In the gold dust of distant stars
the heavy, golden arrows and bows
in our bare hands, in our own magical world
I follow the sounds that travel
What magical paths!
Senses, words along with time, sweetly flow
in dreams, velvet purple
Flowers of the moon, silver apples
divine offering
on a night of miracles
On the leaves of red roses,
our bright caresses when the petals open
and those of Spring, the wind kisses
on our cheeks and lips
Angels with white wings, ornaments of beauty
follow our unadulterated love
Shooting stars, in flashes of light
fall to earth are the golden rain
of our wishes
On the roads of the Sun
of the heart and the mind
beautiful fruit of Heavenly hope
of love ,the magical light
With the gold of
stars, the Sun is Rising
blue day
it sweetens the soul and the heart
Tender myrtle
tender girl
in your palm
roll, a piece……..of Heaven
Gold and emerald
your height
it clothes me with strength and serenity
really, it binds me
We are separate winds
foreign breaths
bright blue waters
where the tender branches
they hide in the willing earth
The love that wants everything
when the lips are red
when they touch kiss
Oh! love conquers all.
KAPARDELI EFTICHIA – FROM GREECE has a degree as an art conservator 2021 She has a Doctorate from ARTS AND CULTURE WORLD ACADEMY. World Academy of Art and Culture | Facebook International Ambassador of the International Chamber of Writers and Artists LIC ,Member of the World Poets’ society and poetas del mundo , member of the IWA, member of Ε.Ε.Λ.Σ.Π.Η The Union of Greek Writers-Authors of the Five Continents , member of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF GREEK LITERATURES-ARTISTS-DEEL and PEL (the world association of writers in Greece) Panhellenic Union of Writers
Thank you so much for this honor