - ''Readings'' - ''Against the Current'' - ''The Tomorrow'' - ''Bacherontius'' - ''Current Events'' - ''The Riviera'' - ''Regional Province of Messina'' - ''Storicittà'' - ''Untitled'' - ''The Literate'' - ''The Roots'' - ''Art and TV'' – ''Jeronimus-Logos'' - ''Pages'' - ''Letters'' - ''Today's Paths'' - ''Third Millennium'' - ''Cricket'' - etc.
Published in Newspapers and Magazines Abroad:
''Chronicles'' (Chicago) - ''New York'' (USA) - ''America Oggi'' (USA) - ''La Cigarra'' (New Mexico) - ''World Union Of Poets Washington'' (USA) - ''Hurryat'' (Moscow) - ''Vox Libri'' (Romania) - ''Polis Magazino'' (Greece) - ''Il Ponte'' (Malta) - ''Kult Apogeum'' (Denmark) - ''Fjaleelire'' (London) - ''New From The Glory Future'' (India) - ''Ida e Vuelta'' (Argentina) - ''Hewaar. khayma'' (Egypt) - ''Gnose si Descoperire'' (Romania) - ''La Nausea'' (Mexico) - ''La Otra'' (Mexico) - ''Corvina Province'' (Romania) - ''Nuova Provincia Corvina'' (Romania) - ''Me Ipian, CN'' - ''People Dayli Magazine'' (New Zealand) - ''Brancusi'' (Romania) - ''Kelaino'' (Greece) - ''SurVision Magazine (England) - ''World Union Of Poets'' (Washington) - ''Lissalba'' (Albania) - ''Atunis'' (Belgium) - ''Orfeu'' (Pristina) - ''Ciceroni'' (Kosovo) - ''Orfeu Elite'' (Pristina) - ''Book Autore'' (USA) - ''Literature Magazine Poetry An Syptom (Korea) - ''Poetry Quanterly'' (China) - ''Li Poetry'' (Taiwan) - ''The Rapp Of Dreams Literary'' (Morocco) - ''Obelisk'' (Kosovo) - ''Hazahar'' (Spain) - ''Alhayal'' (Iraq) - ''Theda Illy Global Nation'' (Bangladesh) - ''Shool Memories'' (India) - ''Poezia'' (Bucharest) - ''Al Kalam'' (Sweden) - ''Meshmer'' (Albania) - ''Chinese Language Montaly'' - n° 804 (Republic of China) - ''Uneverliterar'' (Romania) - ''Dupa'' (Romania) - ''Meandre'' (Romania) - ''Ochiul Sa Getii'' (Romania) - ''Vana Toarea De Concube'' (Romania) - ''Cenacul De La Raltinis'' (Romania) - ''Hebdomar'' (Romania) - ''Eur Obietiv'' (Romania) - ''Unu'' (Romania) - ''Cuvantul Liber'' (Romania) - ''A Doua Cante Intalnirilor'' (Romania) - ''Dooley's Books'' (USA) - ''Literary Journal Unione Scrittori'' (Azerbaijan) - ''Kurgan'' (Turkey) - ''Pegasi'' (Albania) - ''ALIAS'' (Australia) - ''Mesdheu Mediterranean'' (Albania) - ''Alb.Spirit'' (Tirana) - ''Gazzetta Nazionale'' (Albania) - ''Perqasje'' (Tirana) - ''Dritare'' (Albania) - ''Albania Press'' (Albania) - ''Alga'' (Spain) - ''Ezgulik'' (Azerbaijan) - ''The Fatehpur Resolution'' (India) - ''Pen Craft'' (Bangladesh) - ''Gazzetta Dielli'' (NY) - ''Gazzetta Sudulli'' (Romania) - ''Raseet 81 Magazine'' (Germany)
He has translated foreign authors into Italian, including:
Astrit Lulushi (USA) - Mehmet Rrema (Tirana) - Urim Mezini (Albania) - Fatmir Terziu (London) - Robert Martiko (Greece) - Florentia Skendaj (Delvina) - Faijaj Islam Falim (India) - Eva Lianou P. (Greece) - Hasan Ildiz (Turkey) - Tzemin Ition Tsai (Republic of China) - Byeong Cheol Kang (Korea) - Med Nadhir Sebaa (Algeria) - Ali Imran (USA) - Abdelyabbar Choukri (Morocco) - Sadiqur Rahman Rumen (Bangladesh) - Gezim Llojdia (Valona) - Shemsettin Kuzeci (Iraq) - Mario Belolli (Brazil) - Lulzime Malaj (Valona) - Artur Nura (Tirana) - Tamikio L. Dooley (USA) - Alasgar Olioglu (Azerbaijan) - Nilavro Nil Shoovro (Calcutta) - Eldar Akhadov (Siberia) - Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi (Pakistan) - Fadi Jamil Sedu (Germany) - Shaileh Veer (India) - Andreea Arsene (Denmark) - Diamanta Zalta (Greece) - Nakiketa Bandyiopadhyay (Calcutta) - Mai Van Phan (Vietnam) ) - Mohamed Ellagafi (Casablanca) - Chen Hsiu-Chen (Taiwan) - Phan Thi Huong (Vietnam) - Kastriot Fetahu (Chicago) - Ara Ayolan (Armenia) - Jahongir Nomozov (Uzbekistan) - Abdelghani Rahmani (Algiers) - Miguel Angel Aguilar (Mexico) - Sherzod Komil Kalil (Russia) - Lan Qyqalla (Pristina) - Miguel Angel Vega Rodriguez (Spain) - Agron Shele (Belgium) - etc.
Maria Teresa Liuzzo's works have been translated into:
• Russian: by Victor Permiakov; Eldar Akhadov; Olga Ravchenko; Emma Pribylskata; Sherzod Komil Khalil; Jahongir Nomozov;
• Croatian: from Ilija Balta;
• Arabic: from Mohamed Akalay; Hassan Ezzat; Wafaa El Beih; Najada Jifu Balhoul; Eman Ahmed; Nor Eddine Mansouri; Raddat Cherrati; Mohammad Awad Amer; Mohammad Helmi Elsallab; Abdellatif Ahamed Fouad;
• French: by Paul Courget; Med Nadhir Sebaa; Athanase Vnthev De Tracy;
• Bengali: from Gautam Talukdar;
• German: from Wilhelm Hohenzollern; Eugen Galasso;
• Albanian: from Astrit Lulushi; Mehemet Rema; Rifat Ismail; Gjergj Kola; Lefter Shomo; Irma Kurti; Maxun Osmanaj; Zekerija Idrizi;
• Vietnamese: from Mai Van Phan; Phan Thi Tu Huong;
• Chinese: from Yayan Zhang; Chen–Hsiu; Chen - Zhang Zhi; Tzemin Ition Tsai;
• Japanese: from Taro Okkio; Yuriko Senda;
• Turkish: from Hasan Ildiz
• Cyrillic: from Anastasiya Shovkun;
• Macedonian: from Ismail Iljasi;
• Armenian: from Hakob Somonyan; Ara Ayolan;
• Serbian: by Angelina Cerovina;
• English: by Peter Russell; Sara Russell; Tony Kitt; Anatoly Kudryavitsky; Astrit Lulushi; Sarah Hudson;
• Bosnian: from Emir Sokolović;
• Spanish: by Julio Beprè; Marian Ramentol; Carlos Vitale; Gabriel Silva; Lissette Alvarado; Valentin Ortis Rebolloso;
• Portuguese: by Anabela Costa Da Silva Ferreira; Victorina Do Santos; Mario Belolli; Porfirio Mendizabal Cruz;
• Korean: from Biecong Cheol Kang;
• Polish: from Julia Cwikla;
• Greek: from Anna Bessi; Costa Stamatis; Eleutherius Shomo; Diamanta Zalta; Eva Lianou Petropoulou;
• Romanian: by Romeo Magherescu; George Popescu; Eugen Evu; Elena Sgondea; Andreea Arsene; Nicolae Diaconu; Ion Popescu; Jon Urda;
• Bulgarian: from Svilen Angelov.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


Recently, the new book by Albanian author Angela Kosta, titled NOSTALGIA OF INFINITY has been published in Spanish.

NOSTALGIA of INFINITY is an intense poetic work that immerses the reader in the author’s soul, addressing universal themes such as love, historical memory, women, nature, and love for the earth. The selected poems in this book explore the relationship between humans and their environment, as well as the emotions that arise from personal and collective experiences.

Translated by the renowned Venezuelan poet Mariela Cordero and with a cover designed by the well-known artist Catia Pugliese, this book carries a powerful voice that traverses various social and daily realities, inviting reflection on life, pain, but also on the beauty of existence. The author gives a voice to painful historical moments, such as the Holocaust, while celebrating human resilience and showing profound respect for historical memory and universal values.

Through delicate and precise prose, "NOSTALGIA OF INFINITY" expresses the desire to find meaning and hope in a world that, while full of challenges, also holds moments of pure beauty. This book will undoubtedly touch the hearts of those who seek to better understand the connection between the individual and society, between earth and love.

Republic Day, a Poem by Aarav Gupta

Republic day, Republic day
A day for which soldiers lay
their lives as if in a tray, 

One of them was Bhagat Singh
With India he had a link
He sacrificed his life draining down a sink,

It is made on the day
when constitution was a ray
to our hearts as a law
which had no flaw,

Our 75th republic day
Our 75th year of constitution
Our 75th year of following laws
Our 75th year without flaws,

Republic day, Republic day
a day for which soldiers lay
their lives as if in a tray.

- Aarav Gupta
Grade 7
Faridabad, Haryana, India

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Moreover, a Poem by Angela Kosta, Translated Into Odia by Debajani Das



ଅଧିକନ୍ତୁ : ଆଞ୍ଜେଲା କୋଷ୍ଟା
(ଓଡ଼ିଆରେ ଅନୁବାଦ : ଦେବଯାନୀ ଦାସ)

ଅଧିକନ୍ତୁ ମୁଁ ତୁମକୁ ନୀରବ ରେ ଭଲ ପାଇବି
ହଁ, ମୁଁ ନୀରବ ରେ ହିଁ ଭଲ ପାଇବି ତୁମକୁ।
ତମେ ମୋତେ କୋଉଠି ପାଇବ !
ଆମ ପ୍ରେମ ର ଏକମାତ୍ର ସହଚର
ସେଇ ତାରା ର ଆରପଟେ ମୁଁ ଥିବି
ଆଉ ଆମର ପାଗଳ ପଣ ସବୁକୁ 
ମୁକ ସାକ୍ଷୀ ହେଇ ଦେଖୁଥିବି।
ଅବା ଥିବି ଜହ୍ନ ର ଆର ପାରେ
ଯିଏ ଆମର ଆକାଂକ୍ଷିତ ଅତିଥି ଟିଏ ହେଇ ଥିଲା ସବୁଦିନେ।
ପୁଣି ମେଘ ଖଣ୍ଡର ଆରପଟେ ଥିବି ତ 
ଆମର ବିସ୍ତାରିତ ଖୁସି ର ଝୁଲଣା ରେ
ଦୋଳି ଝୁଲୁଥିବି ।
 ସୂର୍ଯ୍ୟ,ଯିଏ ମୋର ସମସ୍ତ ପ୍ରଶ୍ନ ର ଉତ୍ତର କୁ ସହଜ କରୁଥିବେ,
କେବେ କେବେ ମୁଁ ଥିବି ତାଙ୍କ ଆରପଟେ।
ଅଧିକନ୍ତୁ,ଅନେକ ସମୟ ଯାଏଁ
ମୁଁ ସେଇଠି ଅଟକିବି
ଯୋଉଠି ପବନ ବୋହି ଆଣୁଥିବ ତମର
ଚୁପି ଚୁପି କଥା।
ମୁଁ ଝରୁଥିବା ପାଣି ର ଧାର କୁ ଦେଖୁଥିବି
ଆଉ ତମ ଓଠ ର ଅନୁଭବ ରେ ଓଦା ହେଉଥିବିି।
ସେଇଠାରେ ଅନୁଭବି ତମକୁ ପାଇବି ।
ହେଲେ ମୁଁ ??
ମୁଁ ଥିବି ତୁମ ଆତ୍ମା ର ପାପୁଲି ରେ
ସ୍ଥିର ହୋଇ ରହି ଥିବି, ଯେମିତି ମୁ ମୁକ ଆଉ ବିଲୀନ ଏ ପବନ ରେ ।
ଆମର ନିଃଶ୍ୱାସ ସବୁ କୁ ପାଇବି ମୁ
ସମୁଦ୍ର ଲହରୀ ରେ।
ମୋ ମୁହଁ ରେ ତମର ହସ
ମୋ ଲୁହରେ ତମର ଦୃଷ୍ଟି
ମୋ ହ୍ରୁଦୟ ରେ ତୁମର ସ୍ପନ୍ଦନ
ମୋ କେଶ ରେ ତୁମ ହସ୍ତ୍ ସଞ୍ଚାଳନ
ଆଉ ମୋ ଆଖିରେ ତୁମ ଆଖି

ଆଞ୍ଜେଲା କୋଷ୍ଟା ଆଲବାନିଆରେ ଜନ୍ମଗ୍ରହଣ କରିଥିଲେ ଏବଂ ୧୯୯୫ ମସିହାରୁ ଇଟାଲୀରେ ରହୁଛନ୍ତି। ସେ ମୁଦ୍ରିତ MIRIADE ପତ୍ରିକାର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟନିର୍ବାହୀ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶକ, ଅନୁବାଦକ, ପ୍ରାବନ୍ଧିକ, ସାମ୍ବାଦିକ, ସାହିତ୍ୟିକ ସମାଲୋଚକ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରଯୋଜକ। ସେ ୨୩ଟି ପୁସ୍ତକ ପ୍ରକାଶ କରିଛନ୍ତି: ଆଲବାନିଆ, ଇଟାଲୀୟ, ତୁର୍କୀ, ଫରାସୀ, ଆରବୀ, ଇଂରାଜୀ ଏବଂ କୋରିଆନ ଭାଷାରେ ଉପନ୍ୟାସ, କବିତା ଏବଂ ପରୀ କାହାଣୀ। ତାଙ୍କର ପ୍ରକାଶନ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ରାଜ୍ୟର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସାହିତ୍ୟ ପତ୍ରିକା ଏବଂ ସମ୍ବାଦପତ୍ରରେ ପ୍ରକାଶିତ ହୋଇଛି। ଆଞ୍ଜେଲା କୋଷ୍ଟା ବିଭିନ୍ନ ରାଜ୍ୟରେ ସମ୍ବାଦପତ୍ର ପାଇଁ ଅନୁବାଦ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧ ଏବଂ ସାକ୍ଷାତକାର ଲେଖନ୍ତି। ବିଭିନ୍ନ ରାଜ୍ୟରେ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସଂଗଠନରେ ସଂସ୍କୃତି ଏବଂ ଶାନ୍ତିର ଦୂତ ଭାବରେ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ କରନ୍ତି ନାହିଁ। ଆଞ୍ଜେଲା କୋଷ୍ଟାଙ୍କ କବିତାଗୁଡ଼ିକ ୪୦ଟି ବିଦେଶୀ ଭାଷା ଏବଂ ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଦେଶରେ ଅନୁବାଦ ଏବଂ ପ୍ରକାଶିତ ହୋଇଛି।

Moreover, a Poem by Angela Kosta 

I will love you in silence
knowing where you will find me.
I will be beyond the only companion star
witness to our madness.
You will find me beyond the moon
she, our favorite guest, much desired.
I will be beyond the cloud
cradle of my brief happiness.
I’ll be beyond the sun
that maybe one day
he will ease my anguish.
I will stop for a long time to relive the moreover
where the wind will carry your whispers.
I will watch the water flow
and i’ll get wet from your lips.
I will find you knowing that you will be there.
And me?
I’ll be there, in the palm of your soul
standing still for fear of having become mute
vanished into thin air.
On the waves of the sea
i’ll find our breath
your smile on my mouth
your look in my tear
your beats on my heart
your fingers in my hair
your eyes on mine...
- Angela Kosta, Albania & Italy

ANGELA KOSTA was born in Albania and has lived in Italy since 1995. She is Executive Director, the magazine in print, MIRIADE, translator, essayist, journalist, literary critic, and promoter. She has published 23 books: novels, poems, and fairy tales in Albanian, Italian, Turkey, French, Arabic, English, and Korean. Her publications have appeared in various literary magazines and newspapers in various states. Angela Kosta translates and writes articles and interviews for the newspaper in various states. Is Ambassador of Culture and Peace in various organizations no profit in various states. The poems by Angela Kosta has been translated and published in 40 foreign languages and various countries.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Three Poems by Tajalla Qureshi

When I Met, “YOU”

When I met, I thought you were above galaxies and stars
Sights softly glanced at my sheeny entrance with your arcs,
You reckoned the golden gate of holiness in the eyes
And I knew I whispered a divine droplet with the undue supplies
You embraced the luxuries and made me identify 
I grasped the sensitive prints, you sensuously testify 
When I met, I thought you were on the other side of magical marine
Then I sensed, the heart mumbles in between
the castle of clarity and rarity as in vain.

I Saw You in “Moonlight”

I saw you in the moonlight,
Your visage, which often might
and Telltale your unveiling flight
More likely for hours to bright
I look into the depth of ignite
Your voice, my voice, nearly delight
and urge to sing and swing in the middle of ignite
trap my tears to wipe away the ocean of fights
O’ my Cuckoo! Clutch the presence high
And peep the precious pearls in my eye

I sense you, my fragrance, my heart when it beats
My nook and corner, whenever I look into the heats
My letter to address the songs when I nearly seat
Mavin! My imaginational stance.

Empty Fraught

Floating over a vast ocean,
Lost and uncertain in the motion
of the imaginational knot, I thought
some way letting the waves, some are fought
Yet, shielding the troubles and bubbles, I ought
Over the head, a fluttering vulture wrought
Ha! The Empty hours, the empty fraught.

- Tajalla Qureshi

Tajalla Qureshi, a radiant literary gem from Pakistan, stands as a beacon of creative brilliance. A wordsmith par excellence, she masterfully blends introspection, devotion, and creativity into compelling narratives that transport readers to enchanting dimensions. Her art lies in weaving words into wonders.

Additionally, a true polymath in the literary world, Tajalla's portfolio spans poetry, creative columns, essays, and flash fiction. Each piece is a testament to her unyielding passion and finesse, intricately designed to evoke profound emotions, spark vivid imagination, and inspire the human spirit.

On the flip, celebrated as an international interviewer, columnist, and editor, Tajalla's voice resonates far and wide, captivating audiences around the globe. Her unique perspective, lyrical style, and profound insights have cemented her place as a leading figure in contemporary literature.

Furthermore, her work exemplifies the transformative power of words. With every sentence, she crafts an intricate tapestry of emotions, ideas, and lived experiences, inviting readers to embark on a journey of introspection, growth, and boundless wonder.

THE IRIS FLOWER OF YOUR HEART : Poem by Iris Calif and Its Review by Angela Kosta

My beloved
In the crown of the Iris heart flower of heaven,
I am dripping a golden- painted dawn into your eyes,
The prayer of the holy sun rain land, silenced her voice,
The hidden wind blows; the secrets of my wild moon dance
I remove the essence of the clothing of my Iris flower soul
in front of the halo river rock of your body.
I am the naked ballerina, The living Iris flower of heaven,
dancing your living Iris heart
My wet lips whispering to the purity of the human beauty darkness of the Night of the loving;
I am dripping,
The Iris flower of Your heart.

©️ Iris Calif 

Review :-
The poem: "The Iris Flower of Your Heart" by the poetess Iris Calif explores the theme of love through symbolic metaphors, in which the figure of the Iris flower represents the purity, beauty, and spirituality of the love that the poetess holds for her beloved. The poetess uses the Iris, (which she shares the same name with), a flower that in myths and culture symbolizes harmony, rebirth, and light, to express a love that is as powerful as it is delicate and fragile.

In the verses, the poetess describes an encounter between human love and divine love, where the "crown of the heart" of the Iris flower becomes a metaphorical representation of the eternal spiritual union between the beloved and the lover. The poetess describes her beauty as a "naked ballerina" and her heart as a "living Iris flower," suggesting that love, like the flower, is pure, transparent, alive, and natural.

Her dance, in nature and spirituality, is closely intertwined with her vision of love, which appears as an act of sacredness and beauty in a world that oscillates between light and darkness. The "breath" mentioned at the end suggests a deep intimacy and a connection that goes beyond words, a moment of silent and intense communion.


Friday, January 17, 2025


IRIS CALIF is an international writer, poet, dancer, editor and translator of poetry to Hebrew. She is in charge of foreign relations in the online culture, literature, art and poetry magazine "The Direction of the Holy Spirit Wind" ("Bekiovn Hroh") and is a translator and an editor of world-wide poetry in the magazine, as well as in the culture and lifestyle magazine "Mokasini" and in the "World Poetry" section on the literature website "Rooms" ("Hadarim"). She is also a member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named "ACUM".

Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: 'CITY OF GALATEO' Special award for excellence 'città del Galateo' in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life".

Iris received the 2023 award for International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC) [Multilingual] [China] and she was selected to be one of the "20 Top International Journalists for the year 2024 of Legacy Crown’s" -Asia. She also holds a diploma from the "Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia, for her contribution to the culture world "International Poetic Community" 2022.

Iris is the head of the Israeli liaison department of the Hong Kong Literature and Arts Magazine and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS. She takes part in the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition) and holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco.

Iris is a descendant of a lineage of Kabbalists, blessed with the prophecy of the spirit of the heart and the ability of communication and vision, which are expressed in her mystical and Kabbalistic writing, endowed with spiritual touches of holy upper and hidden worlds. For her, it is a blessing to shine with the spirit of the Jewish voice from the depths of love, life, and faith in the creator of the world- our father in heaven
"And as I soar with the flight of my spirit soul, I will carry the holy halo of the light of my Jewish loving voice, in the eternally world of the wings of the Dove of God spirit of the land-living peace"-Iris Calif
Three of Iris's books have already been published: "In a fascinating lane breathes Lolita" (2001), "), "A Pure Wild moon" (2017), and "The daughter of God" (2020), and she is currently working on her fourth book. Her poems have been published and read on the radio, on television, on the internet, in national and international magazines and newspapers and in anthologies around the world, and were translated by international poets into numerous languages such as Spanish, Bengali, Nepali, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Assamese, Russian, Albanian and Italian.

Iris's poems were presented in many prestigious and international exhibitions in Israel such as "Crowns of Winter" (January 2023), where a poem of hers translated into Bengali was displayed alongside poems by seven international poets, each translated and edited into Hebrew by her. Also the exhibition "Black-Red-White" displayed Iris's translated versions of poems written by five international poets. Most recently, Iris's poems, also translated into Chinese, Italian, Spanish and Arabic, were presented in the universal exhibition "Butterflies of Peace", which also included the poems of 21 poets from around the world, translated by Iris into Hebrew.
Iris's poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams of life and breathes holy and hidden worlds. Her poetry is a symbol and an expression of her victory over anorexia and her courageous decision to choose life and love.
"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life" -Iris Calif

The land of my heavenly skies of my poetic worlds in the wind of the worlds of holy hidden life
My poetry is in the heart of the soul of the heaven land of holy halo wind of light, and in the soul of the heavens and worlds of my created soul, which bows, dances and prays for the nature of life of God and illustrates my longings to the journey of worlds of wind, love, life, holiness and the hidden from the depth of the flame of the storm. From desire, light, pain, fracture, loneliness, fear, hope, purity, femininity, motherhood and the eternal girl that breathes in me eternal worlds of holy hidden life.
"And in my living Iris soul, my spirit dances the living voice of the holy God life"
Iris Calif
"All rights reserved"

My beloved
In the crown of the Iris heart flower of heaven,
I am dripping a golden- painted dawn into your eyes,
The prayer of the holy sun rain land, silenced her voice,
The hidden wind blows; the secrets of my wild moon dance
I remove the essence of the clothing of my Iris flower soul
in front of the halo river rock of your body.
I am the naked ballerina, The living Iris flower of heaven,
dancing your living Iris heart
My wet lips whispering to the purity of the human beauty darkness of the Night of the loving;
I am dripping,
The Iris flower of Your heart
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

Our Father in Heaven
Lord of all the lands
Sovereign of all the Worlds
I'm naked from the flame of mysterious reds rivers heaven land Zion
As a human universal iris flower
I am breathing occult to the spirit of the whiteness virginity, pure dream
In the candlesticks of heaven's living the purple halo of my burning Candle
As Iris, a human flower, I am inflaming my fire goddess Worlds dance to a human blue Star David in the land of heaven Canaan
And in pure wilderness of human Eve, desert, ashes, days gather my promised land Life
And the holy tempest was purified
Kneeling in me world of love
Creates my Israel moon of my living heart
To a Human Flower Iris,
In the eternity of the Spiri of Eternal universal World Peace
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"
Photography combined with painting:
The International artist: Zehava Netter
Model: The international poet Iris Calif

A golden ray touches my body
Tonight, God the creator sends to my wounded soul an angel of love
And in the cloak of silence envelops my eyes green earth
Holly sprouted world
Forming bodies of love in a soft stream forever
I am the wandering girl
My fear in the thickening rain is drowning my lonely iris
And on my naked body is the dress of God of heaven
And the sea floods to my hidden green eyes
Angel of life.
"All rights reserved to the poet Iris Calif"

Iris is received of the International Prize for Literature Italy - Milan 2024: 'CITY OF GALATEO' Special award for excellence 'città del Galateo' in the category of foreign writers from around the world, poetry and fiction on a free topic, for the poem she wrote "Angel of Life."

Black Race, a Poem by Abeera Mirza

Welcome to a continent of Fame;
Where black skin is not a badge of shame;
But only depicts freedom fighters,
We are endowed with prolific writers.

We are black and we are blessed,
The life we live is a lesson,
We are negros;
And negros are heros.

Long live black Race,
Our existence on Earth was fate,
No one can fathom everything about us,
It's never our doing; in God we trust.

Black Race; a land of milk and honey,
Many years ago, we began this journey,
Harsh weather still we age long,
African race is so strong.

We've black skin with good melanin,
That's why at old age we're still shining,
A land with bountiful natural resources,
Nature blessed us and made us its source,
Call us black Race,
We're African Race.

©Abeera Mirza 

“Writing is the tool of emotional healing”. Meet Abeera Mirza, an English literature gold medalist, teacher and gifted poet. She won numerous awards for her passion for words. Her poem “Sorry” has inspired readers to heal. It started with poetry and progressed to prose. Abeera has contributed to more than 200 anthologies and many international magazines such as Raven Cage (Germany), Barcelona Magazine (Spain), Pencraft Literary Magazine (Bangladesh), International Literature Language Journal (USA), Alessandra Today, (Italy) Cultural Reverence WordPress, (India) Orfeu. Al, (Albania), Fatehpur Resolution Blogspot (India) and Poetic Essence Publications (India). Her interview has been published on The Mount Kenya Times and Poetic Essence Publications (India). She has won many titles such as Miss Literary Critic by her university. (University of Lahore, Pakistan). Her inner peace is ignited by reading and traveling. She is serving as a jury member for Maverick Writing Community, India where she helps emerging writers to grow. Her perspective is expanded by diverse poetic exploration. Her passion for learning is endless. She is always looking to learn more beyond boundaries. Abeera’s writing style has touched countless lives. It gives a deep understanding of words and their ability to bring change. She is renowned for healing hearts. May her words help in healing.
Facebook|Instagram: @abeera_quotes

Thursday, January 16, 2025



I want like a dream 
To be dissolved with you 
Even as a ghost 
Pas and to be behind you 
To attach myself 
In the tale of a skirt 
That is white 
Simply soft 
And unnoticeable 
To not investigate me 
No one 
That I am attached to you 
To walk together 
With well thoughts steps 
And when you arrive
At the gate 
You will come close 
To enter 
Just like one 
Inside the track finder 
Where the silences enter
Inside an engrossed balloon
From pain 
Even in the liquified kisses 
To soften
Dried lips 
And blistered from fire
Of love 

/To my friend Peter Tase/


Many words descended into verses
You shaped into many languages
For the knowledge
Through the continents of the universe
They remained through memories
That renew hopes
How many poems shaped as ballads of longing
You separated into letters
That universe understands
With those connecting bridges
To create history


You are across the Atlantic
I am on this side
We speak versely
With a matured longing in our soul
You cherished the songs
Into Arberian Language
Even across the infinite Atlantic
As you are knotted
With a fairly distant ithaca
And with white shadows of Plis
That day and night
Surround your dream
With a long woven scarf
Of a snow covered, genuine soul

(Peter Tase, translator of poems into English Language)

BILALL MALIQI is a writer, poet and publicist, was born in on 08.04.1969 in a village ElezBAli, municipality of Presheva. He writes poetry and prose for children and adults, he deals also with literature critics. He is the author of 42 works: poetry for children, for adults, prose for children and adults, journalism and literary critics. Anthologies: the magazine Panorama by the authors of South East Kosova “ Sigh for Earth “ by the author Hysen Keqiku (2004) ; In lexicon “ authors of Albanian Literature for children and adults 1886- 2009” by prof. as.dr. Astrit Bishqemi; in poetical antology Albanian- Swedish “Fllamande Ballad” by Sokol Demaku (2009); In poetical anthology “The Echo of Centuries”by Sokol Demaku, (2010). In International Poetical Anthology “Open Lane “by Kristaq Shabani (2012); In poetical anthology by dr. Fatmir Terziu “ Virgin Tears, (2012); In Belgium Poetical Anthology French-Albanian “ Anthologie de poetes Albanophones(2012); Maliqi is a founder and editor in chief of the magazine “Qendresa” which is published in Presheva Valley. Maliqi is a president of association of Presheva writers; Maliqi is a member of League of Writers of Kosova; Member of the board “ Atunis” President of “Atunis Lugina” in Presheva.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Peace, a Poem by Eva Petropoulou Lianou

Prayers for a peaceful world
I dreamt about it
I closed my eyes years ago
I saw childens playing with dolls
I keep my eyes closed
I am affraid to open them
Because when i opened my eyes , dead bodies exist everywhere
No schools
No home
No toys
I keep my eyes closed
I leave peacefully

- Eva Petropoulou Lianou 🇬🇷

Five Poems by Yahya Azeroğlu


I've gotten older, I've reached my limit 
I live with trouble and sorrow
The page of my life notebook is over
Unfortunately, I am writing in the void.

Life finally ate me too
A thousand troubles piled on top of a thousand troubles 
Now the world I'm speeding around 
I'm wandering around slowly 

I've grown old, my heart has never matured 
He was never loyal to his owner 
The wheel is broken and there are no gears left. 
I also get angry at the buzzing 

Our youth walked very rudely 
The dark cloud covered the stars 
My big body melted and melted 
I'm leaking where I sit 

Familiar time to risk
We tied our faith to worship 
Now the cure is gone in your knees 
I draw figure eight while walking 

For a moment, the curtain was drawn over my eyes 
Moreover, the ears do not hear
There's nothing left to do I guess
I am suffering from pain and ache

Words don't stay in my memory 
Empty eyes cannot see the wound 
The tongue has grown and does not turn on my palate 
As the world speaks, I remain silent 

The handcuffs of oppression remain on my arm 
All I have left is my property and my sackcloth. 
Azeroğlu is on his last journey 
I'm running fast.


Don't think that this smiling face of mine is happy.
There is a thousand sorrows in my si ngle laughter  
The strange nightingale draws the dice in vain 
Those who will laugh for the sake of laughing cried

Smiles made me wail 
Red cheeks groaned in pain 
My lips could not embellish the words 
Smiles cried for tongues
I said my life but 
darling didn't answer
My soul consoled by dreams 
Scattered from the heart of faded love 
Smiles cried for the ashes 

It's a helpless wound, believe me. 
The influences are gone in the past 
Broken glass window
cried for the tulles 

Friends do not heal heartache
You are the best of friendships 
The love of my heart consumed my life 
Smiles cried for years 

Azeroğlu, I made you laugh 
I embroidered the loop on my lace 
Waiting patiently to die 
Laughs cried for Situations


In the damaged essence of this world
In the fire and embers of the fires
In the spring and autumn of the seasons
Peace must prevail.

In every breathing section
In the artist's breath, in his voice
In the court of people's conscience
Peace must prevail

In the air balloons of the earth
In the halls of the courthouse
In all areas of this life
Peace must prevail

To shine in a dark place
To serve humanity
To live a life in peace
Peace must prevail

Where man shoots man
Where roses fade in the vineyards
Where there is death and violence
Peace must prevail

Without confirming the lie of the liar
Without judging the weak by the strong
Without questioning race, language and religion
Peace must prevail

As the aim reaches its target

As the mind and insight know
As this Azeroğlu said
Peace must prevail!!!


In the waves of silent screams,
I keep flowing in a meandering manner,
In the rings of the chain of torment,
I walk towards eternity.

A storm breaks out inside me,
My eyes dive into a mysterious dream,
When silent screams are wrapped in a jade,
I seek peace there.

The mysterious web of silent screams,
Reminds us of the final destination,
A leaf that has turned yellow and fallen from a plane tree,
I melt like a candle when I see it,

The autumns of silent screams,
I have seen the summer months as I live,
The roaring poets of the homeland,
I attain my desire as I remember..

These silent screams warned Azeroğlu,
They showed me the path of ideals,
The red and white rose of my homeland,
I smell and smell it with longing.


On the path of hope in the deserts of longing
You became life to me in my lifeless body
On the tired left of my sick body
You became blood in my bloodless veins

While being wrapped in the ball of desire
While my ocean of emotions is rippling
While being shaken in the vortex of love
You have become a place of honor for me

When my claws lose their strength
You became the subject of my syllables
My long nights without you
You dawned on me in your darkness

Even though today is a different day, I feel nice
I see you crying all the time inside
To live with you forever
You became an inn with a single door on the land to me

You hit Azeroğlu with your eyelashes
You wrapped your son Azer in your arms
You surrounded your son Azerbaijan with your love
You guided me in the caravan of emotions.

- Yahya Azeroğlu


“Literature is the revolt against accepted things”…Maria Teresa Liuzzo exemplifies these wise sayings and goes further… Transforming conscio...