Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Two Poems in Russian by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer & Translated From English by Natalie Bisso

Два стихотворения на русском языке доктора Шайлеша Гупты Вира и перевод с английского Натали Биссо

Столетия спустя 
- Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир 

Когда я прочел в ее глазах глубокую любовь к себе,
Она полностью растворилась в моем дыхании.

Когда я любовался ее розовыми щечками,
Она написала свое имя в моем сердце.

Когда я подарил ей красную розу,
она жестом попросила меня воткнуть эту розу ей в волосы -
и как только я воткнул эту красную розу ей в волосы,
Она стала такой застенчивой и опустила голову.
Мы оба были погружены в безмерную любовь.

Небо хотело заключить землю в свои объятия,
и земля захотела раствориться в объятиях неба!

Столетия спустя две души страстно желали слиться друг с другом.

С белой шифоновой дупаттой
- Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир

Блеск ее глаз
подчеркивает красоту

Румянец ее губ
делает Сумерки романтичными,

Аура ее щек
будоражит воображение,

Звон ее сережек
резонировать все вокруг,

Волшебная улыбка на ее лице
придает цветам еще больше аромата,

Когда она прогуливается в платье цвета морской волны
и белой шифоновой дупатте*,
Мне очень трудно это понять:
Красота мира
содержится в ее красоте
Или ее красота содержится
в красоте мира.
© Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир
(Редактор: Micropoetry Cosmos)
Фатехпур, ЮП, Индия
Электронная почта: editorsgveer@gmail.com

[Poet : Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer]

Краткая биография:
Доктор Шайлеш Гупта Вир - светило в области литературы, известный своим многогранным вкладом в качестве поэта, критика, рецензента, редактора и неоднократного лауреата премий. Его литературное творчество отличается непревзойденной степенью креативности и аутентичности, очаровывая читателей по всему миру.

Отредактировав около двух десятков книг по литературе и множество журналов, доктор Вир сыграл ключевую роль в формировании современного литературного ландшафта. Его глубокие прозрения и редакторское мастерство принесли ему широкое признание, укрепив его репутацию дальновидного редактора и куратора литературного мастерства.

Литературные шедевры доктора Вира вышли за рамки лингвистических границ, а переводы его произведений обогатили литературный мир на многих языках мира. Его стихи переведены на китайский, греческий, немецкий, французский, испанский, азербайджанский, арабский, иврит, итальянский, сербский, хорватский, португальский, албанский, турецкий, непальский, одийский, панджабский, бангла, ассамский и ряд других языков. Его влияние на мировое литературное сообщество было подчеркнуто признанием его литературной иконой в декабре 2018 года авторитетной телепрограммой "Ты и литература сегодня" из Нигерии. Недавно его стихотворение "Стань светлячком" было представлено на иврите на международной выставке "Бабочки мира" в Израиле вместе со стихами 21 избранного поэта со всего мира. Важность его стихов также можно понять по тому факту, что они транслировались на многих платформах по всему миру.

Как уважаемый редактор журналов Micropoetry Cosmos и Fatehpur Resolution, доктор Вир продолжает отстаивать литературные инновации и художественное самовыражение, предоставляя платформу для процветания как начинающим, так и признанным авторам. Его непоколебимая преданность писательскому мастерству и стремление поддерживать литературный диалог снискали ему восхищение и уважение как коллег, так и читателей.

Вот несколько примечательных фактов о поэзии доктора Шайлеша Гупты Вира:
- Уникальный стиль: у него особый голос и стиль, в котором сочетаются традиционные и современные элементы.
- Образность и символизм: Его стихи богаты чувственными деталями и символическим языком.
- Эмоциональная глубина: Его поэзия исследует сложные эмоции, мысли и переживания.
- Универсальные темы: Он обращается к таким универсальным темам, как любовь, природа, духовность и положение человека.
- Лингвистические способности: Он умело использует язык, уделяя особое внимание ритму, размеру и выбору слов.
- Экспериментирование и новаторство: Он экспериментирует с формой, структурой и языком.
- Подлинность и искренность: Его поэзия искренняя, честная и отражает его переживания и эмоции.
- Междисциплинарный подход: Он черпает вдохновение в различных видах искусства, таких как музыка, живопись и философия.

[Translator : Natalie Bisso]

Автор Перевода: 
Натали Биссо, Германия- поэт, прозаик, поэт-песенник, эссеист, рецензент, критик, академик МАРЛИ и МАНИ, Президент международной Литературной Ассоциации "Творческая Трибуна".

Two Poems by Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

Centuries Later 
- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 

When I was reading a deep love for myself in her eyes,
She had completely dissolved in my breath.

When I was admiring her pink cheeks,
She had written her name in my heart.

When I gave her a red rose,
She gestured me to put that rose in her hair-
and as soon as I put that red rose in her hair,
So shy she was and lowerd her head
Both we were immersed in immense love.

The sky wanted to take earth in his arms,
and the earth wanted to be lost in the arms of the sky!

Centuries later, the two souls were eager to merge with each other.

With White Chiffon Dupatta
- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer

The brightness of her eyes
adds to the beauty
of the world,

The redness of her lips
makes Twilight romantic,

The aura of her cheeks
thrills the mind,

The sound of her ear-rings
makes the whole environment

The magical smile on her face
adds more fragrance to the flowers,

When she walks in an ocean green dress
with white chiffon dupatta*,
It is very difficult for me to say that
The beauty of the world is
contained in her beauty
Or her beauty is contained
in the beauty of the world.
[* A dupatta is a traditional scarf or shawl worn by women in South Asian cultures, particularly in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.]

Brief Biography: 
Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer stands as a luminary in the realm of literature, renowned for his multifaceted contributions as a poet, critic, reviewer, editor, and prolific award recipient. His literary oeuvre is distinguished by an unparalleled degree of creativity and authenticity, captivating readers across the globe.

Having edited approximately two dozen literary books and numerous magazines, Dr. Veer has played a pivotal role in shaping the contemporary literary landscape. His profound insights and editorial prowess have earned him widespread acclaim, solidifying his reputation as a visionary editor and curator of literary excellence.

Dr. Veer's literary masterpieces have transcended linguistic boundaries, with translations of his works enriching the literary tapestry in numerous languages worldwide. His poems have been translated into Chinese, Greek, German, French, Spanish, Azerbaijani, Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Serbian, Croatian, Portuguese, Albanian, Turkish, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Bangla, Assamese and several other languages. His impact on the global literary community was underscored by his recognition as a Literary Icon in December 2018 by the esteemed TV program You and Literature Today from Nigeria. Recently, his poem 'Become Firefly' has been presented in Hebrew in the international exhibition 'Butterflies of Peace' in Israel, along with poems by 21 selected poets from all over the world. The importance of his poems can also be understood by the fact that they have been broadcast on many platforms across the world.

As the esteemed editor of Micropoetry Cosmos and The Fatehpur Resolution, Dr. Veer continues to champion literary innovation and artistic expression, providing a platform for emerging and established voices alike to flourish. His unwavering dedication to the craft of writing and his commitment to fostering literary dialogue have earned him the admiration and respect of peers and readers alike.

Here are some notable facts about Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer's poetry:
- Unique style: He has a distinct voice and style that blends traditional and modern elements.
- Imagery and symbolism: His poems are rich in sensory details and symbolic language.
- Emotional depth: His poetry explores complex emotions, thoughts, and experiences.
- Universal themes: He addresses universal themes like love, nature, spirituality, and human condition.
- Linguistic skill: He uses language skillfully, with a focus on rhythm, meter, and word choice.
- Experimentation and innovation: He experiments with form, structure, and language.
- Authenticity and sincerity: His poetry is genuine, honest, and true to his experiences and emotions.
- Interdisciplinary approach: He draws inspiration from various art forms, like music, painting, and philosophy.

About the Translator:
Natalie Bisso, Germany- The author of the translation is a poet, novelist, songwriter, essayist, reviewer, critic, academician MARLEY and MANI, President of the international Literary Association "Creative Tribune".

Monday, October 28, 2024


The organization Legacy Crown Corporation, founded by Amb. Dr. Micheal Eustaquio and Amb. Antonio Ma-at, has selected 20 international journalists. Legacy Crown Corporation also has its own printed magazine showcasing media personalities from around the world. In preparation for the grand event on the Red Carpet in the Philippines, which will honor the 20 selected journalists with prestigious awards on December 8 of this year.

Here’s what Ambassador Antonio Ma-at of the Legacy Crown Organization says about this: “Journalists have the power to illuminate truths and inspire change; through every word they write, they shape the narrative of the world.” The 20 selected international journalists in Legacy Crown exemplify this commitment by writing from deep within and being strong advocates for humanity. The selected individuals are:

- Angela Kosta
- Taghrid Bou Merhi
- Peiying Christine Chen
- Dr. Mujë Buçpapaj
- Irene Doura-Kavadia
- Francesca Gallello
- Antonietta Micali
- Hassane Yarti
- Ndue Dragusha
- Dibran Fylli
- Arslan Bayır
- Hamed Abdul Mohammed Al-Majmashii
- Alketa Gashi Fazliu
- Artur Nura
- Nasir Aijaz
- Iris Calif
- Antonina M. Wiśniewska
- Kang Byeong-Cheol
- Eva Petropoulou Lianou
- Amb. Antonio Bernard Ma-at
- Prof. Preeth Padmanabhan Nambiar

They demonstrate the profound impact journalism, editing, and the promotion of Art, Culture, and Media can have on society. Through their work, they not only inform but also empower communities and raise their voices for a better world.

Legacy Crown Corporation, founded by Amb. Dr. Micheal Eustaquio and Amb. Antonio Ma-at, is dedicated to creating a unique system that nurtures talent through guidance and resources, inspiring a new generation of leaders and visionaries. At Legacy Crown, we believe that every success story is worth sharing. Our organization is committed to amplifying the voices and achievements of extraordinary individuals and groups across various fields. Congratulations to all!!!

Prepared and translated by: Angela Kosta, Executive Director of the print magazine MIRIADE, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, editor, literary critic, publisher, promoter.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Four Poems by Zhansaya Bibimariam Utambetova

Place of Birth 

Dear motherland,
Many will be missed.
You look different to me
He looks at you not to throw away...

Enjoyed your waters,
Rustling leaves.
The wide field is long,
Soils equal to gold...

Towered with your mountains,
The field is full of flowers.
Miiras from ancestors,
The place of birth...

Made an exchange,
A country full of eyes - my people.
There is a thirsty Aralym,
I respect my people...

My veins are Amivy,
I pray for you.
I miss you in your lakes,
Duck geese Swan...

Place of birth is different.
The garden planted by my grandfather.
I would be surprised if
If I come back again...

If you love my hometown,
Praise me where I walk.
I don't believe in your daughter,
My faith...

My hometown is my wish,
Without water, the exhibition did not suffer.
A spoonful of soil,
For me, moisture is powerful...!

Golden Scattering in Sunlight

Autumn leaves fall together,
Mauritli sisip in cultivated crops.
Yesterday's palapa flew away,
The sun shone like gold...

The one who wakes up in the morning cheers up,
Avoid sunlight.
I remember the inspirations of four
The sun shone like gold...

Brave stars at dawn,
Now it's early morning.
Girls with hair combed
The sun shone like gold...

Everyone is thinking about their dreams.
He also prays for clear skies.
Good morning my friends,
The sun shone like gold...!


In a place where no one notices,
We are close to each other.
Many people dream like this.
Take a look at my sad autumns...

The years are long,
Listen to what happened.
The past days are a pain for me,
Take a look at my gloomy autumns...

With your careless imagination,
It's your right.
I am also in the mind of autumn,
Take a look at my sad autumns...

Today I saw the person I loved,
Be nazaryu and we are close.
Young rode, I also gave tone,
Take a look at my gloomy autumns...

As fate's tricks are cruel,
Send me a gift as soon as possible.
Life tests or this place?
Take a look at my gloomy autumns...

If I didn't love you
My youth couldn't find a tukin.
I wouldn't say if I didn't build
Take a look at my gloomy autumns...

I was neglected on the edge,
Feel free to get to know us.
There are two hands to blame,
Take a look at my gloomy autumns...

My dreams are shattered
I don't care anymore.
Sad autumn called you,
I'm looking for the song "Divorce"...!

Waiting for You

Don't say it, you stupid bastard.
A devoted heart orphan branch,
They say that love gives a taste
I am in a hurry to put it.

Be restless and burn like fire,
I will drink warm milk in winter.
I'm bleeding with my soul,
I am waiting for you.

Rhino horned killer blood before eyes
I am an orphan.
He is the mighty ruler of the Ganga dynasty,
Come, my dear, I will wait for you with a flower.

My hurricane shakes, the entanglements shake,
I'm thinking like a distant jock.
and wife of love,
i am surprised
Anyway waiting for you.

- Zhansaya Bibimariam Utambetova
(Republic of Karakalpakstan)

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Two Poems by Til Kumari Sharma

Nature as Blooming Flower 
The huge pond of green life
Nature herself is garden of flowers
That is blooming in the world
The life and death both are together
Then it transforms in new revolution
Nature herself is young and beautiful
The light and darkness unify to bring life
Nature is endurable being
She is the superpower of goddess to lead the universe
Nature, supreme glory magnifies with light in us.
The varieties of wave and sand
The river and lavas
The hot and cold season
The purity of breath is magnificent light
The harmless and harmful both she includes
Though she is blooming glory for us.
Cloud within the Horizon
The cloud  is from rain
The rain is loaded
The lightening is hidden
The fire is produced there
The life is hidden there
The life is beautiful as trains the life
Life is  transformed after firing
That smoking is in cloud
Cloud stores all things
So cloud is life and door to enter in universal living
The sky is above cloud
The cloud can hide color of sky
Sky is infinite
Cloud has balanced the life.

© Til Kumari  Sharma
 Parbat, Nepal

Ms. Til Kumari Sharma as Multi Award Winner in writing  from international  literary branch is  from  Bhorle- Hile, Paiyun 7, Parbat, Gandaki, West Nepal.  Her parents are Mr. Hari Prasad Basel / Bashyal Sharma ( Mayor of Village Assembly) and Mrs. Lila Devi  Bhusal/Bashyal. Til is known as Pushpa too.  She is Hindu by religion. But she respects all religions.  She  has published many  thousands of poems, some essays, and stories and other  literary writings in  International  magazines, groups and anthologies from ( amazon)  Russia, America, England, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Kosovo, Algeria,  Albania, Italy, Korea, Argentina, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Greece, Philippines, Hungary,  Brazil,  Chile,  Scotland, Indonesia, Egypt, Serbia, Tajikistan,  Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya,  Nigeria, North Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, Sweden, India, Nepal and many  other  countries. She is featured-poet  and best-selling  co-author too. She is world-renowned  poet  now.  She is poet of World Record Book named HYPERPOEM. She is an international peace ambassador of Bangladesh and ambassador of Moncheri Escapes of India too.  Her real painting is made by Ukeme Udo from Nigeria and digital painting by artist of Cuba  ( Candido Cuenca). Her World Personality is published in Multi art 8  & 12 magazine from Argentina, Mexico and so on. She is selected  in cover page of Asia ( Continent )  in Humanity Magazine of Russia, Trap Magazine of Egypt and Pachagazine of Kenya.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Shortly, with the patronage of the UN, Women's Chair, Wikipoetry, Wikipeace and Accademia Tiberina, the publisher Gian Carlo Lissi (Publishing House G.C.L Edizioni) will publish SURVIVORS collection of poems by 42 women, of which the donation will go to the Volunteer Organization Against All Violence Co.Tu.Le Vi born on November 11, 2012, but which actually began its work in 2008 with the opening of the Diana Anti-Violence Desk inside the Court of Trapani. The help desk addresses all kinds of violence and makes use of the collaboration of: psychologists, lawyers, doctors, social workers and mediators, family members available to voluntarily provide advice and support, guaranteeing maximum professionalism and confidentiality for the defense against violence against women all over the world who silently suffer physical and verbal violence and,  despite this, they go on, they hide the tears, the dark marks in the soul and in they clench their fists, they get up and smile, they raise their children alone, releasing only: Love, Peace, Light and Sun everywhere... 
The woman retains such unspeakable power, which the man is often unable to grasp and understand. She regenerates LIFE itself in her womb, so she is not afraid of anything. Perhaps he cannot measure himself against the strength of man, but equally, man cannot measure himself against the strength of woman. She carries inside her body, for 9 months: Life, the future of the planet. 
Today women do not only work 24 hours a day at home, doing Everything, absolutely Everything, with such energy that it never runs out, but they are also: Head of State, scientist, doctor, astronaut, magistrate, judge, engineer, architect, journalist, poet, writer, etc... 

Respect women and NEVER turn off the generator of human existence. 

[By Angela Kosta ExecutiveDirectorofthe magazine MIRIADE, journalist, poet, essayist, publisher, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter]

Three Poems by Natalie Bisso


Not a very convenient opinion,
Not too convenient themes,
And often the revelation is bitter,
And the eternal souls in us are mute.
Countless possibilities,
No expressed wishes,
They do not cause difficulties
and do not disturb consciousness.
Will you always keep a calm conscience with pride?
The hushed subconscious
Gets used to stupidity completely,
Leveling up the state?
The whole world was
torn apart by indifference,
Indifference overshadowed the minds.,
We no longer listen to our hearts,
our minds are occupied with the dream of greatness.
My unpleasant opinion,
Both views and the search for truth -
Generations don't like it, 
everything seems unthinkable to them.
And they look too tired,
And the rules are outdated,
For example, they don't need diplomacy,
In order, as they say, to slow down the pace.
Do you really live like this, and not according to conscience?
Is that how you overcome desires?
And you will miss all the opportunities
Current upbringing...
You become part of a convenient,
Looking for the justification of this time.
Like attracts like.
Only a plea with cries of remorse.
Time and morals are changing,
All opinions have changed long ago,
And for me, my sinful righteousness
All whispers and whispers doubts.
There is no limit to the wisdom of the people.
And when the proverb says,
If you have done your job, you can safely
Declare a legal day off.
Only now there is a lot to do,
Every day there are new cases,
Will you stop time in the middle?
Look around you! Has life already passed?
The days fly by unnoticed - you won't have time to look back.
And where does the sand flow in the clock?
You'll regret a lot right away.,
You will remember that you didn't have time to say important words.
Children and grandchildren were left without your love,
You didn't have time and you didn't love your parents the way you should,
Will your mother's arms embrace you again?
You have deprived yourself of this reward.
A difficult life, but expensive,
Don't waste your life in vain,
Because, as another proverb says,
We have to live TODAY and NOW.
Write the way you breathe! Like a hurricane,
Go your own way and change your life.
And the thought is your guest, sometimes unexpected,
Stopped at your gate.
Past hopes and excuses -
You will not find it in the bins of paradise,
and there are many unjustified misconceptions
All this will appear before God like a forest.
And at this moment, simple and strange,
You, so driven by a sense of revenge,
What doesn't heal wounds,
You will leave your dear father's house.
You're taking revenge on yourself for the stinginess of words,
For not sleeping at night,
For writing poetry again,
Which, maybe, is a penny price.
A vendetta that burns in the mind,
Perhaps your best strategist,
Write as if you are in exile,
Prepare tactics, run away.
Write the way you breathe! In a foggy moment
You're choking on the rhythm of the lines,
You will find the desired flower of love,
And exhale the desired syllable.

Natalie Bisso is a poet, novelist, essayist, and songwriter.   He is the author of 13 original collections, more than 120 songs, co-author in more than 180 international collections. She is published in newspapers and magazines around the world. Her poems have been translated into 45 languages. She was awarded the title of "HONORARY FIGURE OF WORLD LITERATURE AND ARTS" with the award of a silver badge. He takes part in the literary life of different countries. She is Founder and President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune“ (MLATT / ILACT). She is corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences and Arts (MANI). She is also academician of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (MARLEY); academician of the International Academy of Russian Literature (MAPC). She is included in the book "50 unforgettable women of Europe.“ She is member of the Senate of the Federation of World Leaders, Honorary member of the World Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C.
The title of OUTSTANDING SCIENTIST FROM THE CONSORTIUM OF the International Academy of Ethics in India. She is included in the Platinum Book of the SPCA for active creative advances and great successes in creativity and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Union - FOREVER. 
The title of "Golden Feather of Russia“; 
The title of MASTER OF POETRY (Mexico); 
The title of MAESTRO (international);
The title of "Golden Feather of Kyrgyzstan“,  
Member of the Advisory Board of the Quarterly International Online Magazine Afflatus Creations, India;
The National President of the Spanish Writers' Union (UHE) in Germany.
Head of the German Branch of the SPCA, 
International Peace Ambassador, Dhaka, Bangladesh; 
Honorary President of Mil Mentes Por México and the International Jury in Germany (Mexico), 
Member of the European Council and the Intercontinental Advisory Committee of RINASCIMENTO-RENAISSANCE Millennium III (Egypt);
Honorary Member of the Union of Spanish-Language Writers (UXE);
Ambassador of the International Forum of Creativity and Humanity (IFCH) (Morokko),  
Member of the Cámara Internacional de Escritores & Artistas and the CIESART World Council (Spain). 
Advisor to the International Publication of Chinese Literature (Hubei Federation of Literary and Artistic Circles), 
Member of the Jury of international competitions,
Member of the International Union of Authors and Performers (ICAI).     
Member of the International Union of Writers (ISP),
member of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Modern Poetry "SVETOCH" (Russia),
member of the International Guild of Writers (Germany), 
Member of the International Association of Writers and Publicists (Lithuania), 
Member of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).
RECIPIENT of the International Medal "named after Adam Mickiewicz" Festival of Slavic Poetry and World Poetry Days under the auspices of UNESCO; 
RECIPIENT of the Gold Medal of the International Momunov Prize 
RECIPIENT of the medal "Anton Chekhov 160 years old"; 
KNIGHT of the Order "For Achievements in Culture and Art";
RECIPIENT of the Medal "For Contribution to cultural relations between Germany and Russia";
RECIPIENT of the medal of the Chekhov Autumn Festival
The recipient of the medal. Nadson's seeds.
 Multiple Grand Prize winner and Laureate of international literary and music competitions:   
Winner of the IV ANNUAL PEACE PRIZE 2024 DR. JOHN CARLOS MARTINS CHUEKAS; NATIONAL WINNER of GERMANY in the international Mili-Dueli competition; NATIONAL WINNER of GERMANY in the International AMILCARE SOLFERINO Award, Italy; GOLD WINNER of the National Literary Award Golden Pen of Russia; Letter of thanks from the State Duma of Russia for his great contribution to the development of Russian literature; Gold Winner of the Momunova International Literary Prize, Kyrgyzstan; Winner of several special international prizes from Russia, China, Mexico, Spain; Letter of thanks from the Government of the Chuvash Republic for contribution to the literature of the country and for the development and strengthening of friendly relations between writers; Winner of more than 500 diplomas and many other prizes. 
Her songs are performed on radio "Radar", "Recital", "Phoenix", "WE ARE TOGETHER", AUTORADIO, Radio OK, Radio NG, Talent Park, Ocean+, Radio UMRO(Mexiko), the video project "Intrigue Show". Participant of TV programs on the channel "Artist TV".
President of the International Literary Association "Creative Tribune"(ILACT),
Head of the German Branch of the Writers' Union NA,
Natalie Bisso
Президент Международной Литературной Ассоциации "Творческая Трибуна"(МЛАТТ), Руководитель Германского Отделения СПСА, Академик,
Натали Биссо
Группа ILA "Creative Tribune" в FB:https://www.facebook.com/groups/540040781692174
АВТОРСКИЙ САЙТ/  Natalie Bisso - Author's website
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Monday, October 21, 2024


A few days ago in Turkey the book was published: Poets From the World in Turkish, with 58 authors translated by the journalist, writer and publisher Arslan Bayir, Director of the Baygenç Kitap Publishing House, as well as editor of the magazine Güncel Sanat. Best wishes to all participating authors:

Arslan Bayir, Angela Kosta, Mujo Bucpapaj Dibran Fylli, Dragusha Ndue, Francesca Gallello, Chris Chen, Byeong Cheol Kang, Isabel Furini, Hassane Yarti, Maria Pellino,
Marianna Iannarone, Fatmir Gjata, 
Graciela Diana Pucci, Germain Droogenbroodt, Hasan Nashid, Nasir Aijaz, Anna Maria Dall'Olio, Gjergji Kosta, Lee Hee Kuk, Llesh Gjoka, Nina Lys Affane, Iris Calif, Ildije Xhemali, Dardan Berisha Ana Korça, Alessandro Russo, Brixhilda Dede, Rajmonda Mara, Kujtim Hajdari, Sadije Aliti, Parvinder Nagi, Jasna Gugić, Bardha Alimeta Sungrye Han, Elisa Mascia, Shailesh Veer, Shakil Kalam, Mohamed Ellaghafi, Antonina M. Wiśniewska, Yang Gem - Hee, Irene Doura-Kavadia, Lefteris Shomos, Mario Belolli, Ubaudillo Sanginov, 
Barbara Harris Leonhard.


ARSLAN BAYIR, was born in 1958, in the Bayır village of Alanya, Antalya. He attended elementary school in his village, middle and high school in Alanya and university in Denizli. In addition, he also obtained a degree in Turkish language from the Anatolian University in '99. Arslan has published several books and has received many prestigious awards.

ANGELA KOSTA was born in Albania and has lived in Italy since 1995. She has published several books and received awards and certificates of appreciation from several magazines and newspapers. She is Executive Director of the biweekly magazine MIRIADE and co-editor in various newspapers, magazines by states.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Two Poems by Md. Ejaj Ahamed

Autumn's Train

I love to travel by a train in autumn,
The train runs forward;
The plants, the busy fields run backward;
I sit by an eye of the train,
I  look out and I am charmed,
The white cloud-girls fly
In the blue sky;
The wind and the sun rays caress
Our minds and faces;
The sun soaked white paths lie on the fields' beds;
I love to hear the bards' songs in the compartments.

The catkins dance by the apathetic railway
Which becomes gay
At the arrival of a train.
The driver blows the whistles,
The idle time also arises and fondles;
I love to hear the wheels' rhythm.

I like to see the lonely station among the smiling trees
Who welcome the train standing by the both sides.
The breeze' s song is blown on the leaves.

Under A Starry Heaven

I sat by a stream under a starry heaven,
The night's eye found her face in the mirror of water,
I looked up and down again and again,
She smiled and all were being overwhelmed by her splendour;
The stream was laughing and dancing,
The breeze was singing,
And drawing fondling on our bodies and minds;
The whole valley bathed with the fountain of moonlight,
And wore the dress of delight.
Thoughts of romanticism were flying with wings
In the sky of my mind.
If my beloved were in this beautiful moment with me
How much better it would be!
Then thoughts of cosmos were flying with wings 
In the sky of my mind.
How large the cosmos!
How many planets and stars!
And the thought-birds mind me the Almighty
And I said, how great the Creator!

© Md. Ejaj Ahamed
Murshidabad, West Bengal, India

Md. Ejaj Ahamed is a bilingual poet, writer, journalist, teacher, an editor and a peace ambassador. He was born on 26 February 1990 in a remote village called Mahendrapur in Aurangabad of Murshidabad district, West Bengal, India. His parents are Md Samsuddin Biswas and Matiyara Bibi. His Educational Qualifications are English Honours, triple MA, B.Ed, D. El. Ed. He has taught in a few private schools and coaching centres from 2008 to January 2024. He has joined Shaikhpara Primary School under West Bengal Government on February, 2024. From an early age, he was able to cope with his family's financial difficulties and continue study, writing. During his college days, his Bengali-English poems and essays were published in the college magazine 'Ayon' every year. His Bengali-English poetry, essays have been published in various magazines, journals, news papers and joint poetry books. His poems have been translated into Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Italian, Albanian, Tajik, Polish, Hindi, Russian, Bosnian, German, Duch. His research article 'Discovery and the Golden Peak of Improvement' has been published in an International Journal Called RJELAL and his another research article 'Exploring New Trends and Innovations in English Language and Literature' has been published in an international standard book. His published Bengali books are 'Swopno Tori'(Dream Boat), Bangla Sahitya o cinemaya Goyenda Charitra (Detective Characters in Bengali Literature and Cinema), 'Maner pandulipi' (Manuscript of Mind), 'Hrid-Canvas' (Heart-Canva) and 'Antarer Kabyakatha' (The Poetry of Heart), 'Paranta Sandhya' (Fall Evening), 'Selected Bengali Poems for Humanity & Peace'. He has made 'Ejajan Poem' and 'Science Poem'. He is the chief editor of Swapner Vela Sahitya patrika (The Raft of Dreams Literary Magazine). He was a member of the editorial board of 'International Sahitya Subarna' magazine, now he is a member of the advisory committee. He is the North Bengal editor of 'The Quadri Times' news paper, an admin of 'Puspaprovat' news portal and finance secretary of 'Joy Bangla Sahitya Parisad' of Bangladesh. He has edited a collection of Bengali poems by poets from India and Bangladesh, 'Kabitar Akash' (The Sky of Poetry) and 'Kabitar Aranya'(The Forest of Poetry), 'Kabitar Sagar' (The Sea of Poetry). He also works as a journalist for various newspapers. He has gotten many awards and honorary doctorates, honorary diplomas from various organisations. He got honour from the SAARC Human Rights Foundation.
He has received 'Ambassador of peace' of WLFPH, 'Global Ambassador' of International Literacy Study Group (Bangladesh) Member of Global Ambassadors of Sustainability and Certified Sustainability Officer (Dubai), Member of International Peace Ambassadors Academy (Egypt), Ambassador- 'Iqra Foundation' (Jerusalem), Member of Peace of 'International Academy for Peace and Human Rights' (Egypt), Member- 'Feather and Extender Humanity Academy' Europe and Turkey Branch, Member- Global Friends Club, Ambassador for World Peace- Foundation Maria Gladys. He is also a moderator of 'London Poets Club' (England), member of Farsala Academy (Greece), International Director of Diplomatic Relations and member of OCertiVa Social Media Administrators/Moderators Committee, an agency of The Sovereign Online State.


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