Let Me Get Lost
Let me get lost in your deep eyes
The beauty in which I see myself and survive
Your eyes beacon me when I am far off
Alluring me to reside in them
Mesmerizing me, pulling me towards you
Touching the cords of my heart.
Silent Love
I poured and poured...
My love...
Without saying
He could not understand my silence...!
Love At Its Zenith
Love at its zenith
Touches ones heart
Arousing passion
Is a lovers art
Beyond essence
The sense of touch vibrates
Melting like ice
Two hearts intertwine
Celebrating emotional bonding
Feeling on top of the world
Beautiful souls enjoy
Each others belongingness.
©® Rita Chugh
Rita Chugh is an Internationally recognized, Award - Winning bilingual poetess, author, social activist, Governor of The World Union Of Poets, International Ambassador of Peace, Universal Icon of poetry, recipient of numerous National and International Awards.
She has authored two Hindi and two English Poetry books. She is a co - author of 55 National and International Anthologies (including two World Record holding Anthologies), co - author of International Book Of Records holding E- magazine. Her poems are widely published in National and International magazines, journals, souvenirs, E-zines and newspapers. Her poems have been translated into many National and International languages. Her poems are reviewed by some eminent critics in literature.
She has been featured as World's Contemporary Poet, featured on Bangladesh TV, Women TV India, Mexican International TV - Cabina 11, Satellite TV, and ROKO MEXICO TV, Udaan TV - Bangladesh. Her poems have been broadcasted from All India Radio, Patiala, CASA BUKOWSKI RADIO - CHILE, UMRO RADIO - MEXICO. She has been invited as a guest poet in many International Festivals. She was named among the "50 Women in Asia influencing modern literature."
She has been Honoured by Gujarat Sahitya Academy thrice for her Literary Excellence, conferred with 'World Record Holder' medal for her dedication and contribution in the field of Literature and Art. She is a recipient of Order Of Shakespeare Medal, Rabindranath Tagore Award, Gandhi International Literature prize, International Proud Women Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, Nari Ratan Award and many more. She has been recognized as one of the 'World Literature Stars' .She has been conferred with Honorary doctorate by International Academy of Culture, Morocco. She has received more than 10, 000 Certificates of Excellence and Appreciation.
She is a role model and a source of inspiration to many inspiring poets. Her poetic excellence has been duly lauded globally.
Thank you so much Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer for publishing my poems in the prestigious group. I am grateful to you and immensely happy and honoured.