Sunday, January 28, 2024

Two Poems by Maid Corbic

Cold Weathers
Winter has come
In a white coat
There's a man standing
That was me.
And I looked around
Austria is a country of cold
Rich in Mozart balls
Eight euros and much more
I was amazed by the garden
At Schoburn Castle
And everything is as if they are in a dream.
More than ever especially
Because I'm so happy
Why I meet people at night
Culture and Art
I appreciate everything about them
Because they are people
Similar menu
Cold but beautiful
Because the meaning of life is
To look forward to a new day
Coming to me
Austria is my dream
To experience it again
Because love is very clear
When I have what I want!

Prague, Centre of the World 

I was happy in Prague.
Because I drank the best spirits
Meet a historical fact
Yes, Prague is a country of existence
Where people are very happy
I was a tourist one day.
But I felt like it every day.
I am their resident.
Because they are really good people.
Historical battles are shown
Where people with swords fought
For the history of his country
In all this, it is as if I find myself
Because the meaning of life is my existence.
Love was born in that wonderful time.
When no one cared, it wasn't
Prague is the centre of the world for me.
Because I feel free in it.
The reason for life is now more persistent
Because the Czech Republic is the land of peace and happiness!

© Maid Corbic 
Branislava Nusica 129,75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
+38762120989 (WhatsApp)

Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 24 years old. In his spare time, he writes poetry that has been praised on several occasions, as well as awarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and world peace in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the portal of the First Virtual Art Universe, led by Dijana Uherek Stevanović, and the selector of the competition on the page of the same name, which aims to connect all poets around the world.
Many works have also been published in anthologies and magazines (Chile, Spain, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Salvador, United Kingdom, Indonesia, India, Croatia, Serbia, etc.) as well as printed copies of the anthology of poems "Sea in the palm of your hand", " Stories from Isolation ", and" Kosovo Peony "and others. Through his efforts and work, he has reached numerous acquaintances around the world, and in 2020 he was named Poet of the Year in the Indo-Universe Group, which also engages in charity around the world.
He has been writing for over thirteen years, and the beginning dates back to elementary school, when professors recognized the enthusiasm for the written trail, which was initially conducted through competitive competitions, and later with the development of technology outside their country in online format. This author is also even representative in order to represent his country in various international writing competitions, and soon his works will be translated into several languages ​​of the world (Chinese, Italian, French). He is also known for often supporting other authors around the world and is happy to advise on certain concerns with a smile on his face.
Winner of numerous awards, among them the association "KNS - Nova Svjetlost" in Sarajevo, during which he won a bronze charter for his work, which was evaluated by an international jury. Numerous revisions have been written about him, and he has also published many pages about both the world and the domestic scene. He is also the winner of the competition "Poets who touch love" with the Golden Triptych about his work, which had a character on the occasion of St. Trifundana. His works are an inspiration even to well-known people who really give great revisions and support.
Ambassador of cultural differences in Syria, and recently presented on the blog "New Story" as a young author who has won numerous awards and a person worthy of attention. In 2020, the winning country was Montenegro. He is currently on the jury of the Galaxia International Competition for Unpublished Poetry in Spain in 2021 as the only author in the Balkans to be an author, and was soon promoted as a global artist.
He is the winner of the BigBang competition that was organized in Tuzla in 2021. He is the winner of the Arts and Culture category by the Jury, but is also a translator in the Chateau Square group where he revises poetry and prose, as well as in Point Editions in Germany, which also translates written works. In ILA Magazine's he is also a travel translator, as well as in the Association of Balkan Artists as a selector. He is a translator on the ITHACA site run by Germain Droogembrodth from Germany, and is also the author with the highest number of successes in his industry, poetry that has over ten thousand successes virtually, as well as several publications around the world that have been published.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Two Poems by Aparajita Purkayastha

The Eternal Epic

Trying to flip through
The pages of an epic
A never ending yet ever
Fading , an epic that has
Crudest of pains, cruellest of rains
Hazy fear finding its ways
Through the gush of blood
In the weakened veins.

I have donned the kohl
Of concealed despair
I have put on the cloak
Designed of silky dreams
Embroidered with the threads
Of unreal hope and despondency
My lips are coloured
With the bright radiant hue
Liners defining the idiosyncrasies.

I move on as the epic
Unfolds pages unseen
And paths untread, seemingly green
My foot falls on the tornado of sand
In the creepy desert land.

Yet, I move on as the epic
Uncovers, unfolds, unravels
The darkened nights, the rosy days
Fighting back the heart’s dismays…!

The Cherished Chest

I opened a chest today
A chest, a treasure box , a myriad
Of moments, made of gold and grey
I opened a chest today
A treasure box of speaking eyes
And silent lips , broken hearts
and hazy dreams.

I never knew that I’d filled
The chest with memories innumerable
Often seemed minute , yet now so incredible
Necklaces of love, rings of happiness
Studs designed of selfless care
Bangles embossed out of trust and share.

I never knew that I’d filled
The chest with memories innumerable
Often seemed minute , yet now so incredible
Maa’s frowns, Baba’s roars
Could be felt in a crowd of crores
Maa doesn’t frown now, for she
Thinks I’m the best
Baba’s roars are within me,
For a lioness doesn’t bark
She roars in the light and in the dark…!

I have opened the chest today
It lives in my heart , night and day…!

© Aparajita Purkayastha 
New Delhi, India

Born in the beautiful hilly state of Nagaland, Aparajita is an English teacher in one of the most prestigious institutions of New Delhi. She vents out her emotions through her poems and her genre centres round the sufferings , the harsh emotional toils and the urge for human empathy for a peaceful existence. Her words are simple, yet effective, lucid and heart bound. She believes that words are the best way to reach out to people in an effective, sensitive and sensible manner.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Come and Get It, a Poem by Kelly Moyer

The soup is simmering
so you might want to count
your kittens, for I found
a whisker 
floating in the pot; 
but, what is life if not 
for its sweetness, 
put up for auction 
a day shy of your passing
as a dusty ol’ remainder lot?

© Kelly Moyer
North Carolina, USA

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Two Poems by Jahnavi Gogoi

The Aparajita blithe
on the bamboo trellis,
my mother’s pride

a distant chime of bells
unsettles the evening as
an arm snakes through the fence
bony, weather beaten, familiar
a quick nip and stealthy tuck
into the corner of a worn pallu

smoky incense, earthen lamps darkened
with age, the flickering cotton wicks
but unperturbed the
neighbourhood matriarch
worships her god
with an offering of stolen flowers.


Aparajita: Asian pigeonwings, blue pea, butterfly pea, found in most homes in India.
Pallu: a Saree’s end thrown over a shoulder sometimes used to cover the head.


Another night spent ministering
to the darkness in my heart
I wait for the incessant din
of sparrows on my terrace
the man next door whistles
out of tune, the walls so thin,
but all I hear is the cogent silence
of your vacant chair, interrupted
by the morning newspaper landing
at my feet with a merciless thump.
© Jahnavi Gogoi

Jahnavi Gogoi’s poetry has been published in Haiku Corner by The Japan Society, Shadow Pond Journal, The Leaf Journal, haikuNetra, Scarlet Dragonfly Journal, Cold Moon Journal, The Usawa Literary review, Borderless Journal, The Chakkar, Poems India, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Inssaei International journal, Micropoetry Cosmos, Academy of the Heart And Mind, Spillwords, Indian Periodical, Synchronized Chaos, Soul Connection, Reflections, and others. She won the first prize in the poetry writing competition organized by the Chandigarh Literary Society in the year 2022 for her poem ‘If this isn’t love’. She writes a lot about her native state of Assam, India, having spent her early childhood years in the shadow of the Patkai hills in northeast India. Jahnavi now lives in the beautiful town of Ajax in Ontario, Canada with her husband and daughter.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Two Poems by Kuma Raj Subedi 

Quarantined Waltz
Without communication 
In severe isolation 
New buds continuously try to sprout 
Clouds block light
Pale they look 
Under lockdown condition 
Unfair restrictions impose 
Scars on larval emotions 
Grief-infected souls groan masking 
For a clean sweep 
For a new sanitized realm 
Where they 
Can waltz in reality.

Barbie in Reverse 
In a pink dream world
when everyone sleeps
a self-proclaimed full-size barbie
dreams of becoming a mother.
Her man does it all for her-
washes  her clothes,
massages her to tone up her skin,
serves  food on the table,
does the dishes
watches as she feeds the baby formula
–as breastfeeding might harm a slim body—
and washing might crack delicate skin.
She needs massage to send her to sleep,
without him she wouldn’t eat.
When she wakes up,
she sees a muscular man
riding an Andalusian stallion
and succumbs to the majestic grandeur.

© Kuma Raj Subedi 

Kuma Raj Subedi was born in the Parbat district in Nepal. He has got two postgraduate degrees :MA in British & American literature, and Master of Teaching in TESOL. As a poet and translator his numerous creations have been published on various print and online platforms such as Misty Mountain Review, Spill words, Indian Review, Muse India, Polis Magazino, Kavya Kishor, Aksharang, Sipay, The Gorkha Times, Of Nepalese Clay, Sindh Courier,  Newsn Jeju, Ink Pantry, The Indian Periodical, Nepalnamcha, Poetishes, The Offline Thinker, Setopati, Poeticia, The Rising Junkiri, Sahitya Sangraha, Modern Poets Anthology (Ukiyoto Publishing), The Writer’s Cafe etc.Recently he participated in KM100NZ haiku competition in New Zealand and Joy to the world poetry festival. He is anctiv involved to TramsEnd Poets, a group of prominent poets and critics in Adelaide. He often writes about issues such as women’s suffering, memories, religion, nature, migration, love and culture. Currently, Mr. Subedi is residing in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia with his two daughters and wife and works as an accomplished lecturer at TafeSA. He has been awarded as the Best Poet of the Event in the International Nazarul Poetry Festival 2023 in Bangladesh. He has been exclusively interviewed in MTV in Nepal. He has also been interviewed in a literary program by Kalika FM and Vijaya FM about his creative writings and current literary trends and styles. He has been interviewed and got published in Kayakairan Daily. Three book reviews on his debut anthology of poetry have been published in The Rising Nepal, a leading and the oldest English newspaper in Nepal and in Sahitya Post, a full time literary digital magazine in Nepal. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Two Poems by Ma Yongbo

Under a Pine
A lone pine, pebble path,wet grass
a wood stool covered by pine needles and dew drops 
dry with tissue, again wind shakes off 
a small puddle,just lie on the bench
have a meeting,discussing serious topics 
and love of course,"the measure of humanity"
sunlight slides down the hump back of a bird
honey dripping from beehives
what should we concern about
regrets of yesterday or fears of tomorrow
rot like a hatchet handle,recover
shade falling on the eyelids,on the faraway mount road
the man knocking at stones was once knocking at chess pieces
The wind through pine brings fragrance of rosin
Just have a dream and then
wake up to find a life has been wasted.
A lonesome butterfly in the mountain, tenderly thin
falls on the gravel path like a piece of cool rain
spreads the black wings,soundlessly glides through
sunlight and showers,into darker woods
they once fell onto the reddish dregs of my wine
whether we have been here before 
to gather the butterflies in the empty alley
contain their delicate cries in transparent bottle
they are flying again,mixed with a few moths
always the same black butterfly
fleeting over pinetops,dragging golden threads of sunlight
finally falls with stones into the valley
its sound of hiting the ground is never heard
After the flight of butterflies
we are no longer where we were.

© Ma Yongbo 
Nanjing, China

Ma Yongbo was born in 1964, PhD, representative of Chinese avant-garde poetry, translator, editor, and leading scholar of postmodern poetry. He has authored or translated more than 70 published books. Ma is a professor in the Faculty of Arts and Literature at Nanjing University of Science and Technology. His translations from English include works by Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens, W. C. Williams, John Ashbery, Henry James, Herman Melville, May Sarton and others.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Two Poems by Iris Calif

The Daughter of the Living

God creates the heavens
of the spirit in the light of the world
Springs with the authentic names of life
You are my strength
In my image the moon;
Man’s salvation.
Behold, I am the Iris; the daughter of the living
naked in sight of the sick of the kingdom of above
Adorned with gold and drops of moon light.
The sun in the clouds, and the rays wanders
My body like the burning of the darkness
Of Arch,
The night is heart breaking from time to time,
Embroiders in the mountains to the Iris grace,
And at the gate of the earth, Gabriel.
The temple house of the dead,
was founded in me
and the snowy days of the blood
of my soul.
Kneels in the light of the prophets
Down touches a human-
Blooded kiss,
And in the image of the soul of God,
Our father in heaven,
In the beginning of the wilderness.
Temple of the scriptures of the world
In the voice of psalms, creator of the human
Daughter of love, daughter of God
A girl of life.
The Desert Bride
In the calm prayer of your rains, simulates virtue of love
Observe In God's garment to my body
 I Clear silence The wind,
The darkness carrying love
Desire raising my dream 
And the summer candle is lit by a holy life
Reigns in the crown of winter Writings of my soul
The evening creates my passion that gives birth to existence
The night is heavily breathing of the sand in the pasture of the world
And in the knowledge of heaven, I am the bride of the desert

© Iris Calif

Iris Calif, Resident of the State of Israel, poet, writer, translator of poetry (to Hebrew), and dancer. Iris is also in charge of all foreign connection for the cultural and literature internet magazine "in direction of the wind", editor and translator Universal Poetry at "Mokasini" Magazine Culture & Lifestyle Magazine, Editor and translator in the "World Poetry" of the literature website "Rooms". She is member of the Composers' Association of Hebrew authors and publishers in Israel named “ ACUM. Iris is Award Winner of 2023: The International Best Poets & POETS: THE JOURNAL OF RENDITION OF INTERNATIONAL POETRY (ITRC)[Multilingual] [China] The Board of Directors of World Union of Poetry Magazines, November 18, 2023.
Iris was awarded a diploma from "The Russian Professional Writers Union" and the international magazine "Arina NN", registered in the Ministry of Culture of Russia for her contribution to world culture "International Poetic Community" 2022, and a member of the Association of artists and writers of the World SAPS. Iris is also serve on the editorial board of the World Poetry Yearbook 2024 (English edition). She holds an honorary doctorate from the International Forum for Creativity, Humanity and Coexistence, Kingdom of Morocco.
Iris is 49 years old: married and mother of three daughters. Her three books are published: In a fascinating (or magic) lane breathes (or blows) Lolita on On 2001, Wild moon on 2017, And The daughter of GOD on 2020. She is currently working on her fourth book of scripture. Her poems have been published on radio, television, magazines in Israel and abroad, literary websites in Israel and around the world Exhibited in Exhibited in prestigious exhibitions in Israel, the Internet and newspapers international, and have been translated by international poets into Spanish, Bengali, Chinese, Russian Turkish, Nepali, Arabic Assamese and Italian. Her poetry reflects the inner journey of her soul, which looks through love, dreams life, and breathes holy worlds, in the hidden spirit, and is a symbol and expression of her victory over Anorexia, and her choice of choosing life and love with courage.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Two Poems by Jatinder Aulakh


Harmonious feelings
Of heavenly love
Make me walk
On the miraculous path of
Aromatic alluring dreams

Fatter less love of boundless soul

Enjoying vibrant richness of emotions
Unfolding the abundance of thee love
Nature getting trance
by thee  magical ageless presence 

Those moments i have spent
Were possessed by lifeless bondage
Now i start to breathe  again
As flower delightfully respond to
Slow wind in the lukewarm sunlight.

Moon Through Glass Window

I was lying in the room
Waiting to sleep
I gazed at beautiful half moon
Shining through the glass window

Milky rayses of moon
Was coming into my room.

My mind drowned in sadness
And memories of past
Tormented to my thoughts

Suddenly i started dialouge
With moon
And his milky rayes
Console my imbalancing heart.

Slowing he was being
Disappears from my window

And getting away dismayed
Feelings of my lonely mind.
He blessed me with abundance 
Of comfort.
© Jatinder Aulakh
Amritsar, Punjab, India 

Jatinder Aulakh was born in 'Kohali small village of Indian province Punjab situated near India-Pakistan border. He has been editor of Hindi and Punjabi literary journal ‘Meghla’. His articles and poetry have been published in leading newspapers and magazines. Jatinder Aulakh has been a columnist in several newspapers. By profession, he is a Homoeopathic Doctor and his research work about archaeological sites has been well recognized. Now a day he is literary editor of 'Punjabi Writer Weekly' Newyork based newspaper and publishing works of the writers from all around the world. 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Two Poems by Hong Ngoc Chau

The Loving Christmas

Song melts the cold night of winter 
My loving heart is moved as ever
Men's and women's clothes in bright colors
Afternoon, they merrily go in streets as ever

Happy to go church to celebrate Mass
Rejoice in God with many things at last
The stars are twinkling in the dark night
Many desires as brilliant flowery lights

Over worldly life is the temporary realm
We welcome God from an above-realm
We pray to God for the world peace
Keep the faith, a sweet love indeed

Our nostalgia touches the heart high above
Our prayer remains and reaches God’s love
Poems deep in our souls’ longing anyway
We dream of world peace just like we pray

I hope snow flowers fly but don't get cold
For you and me in two horizons, you know
We together spread warm humanity 
As we are always with one heart really

We all work together and try together
Spiritual bridge opens the way as ever
Peace, cooperation always cherish
A scent life progress in civilizing it

We all pray to our God of mercy, you see
We unite to celebrate, family are gladly
Mom and Dad are merry to live a long life
Good children honor their ancestors’ life

He bestows throughout the world the bliss,
Human hearts engraved know and practice
Help people who are suffering, less suffering
With high determination, hearts are trusting

Paradise of Language

The paradise of language exists in motion
The cradle that nurtures many emotions
The source of happiness from language
And the origin of civilization we prove it

Inner feelings are always reflected
How much hope is revived indeed
Love definitely filters the essence
Human life is full of love essence

Step by step we find the semantics is full
A language flower garden is so beautiful
Just as we love life and mankind forever
Just language helps us to live together...

If you understand love is always so pretty
We need to understand all the sincerity
We need the world to understand all language
Exchange good dreams for each other indeed

Appreciate the treasure of semantics
To build a peaceful life of semantics
Freedom, happiness with humanity
In civilized life, we send love really

© Hong Ngoc Chau

Nguyen Chau Ngoc Doan Chinh is her true name. Her Pen name is Hong Ngoc Chau, and her Facebook name is Nguyen Chinh. She graduated Master's degree in Education Management. She is a Member of the Association of Writers of Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), the Honorary Foreign Advisor, Ambassador of the Suryodaya Literature Foundation (SLF) From- Vietnam; the member Admin of W.U. P (World Union of Poets), the level of General ConceIlor of the World Union of Poets with Coordinators Silver Medal (14th medal of the World Union of Poets), Contributor of VISHWA BHARATI - India (The Vishwabharati Research Center), International Ambassador of the Circle of the International Chamber of Writers & Artists, Administrator, moderator, group expert of many literary forums around the world…CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES Books of poems published: Vietnamese Contemporary Poetry (Volume 1); The Road to the True Heart, Pitiable or Blamable… and many works have been published on world literary forums, newspapers, magazines of English Literature, USA, India, Poland, China, etc., global publications; honored to receive the Excellence Award of the European Poetry Championship 2021, honored to participate in the 2nd World Literature Festival 2021, honored works selected by Indian Educators to be published in a multilateral anthology Global convenience, honor to attend the World Poetry Championship 2021, Inner Child Press International-'building bridges of cultural understanding' 2019, 2020, 2021,2022, 2023 etc...

Truly Possible, a Poem by Jean C Bertrand

Quite interesting
To be certain, sun’s gesture
From high heaven, 
The source of power
Its sense of beauty
Gigantic, hugely , so fascinating
Beautiful essence, rain
Pouring like never before
In the night, violin playing
What’s right, well, unlocking
Describable chemistry
Unfolding, here again, bathed
Sun, rain, empowers, from the
Golden benefits, a river flow
Unforgettable, retrieving a vibrant smile.
© Jean C Bertrand
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Friday, January 5, 2024

Two Poems by Irma Kurti

I Will Not Shut My Eyes

I will not shut my eyes;
to remember you in every touch, 
in every caress and kiss,
I keep your image in mind.

To hold onto your image 
in every tremor or whisper, 
like the very first time,
in every word and sigh— 
I will not shut my eyes.

Like Ravens

In that mystery I perceive the silences
and all my thoughts caw like ravens, 
they stop among dozens of unknown people, 
who are mutated into numbers and names. 

When I come to your grave, dear Mamma, 
I feel that I lose you a thousand times again,
the sorrow with a whip lashes my anima, 
the desperation takes all my words away. 

© Irma Kurti
Bergamo, Italy

IRMA KURTI is an Albanian poet, writer, lyricist, journalist, and translator and has been writing since she was a child. She is a naturalized Italian and lives in Bergamo, Italy. All her books are dedicated to the memory of her beloved parents, Hasan Kurti and Sherife Mezini, who have supported and encouraged every step of her literary path. Kurti has also won numerous literary prizes and awards in Italy and Italian Switzerland. She was awarded the Universum Donna International Prize IX Edition 2013 for Literature and received a lifetime nomination as an Ambassador of Peace by the University of Peace, Italian Switzerland. In 2020, she became the honorary president of WikiPoesia, the encyclopedia of poetry. In 2021, she was awarded the title of Liria (Freedom) by the Italian-Albanian community in Italy. In 2022, she was also nominated as the Albanian ambassador to the International Academic Award of Contemporary Literature Seneca of the Academy of Philosophical Arts and Sciences, Bari. She also won the prestigious 2023 Naji Naaman's literary prize for complete work. Irma Kurti has published 28 books in Albanian, 24 in Italian, 15 in English, and two in French. She has written approximately 150 lyrics for adults and children. She has also translated 17 books by different authors, and all of her own books into Italian and English. Her books have been translated and published in 14 countries.

I Am, a Poem by Eva Petropoulou Lianou

I am one of so many romantic souls 
That one day they believe that Kindness will rule this world!!! 

I became one of the secret, they tell us when we were childrens and played in the backyard...

I am a rose that grew up in a garden without attention from the others. 
But the Sun always gave me his love and light to continue to breathe... 

I am one of the rare hearts, even if they are broken, they find some golden pieces to fix their wounds and they start beat again...

Tik tok tik 
Tik tok tik
Tik tok tik

© Eva Petropoulou Lianou
Athens, Greece

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Two Poems by Jaipreet Grover

Some Secrets
Let some secrets be secrets,
Etched on the walls of your heart.
Share with yourself,
For it’s an intimate tranquil
A Talk with Heart!
As all chapters cannot be read aloud
With everyone around.
Keeping this intact is also a form of art!

Mute the World
Mute the world
To unmute yourself
To listen to yourself
In silence or in crowds
In daytime or night time
In all seasons
Without giving anyone 
Justification or reason
To delve into yourself
To rediscover yourself
The real connection
Is indeed
To understand yourself first
Your desires, needs, and dreams
Your hobbies, happiness, and joys
Learn to keep yourself first
By being true to yourself first!
© Jaipreet Grover
Maharashtra, India

Poetess Jaipreet Grover holds a Master’s degree in HR and is currently working as an educationist in India’s renowned school. She has been bestowed with the Teachers’ Recognition Award in 2019. Her poems have been reviewed and published on multiple national and international platforms, e-zines, and in the school magazine. She is also one of the co-authors of five anthologies and one storybook. She has been conferred with "The Order of Shakespeare award", "Golden Badge" and Prashasti Patra" globally.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Two Poems by Mir Samsul Haque


While listening to scalding heart
It's hard to remain deadpan 
Better crawl inside and cry 
For an incredible life 
I'm grateful to you
You trained me how to tame tears 
As they are to be glistened
When there's gore in galore
Listen !!
I can't smile as reality hits 
I'm gonna sink in the sea of strife 
Let another deluge of tears 
Overwhelm me
You can't feel truly 
The intensity of grief 
You gifted me.


Chaos reigns supreme
Yet, I've a dogged determination
I've to keep going
As swiftly as possible...

I never allow my soul
To suffer in silence
Since it gives me 
A narrative of my own...

Some hopes fading fast
I'm stripped by false promises
Being gripped in panic 
Of this paradoxical planet ...
I'm not dead. I'll grow wise
In such misfortunes of life...

Let me cherish some nostalgia
Maybe you feel it's a paranoia 
I've a sea in my eyes
My heart, an ocean 
Brimming with emotions
My mind, a landscape
Dotted with steaks of ecstasy
I'm hanging on to hope
Yup ! I can helm my world well.
© Mir Samsul Haque
Kendrapara, Odisha, India 
Mir Samsul Haque hails from Odisha, India. He is a trilingual poet and very  passionate about  writing poetry in English, Odia and Urdu. His poems have been appeared in different national and international anthologies. At present he's a jury in two poetry groups. He's an avid reader. He loves reading and writing poems of different genres.

About India As My Love, a Poem by Maid Corbic

I write songs because I am an author, a poet
and I don't consider myself a weirdo
Because everyone knows my songs today
India especially, because today is its holiday

I know that people in India are very special
I believe that being an Indian is an honor and pride
Love cannot be easily hidden
Towards the country and towards that people

Very good friends, collaborators for the world
The meaning of life is to love others around you
If you want your world to be a special place
Magical for goodness and grace around you

I know I'm not that perfect
But faith and hope for something better gives me
An opportunity to realize that not everything is so black
As I thought when I was alone

Because they remember me, that's why
Happy India Day, the Republic and the only one
Who loves and appreciates all the people around her
All people of the world and culture!

© Maid Corbic 
Branislava Nusica 129,75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
+38762120989 (WhatsApp)

Maid Corbic from Tuzla, 24 years old. In his spare time, he writes poetry that has been praised on several occasions, as well as awarded. He also selflessly helps others around him, and is the moderator of the WLFPH (World Literature Forum Peace and Humanity) for unity and world peace in Bhutan. He is also the editor of the portal of the First Virtual Art Universe, led by Dijana Uherek Stevanović, and the selector of the competition on the page of the same name, which aims to connect all poets around the world.

Many works have also been published in anthologies and magazines (Chile, Spain, Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Salvador, United Kingdom, Indonesia, India, Croatia, Serbia, etc.) as well as printed copies of the anthology of poems "Sea in the palm of your hand", " Stories from Isolation ", and" Kosovo Peony "and others. Through his efforts and work, he has reached numerous acquaintances around the world, and in 2020 he was named Poet of the Year in the Indo-Universe Group, which also engages in charity around the world.

He has been writing for over thirteen years, and the beginning dates back to elementary school, when professors recognized the enthusiasm for the written trail, which was initially conducted through competitive competitions, and later with the development of technology outside their country in online format. This author is also even representative in order to represent his country in various international writing competitions, and soon his works will be translated into several languages of the world (Chinese, Italian, French). He is also known for often supporting other authors around the world and is happy to advise on certain concerns with a smile on his face.

Winner of numerous awards, among them the association "KNS - Nova Svjetlost" in Sarajevo, during which he won a bronze charter for his work, which was evaluated by an international jury. Numerous revisions have been written about him, and he has also published many pages about both the world and the domestic scene. He is also the winner of the competition "Poets who touch love" with the Golden Triptych about his work, which had a character on the occasion of St. Trifundana. His works are an inspiration even to well-known people who really give great revisions and support.

Ambassador of cultural differences in Syria, and recently presented on the blog "New Story" as a young author who has won numerous awards and a person worthy of attention. In 2020, the winning country was Montenegro. He is currently on the jury of the Galaxia International Competition for Unpublished Poetry in Spain in 2021 as the only author in the Balkans to be an author, and was soon promoted as a global artist.

He is the winner of the BigBang competition that was organized in Tuzla in 2021. He is the winner of the Arts and Culture category by the Jury, but is also a translator in the Chateau Square group where he revises poetry and prose, as well as in Point Editions in Germany, which also translates written works. In ILA Magazine's he is also a travel translator, as well as in the Association of Balkan Artists as a selector. He is a translator on the ITHACA site run by Germain Droogembrodth from Germany, and is also the author with the highest number of successes in his industry, poetry that has over ten thousand successes virtually, as well as several publications around the world that have been published.


“Literature is the revolt against accepted things”…Maria Teresa Liuzzo exemplifies these wise sayings and goes further… Transforming conscio...