Wednesday, July 17, 2024


[Astrit Lulushi]

[Maria Teresa Liuzzo] 

Astrit Lulushi, with his precious knowledge and writing, makes us participants in his human, cultural and spiritual experience, through a psychological excavation, after having risen from the underworld. A refined and sensitive author, he leads us through his many writings into an unprecedented world, where words cross the arteries dripping tears and blood, like the rain that falls dancing from the sloping roofs. Astrit Lulushi associates the human with the divine in the perennial struggle between victims and executioners and captures the bright stages of an often tragic path that has the bitter flavor and scent of oleander. The Author mixes myth, past and present with mastery and wisdom, showing us that time is nothing more than a metamorphosis of fragments of unity that follow one another dizzily, in a phantom spiral that only his strength of mind-compass manages to capture and shape into words that become wings in the infinite. (Apeiron). While reading I was fascinated, dragged and conquered by his words which are states of mind that warm the heart more than a ray of sunshine when it pierces the rock; pure feelings that know no shadow of hatred and revenge against the world and society, rather a hand extended as a sign of PEACE. That is his passport that repudiates any sense of violence and prevarication. All this led me to a distant land - which although virtually allowed me to cross borders and barbed wire without suffering any scratches and, to cross and land like a feather on his pierced heart.
In that context of moral, ethical and spiritual cleanliness I was able to see a second St. George fighting with the dragon, and a St. Martin dividing his cloak with the sword to give it to a poor man; but my incredulous and moved gaze could see emerald meadows and flowers unfolding under a rainbow of light - and you have to be dead not to notice it. The words of Astrit Lulushi, for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, are flesh and blood that have crossed the sea of ​​sharks, but also the fires of hell. His mouth chewed salt, his body assimilated the poison of bitter and salty water, during the desert of his "crossing" like Jesus when he crossed the desert with scorpions and hunger as traveling companions. His willpower had wings that didn't burn like Icarus' because they were "spirit". His efforts for a young man who was not at all trained at the time surpassed those of Hercules: God made dawn in his heart and made sure that he reached the "promised land" - where today he lives free and happy. But the work of the true writer never ends because the power of words surpasses that of weapons. His "hunger" is for love and hope, and he fights against social injustices, against suffering, poverty, and in defense of nature, mother of the world and lung of life. These extraordinary qualities make this singular Character, a HERO of modern times who keeps alive the torch of Life suspended between human chaos and divine indulgence. Astrit knows the role of lies on innocence, and the sense of forgiveness and mercy that does not unite men as it should, he senses and recognizes the slow beat of water, the secrets of the body and nature, and manages to "filter" them through life transforming them into art.

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“Literature is the revolt against accepted things”…Maria Teresa Liuzzo exemplifies these wise sayings and goes further… Transforming conscio...