Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Three Poems by Niamat Elhamri


A meeting of loyalty, a promise sealed,
Lasting till the end, beyond the field,
If tomorrow comes, as fate has willed.

Tomorrow's encounter…
Family gathered, love’s embrace,
Even the elders, with a gentle grace.
Welcomed with milk, dates, and flowers in bloom,
A day of joy, before vows consume.
Do not mourn yesterday, for tomorrow makes room.

Tomorrow’s encounter…
A soft light, love's tender meeting,
Let’s dance like the waves, endlessly fleeting.
A hug of longing, after distance and yearning,
A kiss sweeter than honey, love ever-burning.
Rightfully yours, with dowry and vow,
Tomorrow’s encounter, eternal somehow.
Not like yesterday, of distance and cold,
Let’s live in tomorrow, forever bold.


The nights of laughter, the evenings of delight,
I remember your love for coffee, without sugar,
I see you at dawn's first sight,
And when the moon bids the night.

I remember your voice near,
Like a note played on a string clear,
Like the water's roar against stone sheer,
Quenching every trace in my heart, dear.

Despite the distance and the yearn,
Leaving me in scorching burn, I wait for you,
Like thirsty soil awaiting rain's return,
Longing for the first drop's renew.

I remember the fading of cold,
And returning to you with words so bold,
I write you in poems and prose untold,
Painting our love with letters of light,
Between ages of gold.

Will you come back again?
The heart can no longer bear the pain,
The soul longs for the gaze of your eyes,
And a love that never dies.


I know no existence but yours, my guide,
And nothing else has occupied my mind, how blind!
For this, I confess, I’ve been unjust,
Yet, for you, my heart does solely trust.

I’ve sought no other, nor played a part,
For always, you’ve been closest to my heart.
A child of your love, am I
You taught me how to adore, to sigh.

You fed me the bread of passion's feast,
Drowned me in oceans of love, released.
You lifted me high, away from the throng,
In your embrace, I’ve found where I belong.

How many fought to win my hand,
Yet gained no more than shadows’ strands.
For you, the knight of every maiden’s dream,
Destined for me, as heaven’s golden gleam.

I loved you not for love alone,
But for the air your love has shown.
For I am the child of your devotion,
Unwavering, steadfast, a boundless ocean.

You nourished me with loyalty’s grace,
A fragrant drink from your flowers' embrace.
Truly, my love is yours to keep,
For in my heart, your roots run deep.

And all the world shall surely know,
To another’s love, I cannot go.
To another’s love, I cannot go.

You are the finest gift from above,
And I, a grace, sent for your love.


Niamat Elhamri is a Moroccan writer and poetm, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Barcelona Literary Magazine, General Secretary of the World Writers Union, Member of the Arab Writers Union and Arab Cultural Union and Ambassador of International Federation of Arts and Literature (UN-IFAL)

Published works: "On the shelves of Oblivion" in Arabic. Ouzouf wa Enfessal" in Arabic ,"Shunning and Separation" in English, International Anthology: "Whispers Across Languages", International Anthology: "Let The Rose Bloom", International Anthology: "Poems Against The Ugliness", International Anthology: "Humanist Anthology", "Stations from Memory" (Encyclopedia of Short Stories) in Egypt, International Haiku Anthology: " Haiku Strings", " Poetic Bouquet Valentine’ s Day " Anthology.

Short story collections: "Your Last Melody", "If Not for Those Borders", "Venice/Romulus and Remus", " My Trace Before Departure ", "Sacrificial Offerings".
Short stories collection: "Ward N°36".

Niamat's works have been translated into multiple languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Albanian, Hindi, Bengali, and Turkish, reflecting her global literary impact.

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